campaign leadership

Campaign Leadership Co-Chairs: Gail Miller, Owner, Larry H. Miller - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Campaign Leadership Co-Chairs: Gail Miller, Owner, Larry H. Miller Group of Companies Scott Anderson, President & CEO, Zions Bank Ron Jibson, Retired Chairman & CEO, Questar And 50 other Utah business, community, and education leaders,

  1. Campaign Leadership Co-Chairs: Gail Miller, Owner, Larry H. Miller Group of Companies Scott Anderson, President & CEO, Zions Bank Ron Jibson, Retired Chairman & CEO, Questar And 50 other Utah business, community, and education leaders, including: - Lane Beattie, President & CEO, Salt Lake Chamber - Wilford Clyde, President, Clyde Companies - Elaine Dalton, Former General Young Women President, LDS Church - A. Marc Harrison, Chairman & CEO, Intermountain Health Care - Nolan Karras, Former Speaker, Utah House of Representatives - Gay Beck, Utah Teacher of the Year, 2011

  2. Each year, Utah schools receive $1.2 billion less because of changes to Utah’s tax code over the last 20 years.

  3. Teachers are the most important factor influencing student success.

  4. According to Education Week, Utah receives a C- for the quality of education in our state. Only 8 states received a worse grade.

  5. Investment Improves Achievement • $500,000 into Roy Schools increased graduation rates by 12 percent. • $400,000 into teacher mentoring in the Salt Lake City School District resulted in 19 percent higher teacher retention rates. • $400,000 into elementary school counselors in Tooele County School District decreased disciplinary referrals by 46 percent.

  6. Investment Sources – Sales Tax State sales tax rate 4.7% to 5.2%. This generates $250 million annually when fully implemented.

  7. Investment Sources – Income Tax State income tax rate 5.0% to 5.5%. This generates $450 million annually when fully implemented.

  8. Investment Sources: Phase-In After a three year phase in: - $700 million each year for teacher and student success - Cost to median family is $35 per month ($416/year).

  9. Local Control of Funds • Funding is allocated to public and higher education on a per-student basis: $946 per student • Each school will create a Teacher and Student Success Plan within a district framework • All funding must be invested in the classroom – not towards construction or administration costs • All school plans, uses of funding and school improvement goals will be posted on school websites

  10. Heavy Emphasis on K-12 Funding

  11. Local Control of Funds Money could be invested in each of the following ways: • Teacher compensation; • Class size reduction; • Professional development; • Technology or software; • Or any other classroom purpose reasonably designed to improve student performance and approved by the local board.

  12. Timeline • August 2017: Begin Gathering Signatures • 113,143 signatures required • Must meet thresholds in 26/29 Senate Districts • Must submit signatures by April 15, 2018 • November 6, 2018 – Election Day

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