business with

BUSINESS WITH IMPACT (BEAM) in developing markets Program funding - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BUSINESS WITH IMPACT (BEAM) in developing markets Program funding & services Our goal is to help companies and their partners achieve business with impacts in developing markets, globalize and grow Contents 1 Why are developing

  1. BUSINESS WITH IMPACT (BEAM) in developing markets Program funding & services “Our goal is to help companies and their partners achieve business with impacts in developing markets, globalize and grow”

  2. Contents 1 Why are developing markets important? 2 What is the Business with Impacts (BEAM) program ? 3 What does BEAM offer for companies and their partners? 4 BEAM in a global context – how do we connect globally? 5 Interested? Who to proceed and whom to contact? 6 Funding services 7 Case examples

  3. A major global market disruption – An underutilized opportunity for Finland! 1 3 4 2 INNOVATION FUNDING FAST GROWTH COLLABORATION The needs for Development banks Developing markets are The EC is increasing sustainable & innovative invest 150 billion USD the prime growth markets external cooperation solutions in the annually in developing now & in the near future funding to 123 billion developing world are markets, innovative & EUR by 2027 with a (EU 2%, Sub Saharan huge, UN Sustainable sustainable solutions Africa 5,3%, South Asia focus on Africa in Development Goals that scale will attract response to the 5,9%, East Asia 4,8%)* (SDGs) add further investments migration crisis urgency SUPPORT FROM BEAM: Finnish companies can benefit from enhanced understanding of specific market needs, project financing for local customers, access to partners and suitable business models *IMF, 2016- 20 annual averages; ASEAN 2017; Stenghtening the EU’s partnership with Africa, State of the Union 2018

  4. Developing markets are growth markets!

  5. Our vision, mission and goals Finland is a major provider of innovative, sustainable and scalable VISION solutions for significant needs in developing markets by 2025 Help Finnish companies realize rapidly expanding opportunities by MISSION providing proactive and tailored access to developing markets and global financing sources Help companies and their partners achieve business with impacts in GOALS developing markets, globalize and grow

  6. The Business with Impact (BEAM) program The BEAM program helps Finnish companies and their partners in the following ways: Funding in collaboration • Information about the needs, business opportunities and with Ministry of Foreign contacts in these markets through workshops, B2B meetings, Affairs our Global Network and embassies abroad Business Finland 25%, • • Funding for company driven projects in developing markets, MFA 25%, applicants covering market analysis, capability building, R&D and piloting of 50% new solutions • 136+ projects on-going with a current volume • Localization of offerings and business models by increasing of 57 M euros the compatibility of Finnish offerings with local conditions and Our primary customers • sustainability requirements are SMEs & consortia in • Identification of funding sources, partners and projects the areas of digitality, related to development banks in developing markets through bio- circular, cleantech our contacts, Global Network and embassies abroad & health We collaborate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finnpartnership and the UN Technology and Innovation Laboratory in Finland.

  7. We cover countries eligible for development aid with a focus in selected regions UN City in DK, Nordic Collaboration Crisis Dev. response & banks, recovery UN HQ BF Global Network + VMAPII, ADB BF Global Network, UNEP, AfDB, EIB BF Global Network, MFA programs THE HIGHLIGHTED REGIONS indicate our proactive focus based on validated rapidly growing market opportunities, alignment with significant SDG-related needs, leads relevant for both RDI and IFI funding and maximization of synergies with BF partners and other themes

  8. Our role and ways of working in a global context Development banks Sustainable Development Goals Discover Opportunities Needs related to SDGs, target markets, partners, business models, etc. Opportunities Impact Business Finland Services Information, funding, networks, global funding sources, market entry Develop Capabilities in Target Markets Finnish companies and their partner networks 8

  9. Ensuring Alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals New United National global Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasize partnerships and multistakeholder cooperation Development aid is not enough. Private sector engagement creates win-win business with impact

  10. Are you interested? Get in touch! Interest? Get in touch! Do you want to learn more and follow our activities? Subscribe to our newsletter Follow us on Linkedin Are you intretested in opportunities related to or development banks, crisis response and recovery? marjukka.holopainen- Are you interested in funding for R&D and innovation or related to developing markets? Do you want to discuss Business with Impacts (BEAM) program more genrally?

  11. 6 Funding services

  12. FUNDING SERVICES FOR COMPANIES EXPLORE, TEST, GO GLOBAL RESEARCH, DEVELOP, RENEW, GROW R&D INTO TEMPO TRADE FAIR Increase your Develop a product, innovation knowledge EXPLORER Renew and prepare A group of SMEs service, process or to support your to grow into a new participating INNOVATION Purchase a business model growth targets together in an international knowledge about VOUCHER international market a new export Test the Buy innovation trade fair market functionality expertise Grant 50 % Loan 50% / 70 % Grant 50 % • Grant 50 % • • • Grant 100 % • Grant 75 % • max 10 000 € • max 30 000 € Grant max 50 % Grant max 50 % • max 50 000 € • • • 5000 € + VAT • The amount of funding depends on the company’s needs and resources 12

  13. R&D FUNDING LEVELS MIDCAP COMPANIES LARGE COMPANIES SMEs Turnover max. 300 M€ Grant max 40% COMPANY RESEARCH Grant max Grant max PROJECT GRANT Large companies must buy services from SME’s 40% 50% and / or research organizations or implement Create new knowledge the project as a joint project with them. The and competence share of the bought services has to be 40 % of the project's overall costs. DEVELOPMENT AND Loan 50% PILOTING LOAN Loan Loan Large companies must buy services from SME’s Develop or renew products, 50% / 70% 50% / 70% and / or research organizations or implement services and business model. the project as a joint project with them. The Demonstrate the functionality share of the bought services has to be 15 % of of your solution the project's overall costs.


  15. Case examples 7

  16. From our website • Solar Water Solutions: Suomalaisella laitteella laadukasta juomavettä kenialaislapsille, 26.11.2018​ In English: Kenyan kids can enjoy quality drinking water made by Finnish SolarRO system new/news/2018/kenyan_kids_can_enjoy_quality_drinking_water_made_by_finnish_solarro_system/ • Mediconsult: Suomen terveydenhuollon digipioneeri hakee kasvua Aasian markkinoilta , 1.11.2018​ markkinoilta/ In English: Finnish digital healthcare pioneer seeks growth in Asian markets, 6.11.2018 markkinoilta/ • Oksidia : Ohjelmistoyritys Oksidia vauhdilla Vietnamiin , 23.10.2018​ In English: Software Company Oksidia speeds up to Vietnam • Goodio: Radikaalia läpinäkyvyyttä suklaan tuotantoketjuun , 20.9.2018 In English: Radical transparency in the chocolate production chain , 25.9.2018​


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