Betty-Lou Ayers Edmonton Public Schools Alberta, CANADA Bringing Joy to Student Learning: The Power of Inquiry
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Context of my work Coaching small and large groups of teachers Modelling lessons with students
Goals for Today: Inquiry: What is it? WHY do it? WHAT does it look like? Inquiry Models Strategies & Tips
Power of INQUIRY … "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.” Benjamin Franklin
3 Points of View 1. What does inquiry mean to you? 3. What might inquiry sound 2. What like/look like in inspires your classroom? you as a learner?
5 Points of View What…..? How….? Why…? When…? Where…..?
What is inquiry? A dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlements and coming to know and understand the world. Galileo Education
Inquiry… …AS INFORMATION …AS WONDERING SEEKING Process-oriented Product-oriented Playful in tone Workful in tone Open-ended Focused on an answer Writing Scientific Method Performing Research Projects Building/Creating
Why inquiry? Using Inquiry-based learning with students can help them become more creative, more positive and more independent. (Kuhne, 1995)
This is TRUE….for ALL students • Special needs Students • English Language Learners Inquiry based learning IMPROVES student achievement for all. GLEF, 2001
IT’s REAL WORLD STUFF…. Finding the answer to the leaking roof problem…
It’s about the BIG IDEA!
Why Fall? What might this look Investigation like in Grade 1? KWL Looking and wondering with artifacts Using student-generated questions to guide the inquiry Sharing stories, songs, pictures, implements of fall…. Uncovering….the curriculum leaves/fall-leaves/
Exploring 3-D shapes… How does shape affect our lives? Gr.5 Math
Grade 6 Science Does our future depend on the health of our forests? Trees and Forests…
Sparking Inquiry…using ANIMOTO
Wonder Wheel I ¡wonder…. ¡ Who? How? Who? What? IF Where? ? When? Why? What? Why? How? When? Where? Taken from: Q-Tasks by Carol Koechlin & Sandi Zwaan
I Questions
Using children’s literature to spark inquiry
How about using a video clip?
What are the implications of living in a democratic society within a larger global context? Working closely with a specialist in middle east politics, students examined democracy in light of the invasion of Iraq Social 10 and Social 30
Inquiry – How does it fit with curriculum? /
INQUIRY: Linking to Curriculum Language Arts Social Studies Math Science
Placemat activity….
Gr. 3 Social Studies India, Tunisia, and Peru
Focus on Higher Level Thinking Skills – Gr. 3 3.S1 DEVELOP SKILLS OF CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING: evaluate ideas and information from different points of view choose and justify a course of action generate original ideas and strategies compare and contrast information Alberta Education Program of Studies, Social Studies Kindergarten to Grade 3, 2005
3.S4 Demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving: apply new ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and problem solving support proposed ideas, strategies and options with facts and reasons collaborate with others to devise strategies for dealing with problems and issues use technology to organize and display data in a problem-solving context Alberta Education Program of Studies, Social Studies Kindergarten to Grade 3, 2005
Inquiry is a process…. Many inquiry models to choose from
Professional Reading
Support Materials….Models for Inquiry Process Comprehension & Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action by Stephanie Harvey and Harvey Daniels
Invite curiosity, build background, find topics, wonder
Invite curiosity, build background, find topics, wonder develop questions, search for information, discover answers
intensify research, synthesize information, build knowledge share learning, demonstrate understanding, take action
British Columbia Teacher-Librarian Association: "The Points of Inquiry" - Inquiry-based Learning for Classroom and School Libraries
Gradual release of responsibility: Small STEPS - Teacher-directed Inquiry Lots of modeling Mini Inquiry Independent Inquiry
The Gradual Release Of Responsibility: Harvey & Daniels, Inquiry Circles
Ivey & Broaddus, 2008: Kids remember curriculum better when we figure out what aspects are interesting to them, and begin there .
Kickstart Questions : 1. What happens to the world when you buy an iPod? 2. How could we help polar bears from being endangered? 3. What would it take to build a colony on Mars?
ASKING Powerful Questions… Interview questions…
In Social Studies Context
Strand 2: Handing the ‘brainwork’ of learning back to our Students Back to the KIDS Comprehension & Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action by Stephanie Harvey and Harvey Daniels
What do we mean by that? Stop coddling them Teach them how to identify worthy problems & questions. Teach them how to use proper tools
And teach them procedures just like real practitioners Involve them with working with others, building knowledge, and sharing their findings with an audience.
3: FOCUS on developing KID’s THINKING first, foremost and always. Moving kids from recall… and retelling To Higher level-thinking With the ultimate result – a change in thinking… not just passing a quiz. Comprehension & Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action by Stephanie Harvey and Harvey Daniels
Three Story Intellect: A framework for helping students think more critically. Useful for helping students recognize ‘good’ questions. Developing More Curious Minds , Dr. John Barell
Using stories, pictures, images…to provoke wonder… The Rabbit by John Marsden, illus. by Shaun Tan
Strategy #2: OTQ O – Observe (What do I see?) T – Think (How can I relate this to what I already know? Have I seen this anywhere else? Does this remind me of something else?) Q – What questions do I have about this? Problem-Based Learning An Inquiry Approach, J. Barell
Investigations… ¡play ¡with ¡what ¡if? ¡questions. ¡ ...there were no gravity? …there were no rules? ...dinosaurs never existed? ...we didn't have any numbers? didn't get dark at night?
How to keep track of student wonders?
Inquiry Journals Wondering Wednesdays… Explore a song, a piece of artwork, a photograph, story or artifact, or a video clip
Conversation and collaboration is key…
STIMULATE Wonder & Curiosity. Ask meaningful questions.
Encourage your student to express evidence of learning…in unique ways.
Reflect process reflect on essential questions assess product or performance
Take time with an elbow partner & generate some big idea questions?
Traditional Inquiry Classroom Classroom Teachers facilitate and guide Teachers give out students information Students use content as a means to develop information Students are to master handling and problem solving content skills Memorizing facts is important Whole-class approach Mini-lessons focus on small group instruction
What Digital Natives Want…
Additional Support Materials – Posted on 7inquiringminds wiki Bibliography of Children’s Literature to Spark Inquiry Bibliography of Professional Reading Materials on Inquiry Learning & Questioning PDF documents – Inquiry Process Models
Inquiry calls for a shift in thinking… in OUR thinking…
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