brownian motion with darning applied to kl and bf

Brownian Motion with Darning applied to KL and BF equations for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brownian Motion with Darning applied to KL and BF equations for planar slit domains Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Analysis and Applications German Japanese bilateral

  1. Brownian Motion with Darning applied to KL and BF equations for planar slit domains Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Analysis and Applications German Japanese bilateral project September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30

  2. Introduction 1 Objective of my talk Known facts in simply connected case ( N = 0) BMD and its complex Poisson kernel 2 Definition of BMD Complex Poisson kernel of BMD Solving continuity and differentiability problems 3 Strategy Probabilistic expression of ℑ g t ( z ) and continuity of g t ( z ) Lipschitz continuity of BMD-complex Poisson kernel Bauer-Friedrich equation of slit motions 4 BF and KL equations for a given ξ ( t ) 5 Solving BF equation for a given continuous ξ ( t ) Solving KL equation for a given continuous ξ ( t ) Basic properties of ( s ( t ) , ξ ( t )) for a given random curves γ 6 September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30

  3. Introduction Objective of my talk Objective of my talk A domain of the form D = H \ ∪ N k =1 C k is called a standard slit domain, where H is the upper half-plane and { C k } are mutually disjoint line segments parallel to x -axis contained in H . We fix a standard slit domain D and consider a Jordan arc γ : [0 , t γ ] → D , γ (0) ∈ ∂ H , γ (0 , t γ ] ⊂ D . (1.1) For each t ∈ [0 , t γ ], let g t : D \ γ [0 , t ] → D t (1.2) be the unique conformal map from D \ γ [0 , t ] onto a standard slit domain D t = H \ ∪ N k =1 C k ( t ) satisfying a hydrodynamic normalization g t ( z ) = z + a t z → ∞ . z + o (1) , (1.3) a t is called half-plane capacity and it can be shown to be a strictly increasing left-continuous function of t with a 0 = 0 . September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30

  4. Introduction Objective of my talk We write ξ ( t ) = g t ( γ ( t )) ( ∈ ∂ H ) , 0 ≤ t ≤ t γ . (1.4) In [BF08] On chordal and bilateral SLE in multiply connected domains, Math. Z. 258 (2008), 241-265 R.O. Bauer and R.M. Friedrich have derived a chordal Komatu-Loewner equation ∂ − g t ( z ) = − π Ψ t ( g t ( z ) , ξ ( t )) , g 0 ( z ) = z ∈ D , 0 < t ≤ t γ , (1.5) ∂ a t where ∂ − g t ( z ) denotes the left partial derivative with respect to a t . ∂ a t This is an extension of the radial Komatu-Loewner equation obtained first by Y. Komatu [K50] On conformal slit mapping of multiply-conected domains, Proc. Japan Acad. 26 (1950), 26-31 and later by Bauer-Friedrich [BF06] On radial stochastic Loewner evolution in multiply connected domains, J. Funct. Anal. 237 (2006), 565-588 September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30

  5. Introduction Objective of my talk The kernel Ψ t ( z , ζ ) , z ∈ D t , ζ ∈ ∂ H , appearing in (1.5) is an analytic function of z ∈ D t whose imaginary part is constant on each slit C k ( t ) of the domain D t . It is explicitly expressed in terms of the classical Green function of the domain D t . However the following problems have not been solved neither in the radial case [K50], [BF06] nor in the chordal case [BF08]: Problem 1 (continuity). Is a t continuous in t ? Problem 2 (differentiablility). If a t were continuous in t , the curve γ can be reparametrized in a way that a t = 2 t , 0 ≤ t ≤ t γ . Is g t ( z ) differentiable in t so that (1.5) can be converted to the genuine KL equation ? d dt g t ( z ) = − 2 π Ψ t ( g t ( z ) , ξ ( t )) , g 0 ( z ) = z ∈ D , 0 < t ≤ t γ . (1.6) September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30

  6. Introduction Objective of my talk g t can be extended as a homeomorphism between ∂ ( D \ γ [0 , t ]) and ∂ D t . The slit C k is homeomorphic with the image slit C k ( t ) by g t for each 1 ≤ k ≤ N . Denote by z k ( t ) , z ′ k ( t ) the left and right endpoints of C k ( t ) . [BF06], [BF08] went on further to make the following claims: Claim 1. The endpoints are subjected to the Bauer-Friedrch equation d d dt z ′ k ( t ) = − 2 π Ψ t ( z ′ dt z k ( t ) = − 2 π Ψ t ( z k ( t ) , ξ ( t )) , k ( t ) , ξ ( t )) , (1.7) Claim 2. Conversely, given a continuous function ξ ( t ) on the boundary ∂ H , the BF-equation (1.7) can be solved uniquely in z k ( t ) , z ′ k ( t ), and then the KL-equation (1.6) can be solved uniquely in g t ( z ) . We aim at answering Problems 1 and 2 affirmatively, establishing the genuine KL-equation (1.6) with Ψ t ( z , ζ ) being the complex Poisson kernel of BMD on D t and moreover legitimating Claims 1 and 2 made by Bauer-Friedrich. September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30

  7. Introduction Known facts in simply connected case ( N = 0) Known facts in simply connected case ( N = 0) The continuity of a t follows easily from the Carath´ eodory convegence theorem. The continuity of ξ ( t ) ∈ ∂ H can also be shown by an complex analyitc argument. D t = H and the complex Poisson kernel of H is given by Ψ t ( z , ζ ) = Ψ( z , ζ ) = − 1 1 ( z − ζ ) π with ℑ Ψ( z , ζ ) = 1 1 ( x − ζ ) 2 + y 2 , z = x + iy , π being the Poisson kernel of ABM on H The equation (1.5) is reduced to the well known Loewner equation ∂ 2 ∂ t g t ( z ) = , g 0 ( z ) = z , (1.8) g t ( z ) − ξ t under the reparametrization a t = 2 t . Given a continuous motion ξ ( t ) on ∂ H , { g t } and γ can be recovered by solving the Loewner equation (1.8). September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30

  8. Introduction Known facts in simply connected case ( N = 0) Given a probability measure on the collection of continuous curves γ on H connecting 0 and ∞ that satisfies a domain Markov property and conformal invariance, the associated random motion ξ ( t ) equals √ κ B t for κ > 0 and the Brownian motion B t . Conversely, given ξ ( t ) = √ κ B t on ∂ H , the associated trace γ of the stochastic(Schramm) Loewner evolution (SLE) { g t } behaves differently according to the parameter κ and is linked to scaling limits of certain random processes. September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30

  9. BMD and its complex Poisson kernel Definition of BMD Definition of BMD Let D = H \ ∪ N k =1 C k be a standard slit domain. A Brownian motion with darning (BMD) Z ∗ for D is, roughly speaking, a diffusion process on H absorbed at ∂ H and reflected at each slit C j but by regarding C j as a single point c ∗ k . To be more precise, let D ∗ = D ∪ K ∗ , K ∗ = { c ∗ 1 , c ∗ 2 , · · · , c ∗ N } (2.1) j of each point c j ∗ in D ∗ by { c ∗ and define a negihborhood U ∗ j } ∪ ( U j \ C j ) for any neighborhood U j of C j in H . Denote by m the Lebesgue measure on D and by m ∗ its zero extension to D ∗ . Let Z 0 = ( Z 0 t , P 0 z ) be the absorbing Brownian motion(ABM) on D . In [CF] Z.-Q. Chen and M. Fukushima, Symmetric Markov Processes, Time Changes, and Boundary Theory , Princeton University Press, 2012, the BMD Z ∗ for D is characterized as a unique m ∗ -symmetric diffusion extension of Z 0 from D to D ∗ with no killing at K ∗ . September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30

  10. BMD and its complex Poisson kernel Definition of BMD Let ( E ∗ , F ∗ ) be the Dirichlet form of Z ∗ on L 2 ( D ∗ ; m ∗ ) = L 2 ( D ; m ) . It is a regular strongly local Dirichlet form on L 2 ( D ∗ ; m ∗ ) described as { E ∗ ( u , v ) = 1 u , v ∈ F ∗ , 2 D ( u , v ) , F ∗ = { u ∈ W 1 , 2 ( H ) : u is constant D -q.e on each C j } . 0 The uniquely associated diffusion on D ∗ is the BMD Z ∗ . Let γ be an analytic Jordan curve surrounding a slit C j , namely, γ ⊂ D , ins γ ⊃ C j , ins γ ∩ C k = ∅ , k � = j . For a harmonic function u defined in a neighborhood of C j , the value ∫ ∂ u ( ζ ) ds ( ζ ) ∂ n ζ γ is independent of the choice of such curve γ with the normal vector n pointing toward C j and arc length s . This value is called the period of u around C j . September 26, 2012 at Okayama University Stochastic Masatoshi Fukushima with Z.-Q. Chen and S. Rohde () BMD applied to KL and BF equations / 30


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