building sustainable communities the east clayton

Building Sustainable Communities The East Clayton Sustainability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Sustainable Communities The East Clayton Sustainability Initiative Vancouver Surrey Canada USA Surrey in the Georgia Basin Presentation Overview Context The basis of the plan 7 principles Why a new approach and

  1. Building Sustainable Communities The East Clayton Sustainability Initiative Vancouver Surrey Canada USA Surrey in the Georgia Basin

  2. Presentation Overview • Context • The basis of the plan – 7 principles • Why a new approach and how did it happen? • The design process • The Neighbourhood Plan - Lot sizes and housing forms • East Clayton under construction • Challenges • Lessons learned

  3. East Clayton in Surrey • Sustainable neighbourhood plan approved in 2003 • 500 acres • Surrey/Langley Border • Future population: 13,000 – 15,000

  4. East Clayton • Walkable neighbourhoods • Interconnected streets & higher density • Employment areas, shopping areas & varied residential in the same community • Environmental preservation • Natural drainage

  5. The Principles of Sustainable Development Applied to East Clayton • Worked with City Council to educate and build buy-in • Basis of the neighbourhood plan • Used widely by “Smartgrowth” and other planning, advocacy groups

  6. FIVE MINUTE WALKING DISTANCE TO FIVE MINUTE WALKING DISTANCE TO TRANSIT AND SHOPS TRANSIT AND SHOPS Research suggests that North Americans will leave the Research suggests that North Americans will leave the car at home if they can walk to the store or transit in car at home if they can walk to the store or transit in five minutes or less. five minutes or less. If we are serious about reducing auto dependence we If we are serious about reducing auto dependence we must design neighbourhoods with this in mind. must design neighbourhoods with this in mind.

  7. AN INTERCONNECTED STREET SYSTEM AN INTERCONNECTED STREET SYSTEM Interconnected street systems insure that all trips, Interconnected street systems insure that all trips, whether in a car, on a bike, or on foot, are by the shortest whether in a car, on a bike, or on foot, are by the shortest possible route. possible route.

  8. SOME CAR STORAGE AND SERVICES SOME CAR STORAGE AND SERVICES HANDLED AT THE REAR OF THE HANDLED AT THE REAR OF THE DWELLINGS ON THE LANE – – NARROWER NARROWER DWELLINGS ON THE LANE STREETS WITH TREES STREETS WITH TREES Rear lanes allow porches and trees out front, driveways Rear lanes allow porches and trees out front, driveways out back, and detached homes for all who want them. out back, and detached homes for all who want them.

  9. DIFFERENT DWELLING TYPES IN THE DIFFERENT DWELLING TYPES IN THE SAME NEIGHBOURHOOD AND EVEN ON SAME NEIGHBOURHOOD AND EVEN ON THE SAME STREET THE SAME STREET Different family types and incomes can be accommodated Different family types and incomes can be accommodated in neighbourhoods that retain a “single family district” in neighbourhoods that retain a “single family district” feel. feel.

  10. LIGHTER GREENER, CHEAPER, SMARTER LIGHTER GREENER, CHEAPER, SMARTER INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE For every dollar spent on pavement we produce a dollar’s For every dollar spent on pavement we produce a dollar’s worth of damage to the environment. To help save the worth of damage to the environment. To help save the environment we should spend less on infrastructure, not environment we should spend less on infrastructure, not more. more.

  11. NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WHERE NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WHERE SURFACE DRAINAGE INFILTRATES BACK SURFACE DRAINAGE INFILTRATES BACK INTO THE SOIL INTO THE SOIL Until now, communities have been engineered to keep Until now, communities have been engineered to keep water from returning to the soil. There are simple ways to water from returning to the soil. There are simple ways to correct this expensive mistake. correct this expensive mistake.

  12. Potential Benefits • Transportation choices • Sound storm water management • Reduced vehicle trips • Environmental protection • Energy savings • Potential for lower servicing costs

  13. The East Clayton Charrette: An Integrated Planning Process • Design Brief • Integrated planning - the charrette process • Partnership approach • Citizen Advisory Committee • Workshops

  14. Stakeholders • Academics • Landscape architects • Facilitator • Environmental • Property owner agency reps reps • Engineers • Development • Architects industry reps • Planners • Utility companies • Arborists • Realtors

  15. East Clayton: A Sustainable Neighbourhood

  16. How does East Clayton Differ from a Conventional Neighbourhood Development? THEORY vs REALITY � � Infiltration design for storm Grid network of streets water management � Mix of housing in close � On-site detention through proximity - but only between blocks but not within blocks retention of topsoil, exfiltration pits and exfiltration swale � Narrower streets and tree systems canopies � New small lot zones with � Network of greenways, provision for secondary suites natural areas and parks and coach houses � Rear lanes serving a majority � Live/work areas – fear of the of single family lots – 60% unknown � Business park as part of the neighbourhood design – not built (resistance) � Shopping areas within walking distance of all residences (timing)

  17. Encouraging innovation, diversity and affordability The City’s new Residential Zones open a wide range of options to developers and builders RF - 12 (type I) RF - 12 (type II) RF-12 (Types I and II) RF-12C RF-9 (Types I - II - III) RF-9C RF-SD (Fee-Simple) RM-23 (Row Housing RF - 12 (type I) Fee Simple) House Sizes: 144.0 - 225.0 sq.m. (1550) (2420) Lot Depths: 22.0 - 28.0 m (72) (90) Lot Widths: 6.0 - 13.4 m RF - 9 (type I) (20) (44)

  18. Lot Sizes and Density Without lane Low Density • 6-10 units/acre • Detached single- family or duplex With lane with or without coach houses • May have lanes

  19. Lot Sizes and Density Medium Density • 10-15 units/acre • Detached or semi-detached single-family with or without coach houses • Narrow-deep lots, wide-shallow lots or semi-detached homes on narrow/deep lots • Lanes required Medium-High Density • 15-25 units/acre • Rowhouses, townhouses, stacked townhouses, semi-detached homes, duplexes and single family homes with coach houses

  20. Lot Sizes and Density Special Residential • 10-15 units/acre • Mix of single-family on small lots, townhouses • Option of retail or service commercial as part of unit Mixed-Use Commercial/Residential • Residential above ground floor commercial High Density • 22-45 units/acre • Townhouses, stacked townhouses, rowhouses, garden apartments

  21. Local Road Cross-Sections P P L L A = 2 2 . 0 R O W S T R E E T T R E E S S P A C E D 8 - 1 0 m I N G R A T E S ( T Y P ) S T R E E T L I G H T S CL R I G H T - O F - W A Y 1 . 4 5 B A R R I E R C U R B A N D G U T T E R ( T Y P ) C L C A R R I A G E W A Y 1 . 0 GAS GAS 1 . 0 0 . 8 0 M I N 0 . 8 0 0 . 5 2 . 2 5 6 . 0 0 T R A V E L L A N E S 2 . 2 5 1 . 4 3 . 0 2 . 0 1 0 . 5 0 2 . 8 0 1 . 5 0 0 . 5 N O R T H P A R K I N G T R E E T R E E C O R R I D O R P A R K I N G T R E E C O R R I D O R S O U T H P O C K E T S / P O C K E T S / C O R R I D O R S I D E W A L K S I D E W A L K C U R B STORM C U R B R E X T E N S I O N S O E X T E N S I O N S BC TEL OR HYDRO SAN N I M R E T 2 . 0 0 A W


  23. Special Residential (Live/Work) � Recognizes the growing trend to work from home � To encourage small scale, low impact businesses integrated into the residential community � Supports the sustainable planning principle of providing opportunities for basic services within a walkable distance from homes � East Clayton NCP : Provides a transition between residential and business park uses

  24. Characteristics of Special Residential • Option to use up to 30% of the floor area of a dwelling, including the floor areas of a basement & garage can be used for small scale business/commercial purposes (barber shops, beauty parlours, shoe/clothing repairs, dress-making, deli, bakery, professional offices, artist’s studio/shop, etc.) • Reduced front yard setback of 3.5 m/12 ft for street orientation • On-street parking required; No requirement for additional parking on the lot for business use • No restrictions on storage/display of goods on the premises for business purposes • Vehicles for the business use cannot be parked at the front of the dwelling • Small signs are permitted (Controlled by building schemes) • No restriction on employees

  25. Three Special Residential Zones Three zones are proposed to allow flexibility and diversity to respond to market: • Special Single Family Residential (9) Zone (RF-9S) - Detached houses • Special Multiple Residential 15 Zone (RM- 15S) - Townhouses • Special Multiple Residential 23 Zone (RM- 23S) - Row Houses

  26. RF – 9S Single Family Zone

  27. RM – 15S Townhouse Zone

  28. RM – 23S Rowhouse Zone


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