bo board d of count unty y comm mmissi ssione oners

Bo Board d of Count unty y Comm mmissi ssione oners Regular - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bo Board d of Count unty y Comm mmissi ssione oners Regular Meeting June 18, 2020 5:30 p.m. Columbia County School Board Administrative Complex 1 Pr Prop oposed osed Is Issua suanc nce e of of Con ondui duit t Revenu enue e

  1. Bo Board d of Count unty y Comm mmissi ssione oners Regular Meeting June 18, 2020 5:30 p.m. Columbia County School Board Administrative Complex 1

  2. Pr Prop oposed osed Is Issua suanc nce e of of Con ondui duit t Revenu enue e Bo Bonds nds Be Belmon mont t Academ cademy y Charter er Scho hool ol  Belmont Academy Charter School is a tuition free, public charter school in Columbia County  Belmont intends to submit an application for conduit financing to County staff  Application will request the County hold a public hearing as required by federal tax law No motion needed at this time 2

  3. Mem emor orandu andum m of of Agree eeme ment nt Sta tate e - Ow Owned ed Ge Generat erator or  Opportunity to obtain a 110 kw trailer mounted generator  County responsible for maintenance and servicing not covered by State- purchased extended warranty  Can be used to support essential facilities during local states of emergency  State can recall the generator for deployment elsewhere during emergencies unless in emergency use by the County Recommended Motion: Approve the Memorandum of Agreement between Columbia County and the Florida Division of Emergency Management 3

  4. BA BA 2 20-48 48 E-911 1 Board d Spe pecial cial Disb sbur ursem semen ent  Florida E911 Board approved a special disbursement of earned interest  Disbursement to be utilized to assist in cost to protect the 911 center employees, cleaning, and supplies related to COVID-19  Requesting Budget Amendment to move funds so that they can be utilized Recommended Motion: Approve BA – 20-48 in the amount of $24,000 4

  5. Resu esurfacing acing Pr Proje oject ct Add ddit itio ion n NE E Mann nnon on Cour urt t and nd NE E Cider er Terra errace ce  Roads will be added to the upcoming Jacksonville Loop, Olustee, Golf Club and Rowand Project  Engineer’s estimate to add NE Mannon Court: $12,594  Engineer’s estimate to add NE Cider Terrace: $26,246 Recommended Motion: Approve the addition of NE Mannon Court and NE Cider Terrace in the amount of $38,840 5

  6. Le Leac achat ate e Pl Plan anni ning ng Sco cope pe of of Ser ervice ices  Jones Edmunds will develop a technical memorandum as agreed to by the County  Memorandum will include the following:  Leachate treatment and disposal alternatives evaluation  Recommendations  Implementation plan  Recommended Motion: Approve Jones Edmunds for leachate planning scope of services in the amount of $75,000 6

  7. Gr Gran ant App t Applic icati ation on CR 240 Corrid ridor or Saf afety ty Projec oject  Grant will be used to fund safety improvements on CR 240  Realign intersection of 247 and 240  Creates 4 way stops at Old Wire and Tutenuggee  Improvements are based on a study provided by the FDOT  Estimated Cost for improvements - $658,549 Recommended Motion: Approve grant application for safety improvements to CR 240 in the amount of $658,549 7


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