business analytics

BUSINESS ANALYTICS CHAPTER 29 LECTURE OUTLINE Data warehouses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BUSINESS ANALYTICS CHAPTER 29 LECTURE OUTLINE Data warehouses Comparison with operational databases Multi-dimensional schemas Functionality of a data warehouse 2 DATA WAREHOUSES Data warehouse A subject


  2. LECTURE OUTLINE  Data warehouses  Comparison with operational databases  Multi-dimensional schemas  Functionality of a data warehouse 2

  3. DATA WAREHOUSES  Data warehouse • “A subject -oriented, integrated, nonvolatile, time-variant collection of data in support of management’s decisions.” [ W.H.Inmon] • Data comes from multiple databases • Tools to make business decisions quickly and reliably based on historical data  Supported applications • OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) • Analysis of complex data from data warehouse • DSS (Decision Support Systems) • Also known as EIS (Executive Information Systems) • Provides data and tools for complex decision-making • Data mining • Knowledge discovery: searching data for unanticipated new knowledge 3

  4. INTEGRATED WAREHOUSE AND DB  Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) • Extracted from multiple, heterogeneous sources. • Includes data cleaning to ensure validity and consistency • Back flushing : upgrading the data with cleaned data  Analyzed data fed back into operating DB and data management Back Flushing Data Warehouse OLAP Data DSSI Cleaning Reformatting Databases EIS Metadata Data Mining Other Data Inputs Updates/New Data 4

  5. DATA WAREHOUSES VS. DBS  Operations • Data warehouses optimized to find data correlations and to support trend analyses • Traditional databases are transactional: optimized for access, update, and integrity assurance • Data warehouses are less volatile than operational DBs.  Data currency • Operational DBs required to maintain up-to-date, detailed data • Data warehouses characterized by historical data • Information in data warehouse is relatively coarse grained (“view from 10,000 ft.”) and refresh policy is carefully chosen, usually incremental.  Data volume • Data warehouses may be exceptionally large (7 years of records)  Data warehouse can be interpreted as a (special) view of the data. 5

  6. MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SCHEMAS  Multi-dimensional schemas specified using: • Dimension table • Consists of tuples of attributes of the dimension. • Fact table • Each tuple is a recorded fact. • Some measured or observed variable(s) and references to dimension tables. 6

  7. WAREHOUSE FUNCTIONALITY  Roll-up : Data is summarized with increasing generalization • E.g., going from daily or weekly reports to annual aggregations  Drill-Down : Increasing levels of detail are revealed • E.g., going from national sales to sales from a particular region  Pivot : Cross tabulation is performed from given perspective  Slice and dice : Select and project data wrt some dimensions  Plus traditional operations • Sorting by ordinal value. • Selection by value or range.  Derived attributes: Attributes are computed by operations on stored derived values. 7

  8. DATA MODELING FOR WAREHOUSES  OLAP data cube Three dimensional data cube roll up r e 4 t r a r t u Q Q 3 l a r t c Q s i F 2 r t Q 1 r t Q Reg 1 Reg 2 Reg 3 P P123 r Two Dimensional Model P124 o REGION d P125 u REG1 REG2 REG3 c P126 t : P : R e g i o n P123 R O P124 D U C P125 T P126 : : drill down 8

  9. LECTURE SUMMARY  Glimpse at DBMS support for business analytics • Role of data warehouses  OLAP cube • Model and operations 9


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