board meeting

Board Meeting October 8, 2014 Mission Statement: To provide a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Board Meeting October 8, 2014 Mission Statement: To provide a comprehensive bilingual and bi-literate education that nurtures students to be highly proficient in all academic subjects, but with a special emphasis on Mandarin Chinese, English

  1. Board Meeting October 8, 2014 Mission Statement: To provide a comprehensive bilingual and bi-literate education that nurtures students to be highly proficient in all academic subjects, but with a special emphasis on Mandarin Chinese, English and mathematics. By doing so, HCCS will prepare students to become highly skilled, caring world citizens who will lead innovation and collaboration in the global marketplace.

  2. Agenda 6:30 CALL MEETING TO ORDER 6:35 BOARD PROCEDURES (Approval of agenda & minutes from 9/10 & 9/14 meetings) 6:40 REPORTS & TASK FORCE UPDATES ● Treasurer Update -- Deborah Dang (5 minutes) ● Principal Report -- Julie Rickman (10 minutes) ● Charter Renewal Task Force -- Molly Heywood (10 minutes) ● Middle School Task Force -- Julie Rickman (15 minutes) ● 501(C)(3) Task Force -- Deborah Dang (15 minutes) 7:45 PUBLIC COMMENT 7:55 ACTION ITEMS & EXPECTED OUTCOMES: ● HCCS Branding Policy -- Caroline Li (30 min). Share proposal and provide feedback. ● HCCS Development Plan -- Debi Lorence (30 min). Share proposal and provide feedback. ● PTO Budget Request & Event Schedule -- Jenny Lee Berry (20 min). -- Vote for approval. 9:05 NEW BUSINESS / NEXT AGENDA 9:15 ADJOURN MEETING

  3. Treasury Update - Jul - Sept Income Statement (Jul 1st, 2014 - Sep 30, 2014) Actuals Budget Income received during the period: +$ 227,156 Expenses paid during the period - $ 176,067 Net Income $ 51,089 Balance Sheet (September 30, 2014) Total Assets : $ 739,614 Total Liabilities $ 148,320 Total Equity $ 591,294 ● Not much change in net income between YTD August and September, so September was a break even month.

  4. Principal’s Report ● ● ● ● ●

  5. Charter Renewal Task Force ● BSD board approved 2013-14 Year End Report. ● Site review by BSD almost complete. Positive. Pre-Contract topics #1 Proficiency in upper elementary grades ● See examples of dual immersion program admissions forms in Hillsboro, BSD, Yinghua Academy Charter School ● 20program%20admissions%20process%20and%20lottery%202013- 14.pdf ● Way-Immersion.aspx ● content/uploads/2012/11/Available-Enrollment-by-Grade-Form- 2014.15-1.20.14-EDITED.pdf

  6. Charter Renewal Task Force (2) Contract discussion topic: ● #2 Clarify description of program: ● Recommendation: One way/Total Immersion ---> Dual Immersion ● Update enrollment plan to show we are currently K- 3rd and going up to 8th as of 2020. ● With option to increase number in each classroom or number of classes in each grade level for ideal range of enrollment numbers ● Handbook updates are moving in this direction ● Policies to be made with K-8 structure in mind

  7. Middle School Task Force ● Met 4 times since June 10. ● Our charge was to research, evaluate and identify a middle school strategy. We have researched and evaluated and are in the process of identifying what our MS program would look like. ● Lengthy process to build background knowledge for a common understanding. ● Researched 3 options, k-8 schools, middle schools, and immersion.

  8. Middle School Task Force ● We have come to the conclusion that the K-8 model is still the best option for us to pursue which allows the 6-8 years needed for the students to become proficient in the Chinese language. ● Factors why we eliminated the other 2 options of a joint charter & channeling our students to ISB (only public option in BSD)

  9. Middle School Task Force ● Joint Charter with Arco Iris ● Challenge changing our charter ● Chinese makes us unique ● Students can’t be double enrolled ● Concern for getting into their challenges ● May be an option to share resources ● Different Public MS - ISB ● Chinese is only offered as foreign lang. class ● Doesn’t fit with our model or immersion philosophy - no advanced class ● Big barriers - all option schools are lottery, thus not equitable for whole school

  10. 501(C)(3) Task Force ● Worked over the summer exploring our different options ● Objective: to safeguard profits and fundraising dollars and to figure out a more beneficial retirement option ● In the last month, determined that we can’t put all the objectives into one organization due to conflict of interest ● Determined that it would be best to approach BSD to discuss the PERS option first

  11. 501(C)(3) Task Force ● Looked at other option: starting a disregarded entity (LLC) that would be a subsidiary of the school ● This entity can house the for profit programs and as long as activities are related to the operations of the school ● These activities will be “disregarded” for tax purposes so will be treated the same as the school (non profit status) ● Need to work on setting up the LLC (much simpler process than setting up 501c3) ● Need to put together slides and meet with BSD about PERS

  12. Public Comments ● Board uses Public Comment process similar to those used by BSD and other boards. ● To address the Board: ○ Fill out a comment form and hand to Board Chair at the start of the meeting ■ Board Chair will filter similar requests and prioritize those who have not previously commented. ■ Due to time limits, all requests may not be accommodated. ○ This is a one-way communication. Board will not immediately respond. ○ Commenter has two minutes to address the board. Going over the time limit reduces the opportunity others have to speak. Time will not be extended. ○ Board Secretary will note substance of comments in minutes. ● Board supports open dialogue and will host open Q&A via Town Hall meetings held every other month. ● For more details, please review Board Public Comment Policy Document

  13. HCCS Branding Policy ● Link to presentation

  14. HCCS Development Plan ● Link to presentation

  15. New Business / Tentative Agendas November 12, 2014 Board Meeting ● Board Governance Policy Approval ● HCCS Strategic Plan Review: Student Success ● 501(C)(3) Task Force December 10, 2014 Board Meeting ● HCCS Strategic Plan Review: Governance ● Middle School Task Force ● HCCS Audit Results January 14, 2015 Board Meeting ● HCCS Strategic Plan Review: Staff Excellence ● 501(C)(3) Task Force


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