CANCER SCREENING AND DIAGNOSIS D R M A T T N O R M A N G P P A R T N E R , T H E B E L L S U R G E R Y P R A C T I C E C A N C E R C H A M P I O N Patient Participation Group Presentation 21 September 2020
TODAY’S TALK Exist istin ing g cance cer r Cancer ncer det etect ection, ion, screen reening ing NG1 G12 2 guid idelin elines Cervical Cancer ncer Breast work/me rk/meetin ings gs at Bowel the e Bell l Surg rgery: y: Futur ture change anges Palliative care meetings New cancer diagnosis meetings Screening in hard to reach groups
CANCER SCREENING “ Sc Screeni eening ng is a way of iden enti tifyin fying g apparent rently ly healt lthy people le who may have e an incre creased sed risk k of a particular ticular condition”
CERVICAL SCREENING “the smear test” or “the pap smear”, named after George rge Pa Papanicola nicolaou ou Became ame gold d stan andar dard d test st in 1940 940s USA Remai mained ed standar ndard d screening eening test st until il 2019 High gh-ris risk k HPV V test sting g – more e sensitiv sitive, e, less ss specif ific ic Centr tral al invit itat ations ions Every y 3 y years s 25-49, every y 5 y years s 50-64 64
BREAST SCREENING Mammogr mogram am Betw etween een ages s 50 and 70, every y 3 y years Benef efits its Risks sks Positi sitive e result? ult? Und Under er 50 o or over r 70
BOWEL SCREENING Introdu oduce ced d in UK 2006 Faecal al Occult t Bloo ood d Test sting ing (FOBT) OBT) Faecal al Immu munochemic nochemical al Test sting ing (FIT) IT) 60 60-75, every y 2 y years One ne-of off sigmoidoscop gmoidoscopy Non resp sponders onders
NATIONAL, LOCAL AND BELL SURGERY SCREENING RATES Breas ast t scree eenin ning: g: Bell 73% Oxfordshire 74% England 72% Cervic vical al screen eening: ing: Bell 74% Oxfordshire 72% England 73% Bowel el scree eenin ning Bell 63% Oxfordshire 62% England 61%
WHAT IF YOUR GP THINKS YOU MAY HAVE CANCER Two week wait it referral erral Threshold eshold for two week wait it referrals errals % of cancers s diagnos gnosed ed by two o week wait t referral: erral: The Bell 61% Oxfordshire 64% England 53% NHS S Long g Term rm Plan n for cancer
WHAT IS THE FUTURE FOR CANCER SCREENING? Prost ostat ate e cancer Ovaria rian n cancer Oesoph ophageal ageal cancer Geneti tic screening eening
NG12 GUIDELINES 86 page document ment outlining lining all the cancer r guidelines delines
WORK AT THE BELL SURGERY Month thly ly palliat liativ ive e care meeti tings gs Quarterly erly new cancer r diagnosis nosis meeti etings gs Weekly ly referral erral audit it Hard d to reach h groups ups Targeting Learning disability
KEY TAKE HOME POINTS 1. 1. Everyone ne has been touche hed d by cancer r in some e way 2. 2. If you have a q quest stion, n, just st ask 3. 3. Atten end cancer er screen ening ing
REFERENCES https://ww s://www.n .nhs hs.u .uk/c k/condi ondition ions/nhs s/nhs-sc screen enin ing/ g/ https://ww s://www.n .ncbi.nlm bi.nlm.n .nih ih.go .gov/p /pmc/a mc/articles/P icles/PMC4613 13936 36/ https://w s://weba ebarchiv ive.nation e.nationalar alarchiv ives es.g .gov.u .uk/2 k/2018 18032 32813 13363 632/h 2/htt ttp://digita ://digital.n l.nhs hs.u .uk/c k/cat atalogue/P alogue/PUB2 B22414 https://ww s://www.go .gov.u .uk/go /gover ernment/pu ment/publi blicat ation ions/c s/cer ervical ical-sc screen ening ing-prim imar ary-hpv hpv-sc scree eening ing-im imple lementat mentation ion/c /cer ervical ical- scre reenin ing-im implem lementation ion-gu guid ide-for or-pr prim imar ary-hpv pv-sc screenin ing# g#sc screenin ing-test sts https://c s:// ks.nice.o /cer ervical ical-sc scree eening ing https://gpn s://gpnot oteb ebook ook.c .com om/sim /simplepa lepage.c ge.cfm?ID= ID=-65 6508 0838 38014 https://ww s://www.c .can ancerr erres esea earchu .org/abou out-can ancer/br er/brea east st-can ancer/get er/gettin ting-diagn diagnose osed/t /tes ests-dia diagn gnose ose/m /mam ammo mogr gram am https:/ s://www /www.natu .nature.c m/article icles/ s/nrc2287 https://ww s://www.n .nice k/guida dance/c e/cg4 g41/do /documents/f ments/fami mili lial-br breast ast-can ancer er-upda date-full ll-gu guid idelin eline2 https://ww s://www.n .ncbi.nlm bi.nlm.n .nih ih.go .gov/p /pmc/a mc/articles/P icles/PMC5720 2003 037/ https://ww s://www.engl .englan and.n d.nhs.u k/wp-con onten ent/up t/uploa loads ds/2 /2019/02 /02/r /rep epor ort-of of-th the-ind independent ependent-revie iew-of of-adu dult lt-sc screen ening ing- progr gramm amme-in in-en englan gland.p d.pdf df https://ww s://www.lon .longt gtermp ermplan lan.n .nhs k/areas-of of-work/c k/can ancer/ er/ .theb ebellsurge The e Bell l Surger urgery @TheBellSurg heBellSurger ery @th theb ebellsurge ellsurgery
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