building a healthy future

Building A Healthy Future @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building A Healthy Future @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers #beachrangers Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers

  1. Building A Healthy Future @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers #beachrangers Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  2. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Communication #beachrangers Who Are The RNLI And What Do They Do? Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  3. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Who They Are And #beachrangers What They Do... • RNLI: the charity that saves lives • The RNLI provide lifeboats; at sea. Every day of every year, a seasonal lifeguard service; people of all backgrounds get coastal safety, research and into danger in the water. education programmes; and fmood response. • Working together with partners and communities, the RNLI aim to educate, infmuence, supervise and rescue those at risk from drowning. Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  4. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Jon’s Story - #beachrangers Surf Rescue Jon is a surfer who got into trouble at Tombstoning - peer pressure sea. He was rescued by the RNLI. Would you jump if they did? Explore Learn about safe decision-making peer pressure and discuss what around beaches and the water. tombstoning is. Discuss the video in groups of education-resources/videos/safe- 2 or 3 - come to a conclusion near-the-water Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  5. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Spot The Dangers! #beachrangers Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  6. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers What Type Of #beachrangers Communicator Are You? Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  7. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Director #beachrangers This communication style is driven by two How to communicate things: the need to get things done and the with a Director need to control. They are most comfortable in settings where they manage others and • Be clear, brief, fast, and precise. Be take control of situations. Fast-paced and well-prepared to provide solutions goal-oriented, Directors are focused on to their problems. bottom-line results and achieving success. • Skip the small talk and get down This go-getter mentality makes them innate • to business. leaders, but it also means they can come • Highlight key points. Avoid going across as impatient and insensitive. into too much detail. • Find out their goals and provide options with clear costs and benefjts. • Supply concrete data to back up claims of progress. Show how goals have been obtained. Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  8. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Socialiser #beachrangers Most people love socialisers. They are How to communicate fun to be around, always make others with a Socialiser laugh, and they thrive on being the centre of attention. Charismatic and energetic, • Take time to build a relationship and they always want to be where the action socialise with them. is. They are eternal optimists who are • Create a fun, lively atmosphere with good at selling others on their vision and new and diverse elements. goals. Although their enthusiasm and • Help them make a list of priorities, but charm make them infmuential people, as try to skip the unimportant details and leaders, they can sometimes be impulsive boring material. decision-makers who take risks without • After a meeting, be clear about who verifying information. They listen to their is going to do what and by when. Put intuition–which can be a good thing–and everything down in writing. what their “gut” is telling them. On the • Make them look good in front of others. downside, they have short attention spans, Be slow to criticize them. Instead, and they fjnd it hard to be alone. motivate them with praise. Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  9. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Thinker #beachrangers This communication style is very analytical How to communicate and geared toward problem-solving. with a Thinker Methodical and detail-oriented, Thinkers are usually slow decision-makers who are • Avoid too much small talk very deliberate about the choices they and socializing. make. Before taking a specifjc route, they • Go slow and give them time and do their homework by weighing pros and space to think things through. cons and looking at problems from every • Be well-prepared to answer their angle. Their high expectations of others and questions thoroughly with precise data. themselves can make them come across • Put everything down in writing. as overly critical and pessimistic. They are • Make good on your promises. perfectionists by nature and can easily fall into the trap of “analysis paralysis.” Since they tend to be sceptical, they usually want to see promises in writing. Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  10. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Relator #beachrangers Of the four communication styles, this one How to communicate with a Relator is the most people-oriented. Relators are warm, nurturing individuals who value • Be patient and show sincere interest in interpersonal relationships above all other them as a person. things. They are very loyal employees, • Build a relationship and learn more devoted friends and excellent team players. about their personal lives before getting Peacemakers by nature, they often avoid down to business. confmicts and confrontations. They are • Reduce their fears by clearly explaining also ideal team players since they are how a certain change will benefjt them always willing to build networks and share and those around them. responsibilities. Like Thinkers, they are • Be predictable and follow through with thorough planners and highly risk-averse. your stated promises. They value reliability, balance and sincerity. • Be warm and inviting. Focus on their feelings. • Don’t ever push them into a corner to get what you need. Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  11. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Do You Have What #beachrangers It Takes? Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

  12. @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers @beach_rangers @beachrangers @YSbeachrangers Journal Entry #beachrangers • Re-cap quiz – 5 mins – Have a go at answering all the questions – we have covered all the questions in this session • Colour RNLI poster – 10 mins – Remember posters should be colourful and stand out! Designed sustainably by COMMUNICATION

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