building blocks for smart societies in a

Building Blocks for Smart Societies in a Connected World: A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Blocks for Smart Societies in a Connected World: A Regulatory Perspective on Fifth Generation Collaborative Regulation Sofie Maddens ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau May 2016 Evolution of ICT Regulation 2 What is the Mandate

  1. Building Blocks for Smart Societies in a Connected World: A Regulatory Perspective on Fifth Generation Collaborative Regulation Sofie Maddens ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau May 2016

  2. Evolution of ICT Regulation 2

  3. What is the Mandate of ICT Regulators? 3

  4. Which Regulators have been involved in the ICT Sector? 4

  5. Collaborative Regulation • Common Principles • Common Challenges 1 2 3

  6. Building Blocks for Collaborative Regulation Effective coordination Good Governance ICT Best ICT Practices share Principles Dialogue & Other ICT collaboration Sectors Sector

  7. Summary • hold an inclusive dialogue across the sectors • share guiding principles and best practices with other sectors on issues where ICT/telecommunications may be leveraged in other sectors • define mechanisms for effective coordination, cooperation and accountability across the sectors

  8. THANK YOU! 8


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