budapest university of technology and economics bme

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, BME since 1782 235 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, BME since 1782 235 235 Traditi tion & & 21st t Century ntury Creat ativi ivity ty & & Hard Work Celebrations & Fun Budape pest st Unive iversity rsity of Te

  1. Budapest University of Technology and Economics, BME since 1782

  2. 235 235 Traditi tion & & 21st t Century ntury Creat ativi ivity ty & & Hard Work Celebrations & Fun Budape pest st Unive iversity rsity of Te Tech chnolo ology gy and Eco conomics nomics 2


  4. 4

  5. Offi fice e of Interna nati tiona nal l Educatio ion n staff ff in in the Central al Academi emic Offi fice ce (CAO) Front Office • Ms. Nóra Gáspár ( gasp spar h.bme. hu) Facul ulty of f Civil Engine neeri ering ng Facul ulty of f Chemi mical cal Technol hnology y and d Biotec echnol hnology Preen enginee eering ng Studi udies es for Facul ulty of f Civil Engine neeri ering ng • Ms. Barba bara a Mag (mag ag.b .bar arbar ara@kth.b .bme. hu) Facul ulty of f Mechani anical cal Engine neeri ering ng Facul ulty of f Trans nspo portat ation Engine neering ng and Vehicl cle Engine neering ng • Ms Ms. Margit Nagy y (nagy.m y.mar argit@kth.b .bme.h Facul ulty of f Elec ectrical cal Engine neeri ering ng and d Info nformatics atics Facul ulty of f Natura ural Sci cien ence ces Preen enginee eering ng Studi udies es for Facul ulties es of Mech. . Eng., , Elec ectr. . Eng. . and d Inf. . and Chem em. . Techn hn. . and Biotec echn. • Ms Ms . Mária Orbán ( orba ban.mar n.maria@kth. bme. Facul ulty of f Archi hitec ecture ure General al Cour urse se for Facul ulty of Archi hitec ecture ure • Ms . Ágnes Varga - Tóth Ms heal alth insur surance ance Organi anised sed and manage aged by by Mr. László Kunsági ( kun unsa sagi.l .las aszlo@kth. bme. hu) 5

  6. Co Cont ntact act • Home page ge: http: p://ww www.kth. bme.h u/en/ en/ • For BS BSc a and MSc Sc studen dents: s: Offi fice: e: buil ilding ding R, gro ground d flo loor, , room No.1 • Address: Műegyetem rkp. 7 -9. 9., H-11 1111 11 Bu Budapes apest, , Hunga gary y • Fax: : +36 1 4 1 463 2 2550 • For Ph PhD D studen dents: s: at Dean’s Offices of the Faculties (see e at registration ) 6

  7. If you need help or If or have a a ques estion tion • At At fi firs rst ple lease ase se send us us an an ema mail il • Visit t us us durin ring only ly off ffic ice hour urs Monday day – Th Thursday rsday: : 12 12:00 00-15 15:30 30, Friday: ay: 8: 8:30 30-12 12:00 00 (after ter drawin wing a a number umber from m a cus usto tome mer termin minal al in main in hall ll of bg bg. R) 7

  8. 8

  9. Days-off, off, per eriods iods of of the the se semest ester er • 28 28 August ust-3 3 Sep eptember: tember: reg egistr stration ation per eriod od • 4 4 Septembe tember: r: first t day of study dy period od • 20 20 Septem ember: er: BME Sport rt Day • 23 23 Oc October ober: : Nationa ional l holida iday • 1 November: All Saints’ Day • 16 16 November: vember: BME Stude dent nt Re Research ch Confer feren ence ce • 24 24 November: vember: BME Op Open Day for highsc hschool hool students dents • 8 8 Dec ecember: ember: las ast day ay of study dy per eriod od • 11 11-15 15 Dece cember mber: : week of repeats ats • 18 18 Decembe cember – 22 22 January ary: exam period od 9

  10. Internet ernet an and comp mputer uter use at at BME Pl Please se vi visit it the fo foll llowin ing websit site and fo foll llow the in instructi ruction ons there ere hsz hszk. k.bme.h 10

  11. NE NEPT PTUN UN El Electr troni onic c admi minist istrat ratio ion syste stem • to re regi gister er for your courses es (this is semes mester er we do it it for you) • to ch check your schedu dule le • to ch check your cla lassroo rooms ms • to su subm bmit it requests uests (E100, E066, E0 E018) • to se set your tempo porar ary y addr dress ess (in in Hunga gary) y) • to re regi gister er for your exams ms ( fr from m the begi ginni nning ng of Decemb mber er) 11

  12. Reg egistr istrat atio ion n in n per erson son Nece cessar ssary docume cuments nts • valid id passpo port and nd its pho hotoco tocopy py • Letter tter of f Accepta ceptance ce and d its ts photo otocopy copy • last ast schoo hool report ort (secon condar dary or or BSc c or or MSc c diplo loma) a) and d its photo otocopy copy • proo oof of your ur kno nowledg ledge e of Eng ngli lish sh (in n case of MSc c and d PhD students) dents) • 1 1 piece ce of passpo port size photo oto What you rece ceive ive • timeta metable les • healt ealth insuran surance ce form rm • acc ccom ommodat datio ion n repor portin ting fo form m (fo for Immig migra ratio tion Off ffic ice) e) Grou oups ps in the e hall ll acc ccording ording to you our facu cult lties ies (+ Specia ecial proble lems) ms) 12

  13. Dur uring ing th the e se seme meste ster • 4 September: tember: firs irst day day of stud udy y peri riod od • 8 Dece cember: r: last st day day of stud udy perio riod Studies udies acc ccordin ding to timeta etables bles (distribu tributed ted in the e hall ll) • Facult lty of Mechanica nical Engineerin ring https://gpk hu/En English lish/inde index.php?o x.php?opt ptio ion= n=co com_co _cont ntent&v &vie iew= w=ar article& icle&id= id=77&It 7&Itemid id=10 101 • Facult lty of Arch chit itect cture re http://arc archit itect u/fi file les/ s/uplo upload/ ad/BME-EP EPK-Tim Timetab able-201 017e 7e-C. C.1.p 1.pdf df • Facult lty of Electrical rical Engineering ring and Inform rmatics ics https://www. ww.vik. hu/pag age/679 79/ • Facult lty of Transp sport rtat atio ion Engineerin ring and Vehicle le Engineerin ring (semest ster r starts on 18th Septembe ber, r, no timetab ables yet) • Facult lty of Natural ral Sciences ces (timetable ables will be sent by by the Facult lty by by email by by Monday ay, 4th Septembe ber) r) Durin ing g office ice hou ours rs (Mo Mo-Th Th: : 12:00 :00-15:30 15:30, , Fr Fr: 8:30 30-12:00) :00) • health insuran rance ce contrac acts and cards rds can can be pick cked up up if if you prese sent nt your bank receipt ipt of 35.00 000 HUF (will ll be refu funde nded) (http: p://www www.kth.b hu/docu cument/168 688/ 8/origin riginal/ al/Healt alth%20 %20Insu Insuranc rance%2 %20Hando 0Handout ut%20 %2020 2016 16%2 %20fo 0for% r%20 20SH SH%20 %20st stude udent nts. s.pdf df) • student nt status s certifi ifica cate (for for Immigrat ratio ion Offi fice) ce) after submit ittin ing regist strat ratio ion form and being regist stere red comple letely ly • arra rang nging ing student nt ID (inform nformat atio ion letter will be sent about ut it it) • scholarsh larship ip agreement By By the help lp of you our mentor entors • visit it to to Immigra ratio ion Office ice to receive ive reside idence ce permit • arra rang nge bank accoun unt in HUF and Hungaria rian n tax ID to receive ive SH scholarship larship (not earlie ier than on 10th Novembe ber! r!) • arra rang nge Hungari rian an socia ial securi urity number 13

  14. Extr tra a fe fees es fo for sp spec ecial ial ins nstances tances Instan stances es Fees es semest ster r regis istrat ration in Nept ptun un after r 1 st st Septembe ber (pa paid id in advan ance) ce) 5.500 HUF late subject ct regist istra ratio ion/ n/ca canc ncellat lation (E018 18, paid d in advanc ance) 5.500 HUF/course late submissi ission of home assignment nt 3.200 HUF/assignment repe peat ated d resit itting ng of a test (paid aid in advanc ance) 5.500 HUF/resitting unauthorized rized absence ce from an examina natio ion 5.500 HUF/absence 3rd and further r exam in the same subject ct (paid aid in advan ance) ce) 4.500 HUF/exam repe peat ated d regist strat ratio ion for a faile led d subject ct 4.500 HUF/course repe peat ated d regist strat ratio ion for a subject ct for r improve vement (pa paid id in advan ance) ce) 4.500 HUF/course The above Th ve fees should uld be paid in HUF transfe sfer r from m your r bank acc ccount ount (no ca cash payme ment nt at our office, ice, please!) se!) 14

  15. Tha hank nk you ou fo for you our ki kind nd att ttentio ntion! n! Budapest University of Technology and Economics, BME http: p://www. // ?language=en

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