Purpose • Transmit the Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study – Phase e 2 - Mountainview, Mountain View Survey and Martin Meadows Background Report. • Provide an overview of the key findings of the technical review and the public engagement and feedback received throughout Phase se 2. • Provide a status update and outline next steps for the Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study – Phase e 1 – Downtow own n Character acter Area. Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
Background Phase 1: Downtown Character Area - Town-wide OPA - Area-specific ZBLA Phase 2 ZBL Phase 2: Mountainview Neighbourhood - Area-specific ZBLA New Phases: Other Mature Neighbourhoods - Area-specific ZBL Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
Background • Phase e 1 - Downtown Character Area Background Report was endorsed by Council on April 15, 2019. • Staff have engaged and consulted with the public. • Phase e 2- Mountainview, Mountain View Survey and Martin Meadows initiated in September 2019. • Phase e 2 2 - Background Report is presented today for Council Consideration. • A virtual statutory public meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2020 (Town-wide OPA and ZBL for Phase 1) Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
Phase 2 – Subject Area Kingsleigh Court Mountainview Neighbourhood Mountainview Neighbourhood • Kingsleigh Court • Mountainview East Mountainview East Martin • Martin Meadows Meadows Old Milton Mountain View Survey (Old Milton) • Mountain View Survey Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
Phase 2 – Progress Preliminary Work Background Open Neighbourhood Background Stage 1 Survey Research and Houses walking tours Report Review Three Walkabouts Survey to Residents Town’s Website Social Media Analysis Public Evaluation of Draft Stage 2 Workshop Options Options Recommendations Analysis of Final Council Stage 3 Recommendation Public Meeting Report Feedback Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
Phase 2 – Findings Neighbourhood Character 413 properties within study area. 13 dwellings (1910s and 1920s) are listed. Most houses built in the 1950s are modest bungalows. Houses built up to the 1970s represent larger bungalows. Small cluster of contemporary suburban models. Walkable, pedestrian friendly and generally well kept with lots of greenery Moderately and some large lots (87% less than 830 sq.m.), mature trees, large front lawns. Single-detached houses with consistent setbacks are the primary built form. Primarily one-storey (71%) in four areas. Two-storey houses (23%) also significant. Garages: Attached (53%), detached (40%) and just a few carports. Location varies across the decades. Maximum two-storey dwellings (consistent with existing heights) with extended front yards and the separation between houses are perceived as important. Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
Phase 2 – Findings Development and Change Six houses have been demolished and replaced between 2012 and 2019, four of them in the last two years. Replacement homes are perceived as incompatible. Concerns with size, height, and setbacks, which may be of a mass and scale in excess of the existing homes. Changes focus on increases to lot coverage and reductions to side yard setbacks. Significant number of additions to existing houses. Sixteen building permits were issued for new garages and other accessory structures. Nine permits constitute one or two-storey additions, one permit represents a large three storey addition, three for new front porches and three for new decks. Residents expressed concerns with the noise, dust, trash, property damage, alteration of drainage patterns, privacy loss, among other issues, that occur during construction of new homes. Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
Phase 2 – Findings Development Tools and Procedures Mountain View Survey, Mountainview East, Kingsleigh Court and Martin Meadows fall within the Residential Low-Density (RLD) Zone. Zoning By-law provisions are too permissive and do not reflect the existing housing stock. Need to establish enhanced zoning regulation to better manage change. Concerns about lot severances, traffic, parking, flood plain. Residential development is not subject to site plan control. A Local Official Plan amendment (LOPA) will be recommended for Phase 1 and will be subject to Council’s approval. The proposed LOPA is applicable to the Phase 2 study area and no further policy amendments are anticipated. Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
Next Steps Phase 2 Preliminary Work Background Open Neighbourhood Background Stage 1 Research and Survey Houses walking tours Report Review Virtual Public Engagement Virtual Analysis Open House Public Evaluation of Draft Stage 2 Options Options Workshop Phase 1 Recommendations Analysis of Final Council Stage 3 Public Recommendation Meeting Report Feedback Virtual Statutory Public Meeting August 24, 2020 Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
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