bringing people to the

Bringing People to the Water: Clear Creek Canyon Parks Big Easy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bringing People to the Water: Clear Creek Canyon Parks Big Easy Recreation Area Introduction Presentation Team: Scot Grossman Projects Team Supervisor Jefferson County Open Space Jefferson County, Colorado Moneka Worah Principal

  1. Bringing People to the Water: Clear Creek Canyon Park’s Big Easy Recreation Area

  2. Introduction Presentation Team: • Scot Grossman Projects Team Supervisor Jefferson County Open Space Jefferson County, Colorado • Moneka Worah Principal and Biologist ERO Resources Lakewood, Colorado • Paul Thomas Principal and Landscape Architect Stream Landscape Architecture and Planning Denver, Colorado

  3. Introduction Project Team: • Jefferson County Open Space • CEI Construction • Muller Engineering • Yeh and Associates • ERO Resources • Stream Landscape Architecture • 105 West Survey • Zozo Public Relations • Summit Engineering

  4. Introduction Presentation Agenda 1. The Big Picture: The Big Easy and the P2P Trail Project 2. Moving a Highway 3. Prebles! Working Through a T&E Species Finding 4. Designing to Bring People to the Water

  5. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Balancing Recreation with the Environment

  6. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Environmental Permitting • Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit • Colorado Department of Transportation Access Permit • Biological Assessment/Biological Opinion

  7. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities What is a Preble’s Jumping Mouse? • Found in 1899 in Colorado by Edward Preble • Endemic to riparian habitats of CO and WY • Found nowhere else in the world

  8. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Preble’s Preferred Habitats • Riparian areas with upland grasslands adjacent • Dense, herbaceous or woody vegetation near ground level • Foraging and hibernation areas • Open water during the active season • Refugia from flooding

  9. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Permitting Process

  10. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Estimating Impacts • Conservative approach to impacts • Assume worst case • Make wide limits of disturbance

  11. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Proposed Mitigation • Proposed combination of on-site and off- site habitat • On-site limited to canyon setting • Coal Creek and Ralston Creek reviewed for off-site mitigation

  12. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Big Easy Habitat

  13. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Habitat Protection

  14. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Habitat Enhancement

  15. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Habitat Creation

  16. Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Protect, Enhance, Create

  17. Bringing People to the Water Project Objectives • Trailhead and parking lot for P2P Trail • A destination recreation area • Enhanced natural resource

  18. Bringing People to the Water Key Challenges • Limited space (1.5 acre) • Busy adjacent highway • Wild river • Seriously degraded site • Mitigation for Preble’s Mouse

  19. Bringing People to the Water Design Objectives • Enhance the resource — mitigate previous impacts Placer Mining

  20. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Enhance the resource — mitigate previous impacts

  21. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Enhance the resource — mitigate previous impacts

  22. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Enhance the resource — minimize new impacts Water Access Points Social Trails

  23. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Enhance the resource by protecting valuable habitat

  24. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Siting the P2P Trail

  25. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Siting the P2P Trail

  26. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Siting the P2P Trail

  27. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Siting the P2P Trail

  28. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Siting the P2P Trail

  29. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Siting the P2P Trail

  30. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Siting the P2P Trail

  31. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Siting the P2P Trail

  32. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Siting the P2P Trail

  33. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Creating a destination recreation area

  34. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Trails, boardwalks and overlooks

  35. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Trails, boardwalks and overlooks

  36. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Trails, boardwalks and overlooks

  37. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Water access

  38. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Water access

  39. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Water access

  40. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Water access

  41. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Water access

  42. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Water access

  43. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Water access

  44. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Mitigate highway

  45. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Mitigate highway

  46. Bringing People to the Water

  47. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Amenities--Shelters

  48. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Amenities--Shelters

  49. Bringing People to the Water

  50. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • ADA Accessibility

  51. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Amenities — Geology Garden

  52. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Amenities — Geology Garden

  53. Bringing People to the Water Design Approaches • Amenities — Geology Garden

  54. Bringing People to the Water Multi-Purpose Recreation Area

  55. Bringing People to the Water Multi-Purpose Recreation Area

  56. Bringing People to the Water Multi-Purpose Recreation Area

  57. Bringing People to the Water Multi-Purpose Recreation Area

  58. Bringing People to the Water Multi-Purpose Recreation Area

  59. Bringing People to the Water Multi-Purpose Recreation Area

  60. Bringing People to the Water

  61. . Thank you.


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