block numbers 321 avoidance and schur positivity

Block numbers, 321-avoidance and Schur-positivity Eli Bagno - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Block numbers, 321-avoidance and Schur-positivity Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Permutation

  1. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Block numbers, 321-avoidance and Schur-positivity Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Permutation Patterns 2017 1/38 1/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  2. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Short description of results We present here three results concerning the block number statistic on 321-avoiding permutations: Equi-distribution of block number and the complement of last descent over certain sets of 321-avoiding permutations. The set of 321-avoiding permutations with a given block number is symmetric and Schur-positive. An explicit formula for the corresponding character. 2/38 2/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  3. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Outline 1 Introduction 2 Equi-distribution 3 Symmetry and Schur-positivity 4 Proof idea 5 Open problems 3/38 3/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  4. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Introduction 4/38 4/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  5. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Describing pattern-avoiding classes Let S n (Π) be the set of permutations in S n avoiding a given set of patterns Π. There are several ways to provide information about this set. 1 Compute the cardinality |S n (Π) | (Simion, Wilf, ...). 2 Compute the generating function for a statistic stat : � q stat ( π ) π ∈S n (Π) (Sagan, Pak, Elizalde,...). 3 Compute the quasi-symmetric function � F π ( x 1 , x 2 , ... ) π ∈S n (Π) (Sagan, Woo, ...). 5/38 5/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  6. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Describing pattern-avoiding classes Let S n (Π) be the set of permutations in S n avoiding a given set of patterns Π. There are several ways to provide information about this set. 1 Compute the cardinality |S n (Π) | (Simion, Wilf, ...). 2 Compute the generating function for a statistic stat : � q stat ( π ) π ∈S n (Π) (Sagan, Pak, Elizalde,...). 3 Compute the quasi-symmetric function � F π ( x 1 , x 2 , ... ) π ∈S n (Π) (Sagan, Woo, ...). 5/38 5/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  7. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Describing pattern-avoiding classes Let S n (Π) be the set of permutations in S n avoiding a given set of patterns Π. There are several ways to provide information about this set. 1 Compute the cardinality |S n (Π) | (Simion, Wilf, ...). 2 Compute the generating function for a statistic stat : � q stat ( π ) π ∈S n (Π) (Sagan, Pak, Elizalde,...). 3 Compute the quasi-symmetric function � F π ( x 1 , x 2 , ... ) π ∈S n (Π) (Sagan, Woo, ...). 5/38 5/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  8. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Quasi-symmetric functions Quasi-symmetric functions were defined by Gessel (’84). Every subset J ⊆ [ n − 1] has an associated fundamental quasi-symmetric function F J ( x ) (to be defined later). For a set of permutations A ⊆ S n define � Q ( A ) = F Des( π ) . π ∈ A 6/38 6/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  9. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Symmetry and Schur-positivity Question (Gessel and Reutenauer, ’93) For which A ⊆ S n is Q ( A ) a symmetric function? A symmetric function is Schur-positive if all the coefficients in its expression as a linear combination of Schur functions are non-negative. Call A ⊆ S n Schur-positive if Q ( A ) is. For example, Theorem (Gessel and Reutenauer, ’93) Conjugacy classes are symmetric and Schur-positive. 7/38 7/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  10. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Symmetry and Schur-positivity Question (Gessel and Reutenauer, ’93) For which A ⊆ S n is Q ( A ) a symmetric function? A symmetric function is Schur-positive if all the coefficients in its expression as a linear combination of Schur functions are non-negative. Call A ⊆ S n Schur-positive if Q ( A ) is. For example, Theorem (Gessel and Reutenauer, ’93) Conjugacy classes are symmetric and Schur-positive. 7/38 7/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  11. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Symmetry and Schur-positivity Question (Gessel and Reutenauer, ’93) For which A ⊆ S n is Q ( A ) a symmetric function? A symmetric function is Schur-positive if all the coefficients in its expression as a linear combination of Schur functions are non-negative. Call A ⊆ S n Schur-positive if Q ( A ) is. For example, Theorem (Gessel and Reutenauer, ’93) Conjugacy classes are symmetric and Schur-positive. 7/38 7/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  12. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Symmetry and Schur-positivity Classical examples of (symmetric and) Schur-positive sets of permutations include: Conjugacy classes Inverse descent classes Knuth classes Permutations with a fixed inversion number Arc permutations Problem (Sagan and Woo, ’14) Find sets of patterns Π and parameters stat such that Q ( { σ ∈ S n (Π) | stat ( σ ) = k } ) is symmetric and Schur-positive. 8/38 8/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  13. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Symmetry and Schur-positivity Classical examples of (symmetric and) Schur-positive sets of permutations include: Conjugacy classes Inverse descent classes Knuth classes Permutations with a fixed inversion number Arc permutations Problem (Sagan and Woo, ’14) Find sets of patterns Π and parameters stat such that Q ( { σ ∈ S n (Π) | stat ( σ ) = k } ) is symmetric and Schur-positive. 8/38 8/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  14. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Equi-distribution 9/38 9/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  15. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Direct sum of permutations Definition Let π ∈ S m and σ ∈ S n . The direct sum of π and σ is the permutation π ⊕ σ ∈ S m + n defined by � π ( i ) , if i ≤ n ; ( π ⊕ σ ) i = σ ( i − n ) + n , otherwise. Example If π = 132 and σ = 4231 then π ⊕ σ = 1327564. The direct sum is clearly associative. 10/38 10/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  16. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Block number Definition A nonempty permutation which is not a direct sum of two nonempty permutations is called ⊕ -irreducible. Each permutation π can be written uniquely as a direct sum of ⊕ -irreducible ones, called the blocks of π . Their number bl( π ) is the block number of π . Example bl(45321) = 1 , bl(312 | 54) = 2 , bl(1 | 2 | 3 | 4) = 4 . 11/38 11/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity

  17. Introduction Equi-distribution Symmetry and Schur-positivity Proof idea Open problems Remarks Direct sums and block decomposition of permutations appear naturally in the study of pattern-avoiding classes (Albert, Atkinson, Vatter). The block number of an arbitrary permutation was previously studied by Richard Stanley (2005), as the cardinality of the connectivity set (defined by Comtet). 12/38 12/38 Eli Bagno (Jerusalem College of Technology) joint work with Ron M. Adin and Yuval Roichman Block numbers, 321 -avoidance and Schur-positivity


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