Health Engagement with BME Communities in Brighton & Hove
The Trust for Developing Communities The Trust for Developing Communities The Trust for Developing Communities The Trust for Developing Communities - - - - supporting community activity supporting community activity supporting community activity supporting community activity • Work together to tackle local issues • Develop skills within the communities where we work • Support & develop community groups • Assist community groups to respond to need
BME Engagement • Supporting BME people to get involved in the ways that they want to • Helping BME people to link with existing or set up new community groups / activities • Supporting groups to develop their skills, confidence and independence • Identifying BME community learning needs • Engaging more isolated people • Influencing BHCC and health structures • Working together to improve communications
Hangleton & Knoll Project CCG Engagement • Working with men and young people – building on existing partnership with HKMCWG • Life in the UK course • Family trips – building links • Black History Month
BME Health Engagement How we engage: Door knocking Focus groups Attending Events Working with community groups Working with partner organisations Organising and supporting community events Contacting people directly in the community at various shops, takeaways, hair salons, restaurants etc. to participate in giving feedback
BME Health Engagement community Where we engage: centers faith community meeting groups places community children's events centres
BME Health Engagement Challenges: • Brighton is a small city so BME communities are not as big as elsewhere. • We have a very mixed BME population making it more challenging to identify and address the needs of individual communities. • Different communities can have distinct issues so there’s no one ‘BME’ picture • The diverse groups we work with include- Chinese Elders group, Bangladeshi women's group, Oromo community group, Anatolian group, Euromernet and many others.
The Real Picture Religion Ethnicity Language Cultural Age identity
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