board presentation

BOARD PRESENTATION 1 The process of involving consumers in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CONSUMER PARTICIPATION IN ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS SERVICES BOARD PRESENTATION 1 The process of involving consumers in decision making about : service planning W HA HAT IS IS C ONSU policy development ONSUMER MER P AR TION ?


  2. The process of involving consumers in decision making about : service planning  W HA HAT IS IS C ONSU policy development ONSUMER MER  P AR TION ? ARTICIP TICIPATION priority setting  quality in service  delivery 2

  3. Some omeone one wh who u o uses, s, ha has used, , or or is is eligible igible to us o use alcohol ohol and nd ot othe her drugs s servic vices es Thos hose peop ople e wh who a o are refu fused ed service vices s or or wh who r o refu fuse se service vices Family, ily, fr friend nds s and nd signi nifican ficant ot othe hers of p of peop ople wh who o use service vices, s, regardless dless of of wh whethe her r or n or not ot t the hey y directly ctly use the hese se service vices s the hemselves selves Othe hers s affe ffected ted by AO y AOD poli olicy y and nd laws ws 3

  4. W HY HY D O C ON SUMER P AR TION ? ONSUMER ARTIC TICIP IPATION An An eth ethical and ical and de democ mocratic tic right right “People have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their health care .” WHO 1978 4

  5. WHY WHY DO DO CO CONSUM NSUMER ER PAR ARTICIP TICIPATION TION? ?  a requirement for all publicly funded alcohol and other drugs services, and is embedded in sector policy  ensures public accountability  to deliver the best possible services to those it serves  evidence-based benefits 5

  6. E VID ENCE F OR OR C ONSU MER P AR VIDENCE ONSUMER ARTICIP TICIPATION TION • • leads to improvements in facilitates participation by health outcomes for those traditionally consumers marginalised by mainstream health services • supports consumers in • is integral to the success managing their own health. of the development, implementation and evaluation of health • leads to more accessible strategies and programs and effective health services. • effective participation is achieved through the adoption of a range of methods Consumer Focus Collaboration Organisation 6

  7. D OMAINS OMAINS OF OF PAR ARTIC TICIP IPATION TION Polic licy Rese sear arch ch Education ation Organisation anisation Indiv ividual idual Care 7

  8. L EVE OF C ON SUMER P AR EVELS LS OF ONSUMER ARTIC TICIP IPATION TION Level of Power Level Type Descripti ription on Activi Ac vities High Contr trol All l decis isions ions are made by consumer ers and • Consumer run organisations consum umer ers have ve contr trol ol of resour urces es. • Self help groups Medium dium Partn tner ersh ship ip Consumer ers and provider iders are Peer Pe r worker ers, , educat ator ors, , traine ners joint nt decis ision ion makers. • Staff selection panels • Steering committees Low Consu sultat ltatio ion Consumer ers are present nted d with a plan n or • Suggestion boxes direc ectiv ive e design gned ed by • Surveys the servic ice e provider ider and invit vited ed to to give e feedb dbac ack. . Control ol is • Focus groups firmly ly with servic vice e provider iders. • Service user groups Infor ormation mation This is not ot consumer er • Information to service users partic icip ipati ation on but it increas eases es pow ower er, , about t servic vices es and treat atmen ent enable les servic ice e users option ions to make to e decis isions ions about t their ir ow own • Charter of Rights 8 treatme tment t and supports • Complaints systems consum umer er partic icip ipati ation. on. • Consumer participation Po Polic icies ies

  9. B OAR OF M AN NT M EMB ARD OF ANAGEME GEMENT EMBERSHIP ERSHIP • High level consumer participation • Contribute to governance of organisation • Usually a requirement of organisation’s constitution • Experts by experience • Bring specific skills and expertise 9

  10. Q UALITY ALITY A SSURANCE SSURANCE • Opportunity to evaluate effectiveness of programs • Engenders feeling of personal value and worth • Views relevant and worthwhile • Organisation has ‘outside’ perspective • Leads to greater consumer participation • Must be trained • Independent feedback required 10

  11. S T R A T E G I  Involvement needs be planned C  Participants must be given preparation P  Personal attendance is ideal L A  Can include surveys, focus groups, other N feedback N I N G 11

  12. E DUC AND T RAI DUCATION TION AND RAININ NING Consumers provide input into training Less stigmatised attitude towards consumers Encourages practitioners to consider consumers before potential adverse action Gives consumer perspective - key messages Formal process for recruitment Require training and support Must be remunerated 12

  13. P OLICY OLICY D EV EVEL ELOPME OPMENT NT • Great capacity to improve services • Need training and support • Avoid token participation • Involve consumers early • Have clearly defined role • Use surveys, focus groups, interviews • Provide feedback 13

  14. The Consumer Participation Action Plan 14


  16. S TEP TEP 1: A 1: A UDIT UDIT P AST AST & C & C URR ENT A CTIV URRENT CTIVITIES ITIES Identify past and current consumer participation activities including activities that support participation Decide what is working and what isn‘t 16

  17. S TEP TEP 2: 2: I MPR VE C URREN URRENT A CTIVITIES MPROVE CTIVITIES • Think about what works • Think about what doesn’t work • Get others involved: - Who else is interested in your workplace? Is the management team on board? - How can you get consumers involved in your improvements? 17

  18. S TEP TEP 3: 3: B UILD UILD N EW EW A CTI CTIVIT VITIES IES • What activities complement present practice? • Think about organisational readiness – eg training, address barriers • Think about structure and size of organisation and who uses your organisation – types of participation achievable, available resources • Recruit/train service users 18

  19. S TEP TEP 4: 4: E VAL TE N EW EW A CTI ALUATE CTIVIT VITIES IES what to measure tools feedback action 19


  21. B ENEF FOR O UR UR S ER ENEFITS ITS FOR ERVICE VICE ● creates greater cooperation ● consumers less likely to express resentment and suspicion ● untapped resource for feedback and solutions ● trust built between service users and staff ● greater staff job satisfaction as services improve 21

  22. B ENEFITS FOR O UR UR C ON ENEFITS FOR ONSUMERS SUMERS As Assists ts recover ery y Impr mproves es through ough effecti ectiven eness ess of empo mpowermen erment t the service vice and d system em psychological chological wellbein lbeing Impr mproves es Increa creases es sk skills ls capacity acity in the and d conf nfiden idence ce wider er commu mmunity nity 22

  23. M EANINGF EANINGFUL P AR TION = P = P OSITI VE C HANGE ARTICIP TICIPATION OSITIVE HANGE Feedb dback ack Posit itiv ive e Consumer sumer Organisat isational ional Change nge Input nput Process ss No Change nge No Feedb dback ack 23

  24. K EY TO S UCCESS EYS TO UCCESS * Organisational readiness * Getting others involved * Involving consumers early * Making consumers aware of opportunities * Writing a consumer participation policy 24

  25. K EY TO S UCCESS EYS TO UCCESS * Start small * Ensure activities are sustainable * Develop a pool of consumer participants * Train and support consumer participants * Become a member of APSU 25

  26. A ND ND F IN ALLY …………. INALL Consumer but it must be participation is supported from built from the the top down. bottom up 26

  27. C ON SUMER P AR ONSUMER ARTIC TICIP IPATION TION IN IN A LCOHO AND O THER THER D RUG COHOL AND UG S ER ERVIC VICES ES End of End of Pr Prese esent ntation tion Tha hank nk You ou A f e d e r a l p r o j e c t f u n d e d b y t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h , S u b s t a n c e M i s u s e S e r v i c e D e l i v e r y G r a n t s F u n d 27


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