board of education work session

Board of Education Work Session Hampton County School District 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FY 2019 General Fund Budget Proposal Martin L. Wright, Superintendent Corine D. Miller, Director of Finance May 1, 2018 May 14, 2018 Board of Education Work Session Hampton County School District 2 will become a world- class rural school

  1. FY 2019 General Fund Budget Proposal Martin L. Wright, Superintendent Corine D. Miller, Director of Finance May 1, 2018 May 14, 2018 Board of Education Work Session Hampton County School District 2 will become a world- class rural school district. Demonstrating our . B ehave Responsibly E xceed Expectations S cholarship First T eam work always ! 5/23/2018 1

  2. District Proposed Budget Planning 2018-2019 5/23/2018 2

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  4. How does Hampton 2 get its operating dollars? Federal Government • Flows through the state. • Largest funds for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which provides limited funds for special education services. State of South Carolina • General state aid formula as determined by the EFA and EIA Local Government • Property taxes • Local taxpayers and other sources also provide funding 5/23/2018 4

  5. Projections Included In FY 2018-2019 Budget State Mandated Increase :  Base Student Cost (BSC) $2485  New Minimum salary schedule to include a 1% increase  Step increase for certified teachers  Insurance Increase 8.1%  Retirement Increase 1.18% Local Request :  Step Increase for Administrator  Step increase or 2% increase for classified employees 5/23/2018 5

  6. Historical Enrollment Data School Year Enrollment Number 2012-2013 947 2013-2014 873 2014-2015 816 2015-2016 788 2016-2017 746 2017-2018 670 Based on 135 th Day Enrollment Report • Does Not Include Pre-K 5/23/2018 6

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  11. FY 2019 Projected Revenue State EFA/EIA County Taxes Education Finance Act (EFA) Real Estate $2,470,000 $1,504,211 Academic Assistance $88,320 Residential Exemption (Tier I) $493,245 Limited English Proficiency $10,264 Homestead (Tier II) $247,240 Pupils in Poverty $236,033 Delinquent $441,853 Dual $2,960 Vehicle $442,750 High Achieving $1,442 Fee-in-Lieu $148,000 Fringe (Employee Contribution) $805,300 Manufacturer’s Reimbursement $57,777 Retiree Insurance $202,068 Motor Carrier $10,000 Teacher Salary Supplement $183,502 Fringe (Teacher Salary $36,361 Homestead (Tier III $573,937 Supplement) Tier III (2.5 M) $294,915 Bus Driver Salary $95,629 Merchants Inventory $53,510 Bus Driver Worker’s Comp $7,264 Total Local $5,233,227 Total State $3,173,354 5/23/2018 11

  12. County Tax Comparison FY 18 FY 19 Difference Real Estate Tax $​2,470,000 $​2,470,000​ $​0 Res Exemption (Tier 1) $​493,245 $​493,245​ $​0 Homestead (Tier 2) $​257,790 $​247,240​ ​($​10,550) Delinquent $​441,853 $​441,853​ ​0 Vehicle $​552,750 $​442,750​ ​($​80,000) $​165,568 $​148,000​ ​($​17,568) Fee-in-Lieu Manufacturer’s Reimbursement $​57,777 $​57,777​ $​0 Motor Carrier $​10,000 $​10,000​ $​0 Tier 111 $​549,412 $​573,937​ ​$​24,525 Tier 111 (2.5 M) $​308,000 $​294,915​ ​($​13,085) $​53,510 $​53,510​ $​0 Merchants Inventory 5/23/2018 12

  13. State Funding Comparison FY 18 FY 19 Difference Education Finance Act (EFA) $1,495,294 $1,504,211 $8,917 Academic Assistance $87,797 $88,320 $523 Limited English Proficiency $10,203 $10,264 $61 Pupils in Poverty $251,066 $236,033 ($15,033) Dual $2,942 $2,960 $18 High Achieving $1,433 $1,442 $9 Fringe (Employee Contribution) $793,539 $805,300 $11,761 Retiree Insurance $202,068 $202,068 $0 Teacher Salary Supplement $155,822 $183,502 $27,680 Fringe (Teacher Salary Supplement) $23,779 $36,361 $12,582 Bus Driver Salary $95,629 $95,629 $0 Bus Driver Worker’s Comp $7,264 $7,264 $0 5/23/2018 13

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  15. Instructional & School Based Description Amount School-based (3 Schools) $4,766,558 ▪ Instructional (K-12) ▪ School Administration ▪ Guidance ▪ Media Center ▪ Health Services Total (Salaries, Fringe & Supplies) 5/23/2018 15

  16. District-Wide Support Description Amount Board of Education $368,378 District Office Administration $2,823,319 ▪ Superintendent ▪ Curriculum & Instruction ▪ Human Resources ▪ Finance ▪ Technology ▪ Student Services ▪ Student Transportation ▪ Facilities (Maintenance/Operations) Total $3,191,697 ❖ Board of Education includes building and vehicle insurance, tort liability, worker’s comp, legal fees, audit fees, unemployment, terminal leave, board stipend, etc... ❖ District total includes Salaries, Fringe & Supplies 5/23/2018 16

  17. Other Projected Costs Included in FY 2018-2019 Budget Athletics $ 100,000 Band $20,000 Student Insurance $35,000 Contracted Teachers $116,750 School Resource Officer $57,984 Sign On/Retention Bonus $38,230 Balance EIA Funds $79,961 Total $447,925 5/23/2018 17

  18. Total FY 2018-2019 Projected Budget Revenue $8,406,581 Expenditures $8,406,180 Revenue over Expenditures $401 5/23/2018 18

  19. Other Budget Items Recommendations  Teacher Recruitment Incentive  Estimated max $5,000 per/teacher  Year 1 $2500 contract offering  Year 2 $1500 contract offering  Year 3 $1,000 contract offering  Teacher Academic Achievement Incentive (work in progress)  $1,000 incentive for teachers achieving academic measurable performance outcomes based on state summative assessments (SCReady, SCPASS, EOCT)  Bus Driver Salary Increase/Changes  Reduce from full-time 8 hours of employment to 6 hours.  Still comes with benefits/fringe  Administrative Assistant  Estill Middle School for the 2018-2019 SY by not replacing the Administrative Assistant in Human Resources. 5/23/2018 19

  20. Facility 5 Year Plan Cost Estill Elementary School $15,157,741 Estill Middle School $1,790,625 Estill High School $12,130,950 Includes Athletic Facility 1. The CIP lists have been updated and should be monitored and adjusted periodically to reflect new needs or changes in priorities or programming 2. The Facility Utilization study will begin this week: a. By meeting with the school staffs to identify current usage of classrooms and school spaces b. By documenting the current usage to establish areas that are under-utilized and over-utilized c. Develop a program for a new elementary school 3. For the State Funded Renovation Projects a. The Design team has met with OSF to discuss submittal and review of the project. They will require only one submittal and have indicated they are making every effort to review the projects quickly The final design should be completed by May 18 th for submittal to the state b. c. The goal is to bid the project as soon as the OSF approval is received d. The focus of this work is the replacement of old HVAC systems and to resolve water issues (roof/soffits and crawlspace) with the main building. 5/23/2018 20

  21. Q&A Debriefing 5/23/2018 21


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