c anadian p arents for f rench


C ANADIAN P ARENTS FOR F RENCH I MMERSION EN A CTION Nathalie Dunn French Immersion Learning Leader William Aberhart High School Falling into French Canmore, Alberta 2015 1540 students 770 in French Immersion program 178 in Spanish

  1. C ANADIAN P ARENTS FOR F RENCH I MMERSION EN A CTION Nathalie Dunn French Immersion Learning Leader William Aberhart High School Falling into French Canmore, Alberta 2015

  2. 1540 students 770 in French Immersion program 178 in Spanish Bilingual program 592 in English program Fact – In 2002 The FI program had under 400 students register.

  3. OUR French Immersion VISION @ ABE French Immersion students have the opportunity to create their learning experiences that are: ü connected ü flexible ü successful ü personalized ü relevant

  4. W HAT DOES I MMERSION DO ? ü It allows students to interact in French with confidence ü It makes a student proud to be bilingual ü It allows students to complete several subjects while learning French ü It gives students an opportunity to continue post- secondary study and to continue to improve the French language. ü Bilash 2003 : « In other words, output activities should be: interactive, creative, personal and spontaneous - developing automaticity » AUTHENTIC !

  5. T HE CULTURE A culture = the way people live The teaching , the integration and the comprehension of the French culture throughout the language acquisition are KEY for a successful French Immersion program.

  6. POURQUOI en FRANÇAIS? French Immersion enables students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to communicate in French in a variety of contexts like school, travel, leisure and job related. Approximately 300 million people around the world speak French as their primary or second language and it is spoken in 68 states and governments around the world.

  7. Researcher Jim Cummins says : o Students achieve a high level of functional fluency in French by the end of Grade 12. o No detrimental effects on students’ English language skills have been found in studies of late immersion. In fact, some research tends to suggest that first language skills are enhanced by second language study. o Immersion students do as well as their English-program counterparts in subject areas. o There is a positive association between second language learning and academic development.

  8. French Immersion Program @ ABE ¢ Students are expected to make the commitment to remain in the program for the three years in high school. @ ABE we have OPTIONS ! ¢ Students decision to continue in Immersion should be based on the student’s achievement and motivation in the continuing junior high or late Immersion program.

  9. French Immersion Program @ ABE ¢ Speaking French at all times in all classes where French is the language of instruction. ¢ Aberhart has many resources and options in place to help students with their success. ¢ Students enrolled in FI will follow a FI learning tool process before being considered for a program transfer.

  10. L EARNING TOOLS ¢ Guidance – learning profile ¢ Learning Center – learning strategist ¢ Career Center ¢ Math, Social Studies & FLA teachers — Questions: — Tutorials — Peer tutoring — Level of course — Completion center ¢ Certificate or Letter …

  11. French Immersion Courses ¢ French Language Arts (FLA) : 10-1, 20-1, 30-1 & 20-2, 30-2 ¢ Études sociales: 10-1F, 20-1F, 30-1F & 20-2F , 30-2F ¢ Mathématiques: 10CF, 20-1F, 30-1F & 20-2F, 30-2F ¢ Mathématiques Advanced Placement : 10CFAP, 20-1FAP, 30-1FAP ¢ Mathématiques: *31F (*for a 50 credits CBE certificate) Math 31F cannot be substituted for any 30 level FI courses. é Enrolment = é Options

  12. T RANSITION FROM J R . H IGH ¢ Year-round è semester system fast pace ¢ é University requirement ¢ é Anxiety – mental illness ¢ Struggling in 1 subject ¢ Transition within a program of studies (K-12) ¢ Sciences, options, arts… ¢ Myths …

  13. BUT MOM…!!! ¢ I have been in Immersion for the last 7 years, I can already speak French… ¢ If I switch out of Immersion, it will be easier and my marks will improve … ¢ My friends are not in my class. If I switch to the regular steam, I will be with them… ¢ I will be going to university in English and I won’t manage if I learn classes like math in French… http://www.fsj.ualberta.ca/fred/

  14. CBE - CERTIFICAT DE COMPÉTENCES EN IMMERSION FRANÇAISE Students need 45 crédits ê 15 FLA + 15 Études sociales + 15 Math. ê 375 hours of instructions per year for 3 years = 1125 à 1250 heures + Distinction = 80% or higher in all courses 50 credits = Math 31

  15. CBE - C ERTIFICATE OF A CHIEVEMENT IN F RENCH I MMERSION ¢ Aberhart recognizes all French Immersion students and their certificate/letter at the Aberhart grade 12 graduation spring ceremony. ¢ Could a Provincial body, like CPF, also recognize French Immersion students ?

  16. 2014-2015 @ ABE Over 500 students graduated with a HS diploma 225 students graduated with the CBE FI certificate 65 students with distinction (average of 80% or more in the 9 FI courses) 35 students with 50 credits 15 students with a school letter Aberhart is proud to celebrate 34 years of French Immersion !!!

  17. E XCHANGE O PPORTUNITIES Explore – 16 yrs. Rencontre du Canada (14 to17 yrs). YMCA jeunesse – 16 to 17 yrs. Alberta - Québec – summer/ work exchange OSEF – O rganisme S éjours É ducatifs F rançais Immersi sion en en action !!!

  18. P ASSEPORT FRANCOPHILE Le Passeport francophile invite les étudiants à parler français et à découvrir, dans des contextes variés et stimulants, la richesse culturelle de la francophonie. The Passeport francophile gives our students a doorway for authentic cultural experiences. The Passeport is also a learning tool for parents ! It connects the community and making the language a reality !

  19. ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES IMMERSION EN ACTION ¢ Monthly “Superstar certificate” in all FI subjects ¢ Immersion en action : cabane à sucre, restaurants, fabrication de Macarons, Film (1 vendredi par mois ), invités, visite des Jr high… ¢ DELF B1 et B2 ¢ French Advanced Placement ¢ CBE International Certificate ¢ Partnership with an international DELF school in the Netherlands where the common language is French

  20. P OST S ECONDARY IN F RENCH ¢ Representatives of French Faculties from diverse Universities across Canada come and speak to the students about their options with post-secondary French education. Most Canadian Universities have a French department, center and offer enticing bursaries!

  21. PARTNERSHIPS Maurick College, Vught, Netherland (DELF) Université de Calgary - Centre Français Université d’Alberta – Campus Saint Jean C anadian P arents for F rench - Chapitre Calgary All of the sponsors for the Passeport francophile !!!

  22. W HAT CAN DO DO TO HELP ? ¢ Watch the news, magazines, movies, music, singing in French. ¢ Invest in French learning tools (Antidote). ¢ Encourage your child to participate to French activities = Immersion en action. ¢ Use social media in French… ¢ Make sure your child has a balanced schedule = 1 or 2 French class each semester. ¢ Encourage your child to participate in an exchange, home-stay & summer programs etc…

  23. D OES IT WORK ? ¢ There is no doubt that in the short term, the French Immersion is a very successful program. ¢ In the long term, it is only successful if the student finds a purpose to the language, an intrinsic motivation to continue studying, travelling or working with the French Language. ¢ It is why Immersion en action is the KEY to not only retain students in their high school FI program but it is equally important that all along their journey in FI. Students will adopt the language and culture into their daily life while being confident of their competencies, proud to be bilingual and motivated to speak French whenever one desire.

  24. F ROM COMMUNICATIVE TO ACTION - ORIENTED APPROACH ¢ An approach focusing on the task: — Activer – Acquérir - ancrer ¢ Linguistic competency: — PO – CO – PE – CE – IO (Blog) – IE (Google doc) ¢ Key role in the evaluation : student will…. ¢ Communicative activities: — Receptive – productive - interactive - mediate ¢ Strategies focusing on the process ¢ Intercultural awareness Dr. Enrica Picardo http://www.curriculum.org/fsl/accueil


  26. WHY continue in FI ? ¢ Learning one language is not enough. ¢ French & English are the only languages spoken on all five continents. ¢ A career asset. ¢ An introduction to an incomparable cultural universe. ¢ A language for studying abroad or travel. ¢ A language for higher education. ¢ The other language of international relation. ¢ A language that opens up the world.

  27. …WHY continue in FI ? ¢ A language of reasoning and debate. ¢ A high standard of teaching. ¢ A creative language. ¢ Many exchange opportunities. ¢ A language for learning other languages. ¢ A unique linguistic diversity in today’s globalized world. ¢ The language of love and reason … WHY NOT?

  28. What does a FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM gives you ? “ It gives you mobility. It gives you flexibility. It gives you a whole other way of seeing things, Two attitudes, Two approaches. ” John Ralston Saul

  29. R EPORTAGE Français et/and English : Une histoire de dualité


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