boyce music ensemble information meeting

Boyce Music Ensemble Information Meeting Mrs. Sarah Shoemaker, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Boyce Music Ensemble Information Meeting Mrs. Sarah Shoemaker, Orchestra Director Mr. Craig Madge, Band Director Mrs. Jennifer Schetley, Chorus/Musical Director Boyce Ensemble Offerings: Band: 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band Orchestra: 5th Gd

  1. Boyce Music Ensemble Information Meeting Mrs. Sarah Shoemaker, Orchestra Director Mr. Craig Madge, Band Director Mrs. Jennifer Schetley, Chorus/Musical Director

  2. Boyce Ensemble Offerings: Band: 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band Orchestra: 5th Gd Orchestra, 6th Gd Orchestra, Honors Orchestra (5th and 6th Grades) Chorus (Fall Semester Only): 5th Gd Chorus, 6th Gd Chorus, Voice of Boyce (5th and 6th Grades) Musical Theater (Spring Semester Only): 5th Gd Musical Theater, 6th Gd Musical Theater

  3. Boyce Ensemble Rehearsal Times Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs. Fri. 7:30-8:30 am 6th Orchestra 5th Orchestra Honors Orchestra 7:45-8:30 am 5th Band 6th Band 7:30-8:30 am Voice of Boyce 6th Chorus 5th Chorus Sectionals/ Sectionals/ 6th Musical 5th Musical 8:45-2:45, One 40 Minute Instrumental Pull-Out Lesson Each Week School Day 2:45-3:45 pm 5th Chorus/ 6th Chorus/ 5th Musical 6th Musical

  4. 2016 - 2017 Concert Dates 3/29/17 & 3/30/17 - 5th Gd Musical Performances 7PM @ Boyce Theater 12/7/16 - Final Band/Chorus/Orch Rehearsal 1 - 4PM @ HS Theater 3/31/17 - 5th Gd Musical School Show 2PM @ Boyce Theater 12/8/16 - Band/Chorus/Orch Concert 7PM @ HS Theater 5/22/17 - Middle School String Rehearsal 12/9/16 - Band/Chorus/Orch School Show in 7:30 AM @ Boyce Theater 2PM @ Boyce Theater 5/22/17 - Middle School String Concert 3/15/17 - Combined String Concert 7PM @ 7PM @ Boyce Theater HS Theater 5/24/17 - Boyce Band Rehearsal 1 - 3 PM 3/22/17 - Combined Band Concert 7PM @ @ Boyce Theater HS Theater 5/24/17 - Boyce Band Concert 7PM @ 3/27/17 & 3/28/17 - 5th Gd Musical Dress Boyce Theater Rehearsal 2:30 - 4:30 PM @ Boyce Theater

  5. Contact and Remind Information Orchestra: Mrs. Sarah Shoemaker SSHOEMAKER@USCSD.K12.PA.US Band: Mr. Craig Madge CMADGE@USCSD.K12.PA.US Chorus/Musical: Mrs. Jen Schetley JSCHETLEY@USCSD.K12.PA.US

  6. Staff Webpages: Please Check Teacher Webpages for: - Official online sign-up - The schedule for group pull-out lessons (band/orchestra- in addition to rehearsals) - Required method books and materials - Concert letters and printed communication - Instructions on volunteering - General information on classes


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