The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. About the National Statistics Office of Georgia The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId6 was not found in the file. National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat), the legal entity of public law, carries out its activities in accordance with the UN Fundamental Principles. It is an institution established to produce the statistics and disseminate the statistical information according to the Georgian legislation. National Statistics Office of Georgia is established by the Law of Georgia on “Official Statistics”, 11 December 2009. In accordance with the Law of Georgia on “Official Statistics”, the Geostat is authorized to request from the administrative bodies and other physical and legal entities and receive all the statistical and other information (including confidential information and/or information containing personal data, in line with the “Law on Personal Data Protection”) necessary for carrying out its functions. Upon the request and according to the legislation of Georgia, the administrative bodies are obliged to provide the Geostat with the information on physical and private entities (including confidential information). The data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is confidential if it allows for identification of individual data. Confidential statistical data cannot be disseminated or used for non ‐ statistical purposes
Population distribution The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId6 was not found in the file. POPULATION DISTRIBUTION (%) BY NUMBER OF POPULATION (IN THOUSANDS) URBAN ‐ RURAL SETTLEMENTS Source: Population Censuses
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. The components of population change (thousand persons) The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId6 was not found in the file. 500 Natural Increase 400 Net migration Population growth 300 200 100 0 ‐ 100 1992 ‐ 121.6 1994 ‐ 200 ‐ 187.6 ‐ 300 1993 ‐ 400 ‐ 415.9 ‐ 500 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. Migration Statistics in Georgia The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId6 was not found in the file. 250.0 Before 2004 Befo 2004 200.0 • Source: Expert’s Estimation 150.0 100.0 2004-20 04-2011 11 50.0 thousands 0.0 • Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs • This data informed only about only about the gross number the gross numbers s of of entri entries and s and ‐ 50.0 exits and there was impossible to track individual entries and exits exists in order to distinguish migrants from other passengers ‐ 100.0 Old estimation ‐ 150.0 Local experts’ estimation Since 2012 Since 2012 ‐ 200.0 New estimation ‐ 250.0 • Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 • New methodology
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. Definition of Usual Residence The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId6 was not found in the file. There are two criteria for defining place of usual residence: a) “The place at which the persons has lived continuously for most of the 12 months (that is, for at least six months and one day), not including temporary absence for holidays or work assignments, or intends to live for at least six month;” b) “The place at which person has lived continuously for at least 12 months , not including temporary absence for holidays or work assignments, or intends to live for 12 months.” Source: UN, 2015b, paras. 2.48 ‐ 2.50
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. Migration Statistics 2012 ‐ till present The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId6 was not found in the file. ACCORDING TO NEW METHODOLOGY: An international immigrant is a person recorded when crossing the National border who entered the country and has accumulated a minimum of 183 days of residence in the country during the following twelve months; who was not usual resident of the country when entering the country which means that he spent at least a cumulate duration of 183 days of residence outside the country during the twelve months before entering the country. Similarly an international emigrant is a person recorded when crossing the National border who crossed the border and left the country and has accumulated a minimum of 183 days of residence outside the country during the following twelve months; who was usual resident of the country when leaving the country which means that he spent at least a cumulate duration of 183 days of residence inside the country during the twelve months before leaving the country.
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. Data of inflows and outflows starting from 2012 The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId6 was not found in the file. Main source • Ministry of Internal Affairs Geostat is receiving the individual data (annually) by: • Citizenship • Birth date • Sex • Duration of stay in/out of Georgia
Data of inflows and outflows starting from 2012 (cont.) The main products and dissemination date Description Date STATISTICAL DATA • Net migration • Emigrants and Immigrants by age and sex End of April • Emigrants and Immigrants by citizenship Publication Statistical Publication " Demographic Situation in Georgia ” Mid of October (in Georgian and English, Online Version)
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. Data of inflows and outflows starting from 2012 (cont.) The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId6 was not found in the file. Data limitation: • Purpose of migration • Country of destination / Place of destination in Georgia • Country of origin / Place of origin in Georgia • Education • Status of Economic Activity • Employment Status • Occupation
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. Future Plans for improving migration statistics The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId6 was not found in the file. Prepare for the next Population Census Start activities regarding to establishing of Population Register
Thank you for your attention! PAATA SHAVISHVILI Deputy Executive Director National Statistics Office of Georgia pshavishvili@geostat.ge www.geostat.ge