Bureau of Special Education “Back to School Meeting” 2015
Agenda SRBI Survey Updates Support Opportunities SRBI Next Steps Open Discussion CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
First Day Expectations…. What is today? • Are you excited? • What did you learn • today? Did you make friends? • Are you excited to go • back? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdVHrhElU5M
SRBI Survey Updates
2014-2015 SRBI Survey Survey was open from November 2014 to January 2015 and 700 educators responded to the survey examining the following areas: – Student access – Leadership and organizational structures – Implementation of SRBI systems, structures and supports – Collaboration and parent engagement – Needs for additional support, training, and guidance CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
3 Encouraging Finds 2 Areas of Concern 1 Biggest Need CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Encouraging Find SRBI implementation efforts were predominately a shared responsibility among staff. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Encouraging Find Student access to SRBI is available to all groups of students. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Encouraging Find Across all areas, staffing and schedules are in place to implement Tier 1 instruction. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Area of Concern District level SRBI coordination is varied, with the majority of respondents stating that they do not know who or how SRBI is coordinated at the district level. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Area of Concern Implementing a menu of research-based interventions was problematic in the areas of writing, mathematics, and behavior. • In writing, 38% of respondents said that this was not at all in place. • In mathematics, only 27% reported this being fully implemented • For behavior, 43% indicated that there was at best partial implementation CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Biggest Need The area of writing is the largest area of concern for SRBI implementation. CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
The full report from the Connecticut State Department of Education 2014-2015 SRBI Survey can be seen by visiting: www.sde.ct.gov/sde/srbi CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Support Opportunities
School Climate Transformation Grant (SCTG) Goal 1: Build CSDE’s capacity to support LEAs’ sustained and broad scale implementation of a Multi-Tiered Behavioral Framework (MTBF). Goal 2: Enhance Connecticut’s LEA’s capacity for implementation and sustaining a MTBF by providing training and technical assistance to LEAs. Goal 3: Coordinate CSDE efforts with appropriate federal, state, and local resources.
State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) Goal 1: Increase state-level capacity to provide leadership, professional development, coaching and support to schools to improve academic and behavior/social outcomes through a continuum of academic and behavior supports. Goal 2: Increase the number of schools in Connecticut implementing a scientifically research-based core program of literacy instruction driven by common core state standards and positive behavior support and multi-tiered models of interventions. Goal 3: Improve the academic achievement of all students, specifically students with disabilities, students of color, and English learners.
SPDG: State Impact Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Three: Four: Five: One: Two: 17 schools 14 schools 2 schools 17 schools 29 schools
Grant Timelines: Phases of Implementation Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Initial Full Exploration Installation Sustainability Implementation Implementation * Schools Receive a Minimum of 3 Years of Support* Year 2 Focus: Year 1 Focus: Year 3 Focus: Tiers II/III Tier I Sustainability
Online Resources Walkthrough State Personnel School Climate Development Grant Transformation Grant http://spdg.serc.co/ http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/cw p/view.asp?a=2678&q=335660 %20
SRBI Next Steps: Expanding our Systems and Structures
Resources to Support SRBI
Regional SRBI Coaches Network
Open Discussion
Contact Information Don Briere, Ph.D Jennifer Michalek Bureau of Special Education Academic Office Donald.briere@ct.gov Jennifer.michalek@ct.gov (860) 713 – 6931 (860) 713 – 6557 Jennifer Webb Office of the Deputy Commissioner Jennifer.webb@ct.gov (860) 713 – 6754
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