character study


MATURE NEIGHBOURHOODS CHARACTER STUDY DS-020-20 STUDY UPDATE AND PHASE 2 BACKGROUND REPORT JULY 20, 2020 Purpose Transmit the Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study Phase e 2 - Mountainview, Mountain View Survey and Martin Meadows


  2. Purpose • Transmit the Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study – Phase e 2 - Mountainview, Mountain View Survey and Martin Meadows Background Report. • Provide an overview of the key findings of the technical review and the public engagement and feedback received throughout Phase se 2. • Provide a status update and outline next steps for the Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study – Phase e 1 – Downtow own n Character acter Area. Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study

  3. Background Phase 1: Downtown Character Area - Town-wide OPA - Area-specific ZBLA Phase 2 ZBL Phase 2: Mountainview Neighbourhood - Area-specific ZBLA New Phases: Other Mature Neighbourhoods - Area-specific ZBL Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study

  4. Background • Phase e 1 - Downtown Character Area Background Report was endorsed by Council on April 15, 2019. • Staff have engaged and consulted with the public. • Phase e 2- Mountainview, Mountain View Survey and Martin Meadows initiated in September 2019. • Phase e 2 2 - Background Report is presented today for Council Consideration. • A virtual statutory public meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2020 (Town-wide OPA and ZBL for Phase 1) Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study

  5. Phase 2 – Subject Area Kingsleigh Court Mountainview Neighbourhood Mountainview Neighbourhood • Kingsleigh Court • Mountainview East Mountainview East Martin • Martin Meadows Meadows Old Milton Mountain View Survey (Old Milton) • Mountain View Survey Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study

  6. Phase 2 – Progress Preliminary Work Background Open Neighbourhood Background Stage 1 Survey Research and Houses walking tours Report Review Three Walkabouts Survey to Residents Town’s Website Social Media Analysis Public Evaluation of Draft Stage 2 Workshop Options Options Recommendations Analysis of Final Council Stage 3 Recommendation Public Meeting Report Feedback Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study

  7. Phase 2 – Findings Neighbourhood Character 413 properties within study area. 13 dwellings (1910s and 1920s) are  listed. Most houses built in the 1950s are modest bungalows. Houses built up to  the 1970s represent larger bungalows. Small cluster of contemporary suburban models.  Walkable, pedestrian friendly and generally well kept with lots of greenery  Moderately and some large lots (87% less than 830 sq.m.), mature trees,  large front lawns. Single-detached houses with consistent setbacks are the primary built  form. Primarily one-storey (71%) in four areas. Two-storey houses (23%) also significant. Garages: Attached (53%), detached (40%) and just a few carports.  Location varies across the decades. Maximum two-storey dwellings (consistent with existing heights) with  extended front yards and the separation between houses are perceived as important. Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study

  8. Phase 2 – Findings Development and Change Six houses have been demolished and replaced between 2012 and  2019, four of them in the last two years. Replacement homes are perceived as incompatible. Concerns with  size, height, and setbacks, which may be of a mass and scale in excess of the existing homes. Changes focus on increases to lot coverage and reductions to side yard  setbacks. Significant number of additions to existing houses.  Sixteen building permits were issued for new garages and other  accessory structures. Nine permits constitute one or two-storey additions, one permit represents a large three storey addition, three for new front porches and three for new decks. Residents expressed concerns with the noise, dust, trash, property  damage, alteration of drainage patterns, privacy loss, among other issues, that occur during construction of new homes. Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study

  9. Phase 2 – Findings Development Tools and Procedures Mountain View Survey, Mountainview East, Kingsleigh Court and Martin  Meadows fall within the Residential Low-Density (RLD) Zone. Zoning By-law provisions are too permissive and do not reflect the  existing housing stock.  Need to establish enhanced zoning regulation to better manage change.  Concerns about lot severances, traffic, parking, flood plain. Residential development is not subject to site plan control.   A Local Official Plan amendment (LOPA) will be recommended for Phase 1 and will be subject to Council’s approval. The proposed LOPA is applicable to the Phase 2 study area and no  further policy amendments are anticipated. Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study

  10. Next Steps Phase 2 Preliminary Work Background Open Neighbourhood Background Stage 1 Research and Survey Houses walking tours Report Review Virtual Public Engagement Virtual Analysis Open House Public Evaluation of Draft Stage 2 Options Options Workshop Phase 1 Recommendations Analysis of Final Council Stage 3 Public Recommendation Meeting Report Feedback Virtual Statutory Public Meeting August 24, 2020 Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study



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