building online communities master class

Building Online Communities - Master class Tom Gaskin, Service - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Online Communities - Master class Tom Gaskin, Service Improvement Manager Tracey Kember, Orbit South resident Workshop outline Quiz featuring findings from Orbits own digital research Orbit 2020 vision & our plans for

  1. Building Online Communities - Master class Tom Gaskin, Service Improvement Manager Tracey Kember, Orbit South resident

  2. Workshop outline Quiz – featuring findings from Orbit’s own digital research  Orbit 2020 vision & our plans for transforming into a Social  Digital Business Experiences of using social media to engage customers –  including residents’ perspective Discussion 

  3. Ground rules No question is a stupid question!  We’re not experts, but we’ll try to help (and so can you!)  Share your thoughts and experiences  Keep your phone on and tweet! @tomgaskinorbit @orbitgroup  @CIH_events #CIHeastern2013

  4. Access all areas Digital inclusion for Orbit customers Research into customers’ use • of the internet and social media Explored what customers • might want from us in the future 1,782 customers engaged • Variety of research methods • used

  5. True or False

  6. False ? True or 83% of British households have Q1 internet access True

  7. False ? True or 55% of Orbit tenants have access Q2 to the internet False

  8. False ? True or The most popular method of accessing Q3 the internet among Orbit customers is via laptop/PC True

  9. False ? True or 75% of adults use a mobile phone or portable computer Q4 to access the internet 'on the go' False

  10. False ? True or 30% of Orbit customers use a Q5 mobile phone or smart phone to access the internet True

  11. False ? True or 50% of Orbit customers use Q6 Facebook False

  12. False ? True or 13% of Orbit customers use Q7 Google+ True

  13. False ? True or 30% of Orbit customers use Q8 Twitter False

  14. False ? True or 15% of Orbit customers are Q9 aware of Pinterest False

  15. False ? True or 55% of Orbit customers felt it was important that we Q10 provided more online services False

  16. References ONS (2013) Internet Access Quarterly Update, Q2 2013. [online]  Office for National Statistics. Available at: [Accessed 3 November 2013] ONS (2013) Internet Access - Households and Individuals, 2013.  [online] Office for National Statistics. Available at: [Accessed 3 November 2013] Orbit Group Ltd (2013) Access all areas Digital Inclusion for Orbit  Customers. [online] Available at: all_areas_Digital_inclusion_for_Orbit_customers.pdf Kantar UK (2013) British use of social media sites. [online]  Available at: social-media-sites-2013/ [Accessed 3 November 2013]

  17. Orbit 2020 vision Building Communities - by working to improve the social, economic and environmental prospects of people and communities

  18. 3 key themes Housing Choice  Our new ambition is to provide 12,000 new homes by 2020 Community Investment  Deliver 10,000 training/employment places  Invest £30m in our communities  Advise 20,000 households on energy usage Customer Offer  Deliver 90% customer satisfaction  Achieve 75% of our customers accessing services online

  19. Transforming into a Social Digital Business  We use collaboration and social technologies to improve the prospects of people and communities  Tools and technology only part of the solution  Purpose and meaning will make everything we do rooted in something greater  Collaboration and engagement will be how we get things done  Our culture and structure will be the glue that makes it all happen

  20. Our digital pledge

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