
INQUIRY . Inquiry is like How is Inquiry Connected to FACT? An - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INQUIRY . Inquiry is like How is Inquiry Connected to FACT? An inquiry based system guides and informs participating teachers about their own professional growth. Participating teachers gather information, collaborate and/ or observe a

  1. INQUIRY .

  2. Inquiry is like…

  3. How is Inquiry Connected to FACT? An inquiry based system guides and informs participating teachers about their own professional growth. Participating teachers gather information, collaborate and/ or observe a colleague, develop an action plan, implement that action plan, reflect on collected evidence and apply new learning to future practice.

  4. How is Inquiry Connected to FACT? Year 1 – Tab 3: Inquiry #1—Pedagogy Year 2 – Tab 6: Inquiry #2—Self-Selected Focus – Tab 7: Inquiry #3—Self-Selected Focus

  5. Approaching the Inquiry Tab 3 – Yellow Pages – Signature Page – IIP, Essential Components, etc. Review components of Tab 3 on Checklist Tabs 6 and 7 are identical, except the focus of the Inquiry is self-selected

  6. How does Inquiry Begin?  With wonderings  Dilemmas  Grows out of self assessment  Outgrowth of pre-service work  Observation feedback, DOP, own experiences and passion

  7. Choosing a Question What are you wondering about your practice? How can you turn that wondering into a question?

  8. Sources for developing a Focus Question • Classroom Management Conversation Guide (2.3) • California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) • Descriptions of Practice (DOP, 2.10) • Teacher Performance Assessments (TPA) • Informal Observation (2.7 or 2.8) • Post-Observation Reflection (2.9)

  9. How Do I Start the IIP? (now that I have a focus question!) Tab 3 Yellow Pages (pp. 3.0, 1-3) Role-Play: Pair up and decide who will be the Support Provider and the Participating Teacher “SP” should guide the “PT” through the process of filling in Cells 1-6 on the IIP

  10. Next Steps to Inquiry Upon completing Cells 1-6, Participants will proceed to completing the following documents in the Inquiry Process (over 4-6 weeks): •Essential Components •Observation Record for Instruction •Post-Observation •Entry Level Assessment Reflection •Focus Student Selection •Summative Assessment •Lesson Plan Template for •Analysis of Student work Observation •Reflective Conversation Record

  11. Inquiry is like…


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