building myself back up tracking and habit formation post

Building Myself Back Up: Tracking and Habit Formation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Myself Back Up: Tracking and Habit Formation Post-Concussion Maggie Delano @maggied Insider Monkey / Flickr Tom Simpson / Flickr Time spent on computer each week Head injury Too much computer Actually resting

  1. Building Myself Back Up: Tracking and Habit Formation Post-Concussion Maggie Delano @maggied

  2. Insider Monkey / Flickr

  3. Tom Simpson / Flickr

  4. Time spent on computer each week Head injury Too much computer Actually resting

  5. Time spent on computer each week Head injury Too much computer Last week of term Actually resting Building myself back up

  6. 12+ days

  7. Rule: No new dailies until existing dailies are all blue

  8. Lawrence Wang / Flickr

  9. Lesson 1: This concussion was an inflection point

  10. No Alcohol Within 4 Hours of Bed Time Track Sleep Sleep Restriction No Napping

  11. Lesson 2: Each habit is different

  12. Hey Paul Studio / Flickr vs. Hiking Arist/ Flickr

  13. Hiking Artist / Flickr

  14. Lesson 3: Dailies don’t work for everything

  15. Rule: Get > 0 active minutes OR ride my bike daily

  16. Building Myself Back Up: Tracking and Habit Formation Post-Concussion Maggie Delano @maggied


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