caring for communities people

CARING FOR COMMUNITIES & PEOPLE Ross Webber Worcestershire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CARING FOR COMMUNITIES & PEOPLE Ross Webber Worcestershire HoPES and Redditch & Bromsgrove Rough Sleeper Project Manager Our priority is to people who have serious and immediate need, equipping them to meet the demands of an

  1. CARING FOR COMMUNITIES & PEOPLE Ross Webber Worcestershire HoPES and Redditch & Bromsgrove Rough Sleeper Project Manager Our priority is to people who have serious and immediate need, equipping them to meet the demands of an ever-evolving society.

  2. Severe Weather Emergency Protocol – Winter 2017 - 18 • SWEP Explained – Shelter for all, Outreach & Partnership Working • Key differences this year for Worcestershire • The Beast from the East – Redditch • Season extended to the end of April

  3. Statistics • 56 Activations to date (16 in total last year) • 96 different clients have accessed the Worcester SWEP and 9 different clients in Redditch - 105 in total. • 2 Dogs have also been sheltered • 34 members of staff/ volunteers have worked on shift including some from Radiate Redditch and Maggs Day Centre • The longest single spell was 11 nights • Police call outs = 2 • Ambulance call outs = 2 • Lives have been saved!

  4. Outcomes (Inc. Redditch) Housed/ Accommodated (Inc. Temporary & Aspire in Birmingham) 21 Housed/ Accommodated (Inc. Temporary) but refused 4 Already had accommodation (ineligible) 5 Currently engaging with CCP HoPES or R&B Rough Sleeper 19 Referred to CCP but DNE (Did not engage) 3 Blue Light Programme 1 NACRO 1 Park Street Referral 2 Sent to Prison 2 Accommodated in Domestic Violence Unit 1 Reconnected 1 Unknown or DNE (including some that came to SWEP but did not stay the night) 45 Total 96

  5. Vision for next year • A local SWEP in each district • Larger premises/ extended facilities for Worcester City (The Salvation Army) • Longer opening hours to allow better engagement in the morning • Partnership Out Reach with the Maggs Day Centre MOATS Team • A pop up Café to provide warmth and support during the day • Harness the support of all nonprofessional support groups • Agreement with the Police around CRASBOs etc.

  6. Thank you Any questions?


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