career academies


Richard Woods, Georgias School Superintendent Educating Georgias Future Richard Woods, Georgias School Superintendent Educating Georgias Future GEORGIA COLLEGE AND CAREER ACADEMIES: PERFORMANCE

  1. Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” GEORGIA COLLEGE AND CAREER ACADEMIES: PERFORMANCE CONTRACT OVERVIEW, QUESTIONS, AND UPDATES GCCA 2018 Grant Workshop July 12, 2018 1

  2. What is a Georgia College and Career Academy (GCCA)? Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” • A specialized school established: • as a charter school , or • pursuant to a contract for a Strategic Waivers School System , or • pursuant to a contract for a C harter System Definition* • Formalizes a partnership that demonstrates a collaboration between business, industry, and community stakeholders to advance work force development between one or more local boards of education, a private or public organization or agency, and one or more postsecondary institutions Note: The definition of a CCA was amended with the passage of SB 348 during the 2016 legislative session. The new definition allows CCAs created within a Strategic Waivers School System (SWSS) contract to be eligible for TCSG capital funding 2

  3. What is a Georgia College and Career Academy (GCCA)? Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” • Many college and career academies originate from district CTAE programs • College and career academy courses are a reflection of the needs of the local Facts & businesses and community • Georgia has 43 college and career academies approved by the State Board Features of Education • 23 have their own charter contracts • 16 are in a Charter System contract • 4 are in a Strategic Waivers School System (SWSS) contract 3

  4. What is the basic flexibility bargain incorporated into all GCCA performance contracts – for charter schools, charter Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent systems, and SWSS districts? “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” ACCOUNTABILITY AUTONOMY Flexibility to Innovate Achieve and Maintain Waivers from state TCSG Certification and local laws, rules, guidelines Strong partnership with business, Freedom from industry, and state and local community controls stakeholders School districts and schools 4

  5. What Makes a GCCA “High Quality”? Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Strong Academic Results Well-Trained and High- Functioning Governing Board Legal and Financial Regulatory Sustainability Compliance 7

  6. Governance Standards Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Operates under shared governance Meets regularly and and leadership that support the Governing board sticks to Academy’s performance contract, complies with Open governance and stays out maintain liaison with business and Records and Open industry partners, and fully utilize of management Meetings Laws flexibility to support student performance and school effectiveness The majority of the GCCA’s Receives regular updates Participates in required governing board members on academic operational, governing board training represent business and and financial progress of each year industry the school 6

  7. GCCA Partners Roles and Responsibilities Matrix Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” • The strategic partners that together create a Georgia College and Career Academy will also make decisions together regarding the Academy's provision of the workforce development needed by the community, including what Career Pathways, Dual Enrollment, and post-secondary certifications will be offered, the Academy personnel that will provide instruction and leadership, and the Academy's use of the revenues it receives from its strategic partners (including the CCA's governing board, CCA management, the school district, the local technical college partners, and other post-secondary, business, and community partners).

  8. GCCA Partners Roles and Responsibilities Matrix Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” • There is now a GCCA Partners Roles and Responsibilities matrix that is used to describe the decisions that are (or will be) made by a Georgia College and Career Academy's strategic partners • GCCA applicants must place a checkmark in the cells of the matrix to show the agreement reached with their strategic partners on the respective roles and responsibilities of each partner as it relates to each of the decisions listed • There are checkmarks included in the template as a starting point for discussion among the strategic partners

  9. GCCA Partners Roles and Responsibilities Matrix Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” • Please note that the Division has replaced the old MOU requirement with a GCCA Partners Roles and Responsibilities matrix • New GCCAs and GCCAs seeking a performance contract renewal are required to submit a completed GCCA Partners Roles and Responsibilities matrix • The matrix is incorporated as an addendum to a charter school, charter system, or SWSS contract

  10. GCCA Partners Roles and Responsibilities Matrix Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” • The matrix distinguishes between whether your GCCA was created as a stand-alone charter school or as a school/program within a SWSS or charter system (EXCERPT) CCA with a stand-alone charter contract CCA included within a charter system contract CCA included within a SWSS contract GCCA Charter Local Local Local Certifi- School Tech- Other Tech- Other Tech- Other Standard 1: cation Non- Charter nical Higher nical Higher nical Higher Governance and Standards profit School Local Col- Educa- Busi- Com- CCA CCA Local Col- Educa- Busi- Com- CCA CCA Local Col- Educa- Busi- Com- Leadership and Assur- Gover- Man- School lege tion ness munity Gov- Man- School lege tion ness munity Gov- Ma- School lege tion ness munity ances ning age- District Part- Partner Partner( Partner( erning age- Dis- Part- Part- Partner( Partner( erning nage- Dis- Part- Part- Partner( Partner( Board ment * ner (s) s) s) Board ment trict* ner ner(s) s) s) Board ment trict* ner ner(s) s) s) Operates under shared governance and leadership that support the Academy’s performance contract, ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ S1-A1 maintain liaison with business and industry partners, and fully utilize flexibility to support student performance and school effectiveness.

  11. School System Flexibility Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” SCHOOL SYSTEM FLEXIBILITY CHOICES As of 05/03/2018 Charter Systems 45 Strategic Waivers School Systems (SWSS) 133 Title 20/No Waivers School Systems 2 Total 180 11

  12. Performance Contract Review Process to Establish a GCCA as a Charter School Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Once charter application is GaDOE makes SBOE views approved by approval/denial Item for LBOE, application recommendations is processed on a Information to SBOE first-come, first- served basis *In partner- Petition reviewed* SBOE Applicant ship with • Legal review to The Office of approves responds ensure eligibility College and Career • Substantive Action Item to letter Transitions review (TCSG) Execution Letter to applicant GaDOE panel of the interview • Core focus with applicant • Compliance Contract 7/23/2018 12


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