black ack ethn hnic mino noritie ties s mor ore of often n

Black ack / Ethn hnic Mino noritie ties s mor ore of often: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RA RACIAL CIAL AND AND CULTURA CULTURAL L IS ISSUE SUES S IN IN ENGLAND ENGLAND (report (reported ed since t since the 1980s he 1980s and st and still ev ill evident) ident) Black ack / Ethn hnic Mino noritie ties s mor

  1. RA RACIAL CIAL AND AND CULTURA CULTURAL L IS ISSUE SUES S IN IN ENGLAND ENGLAND (report (reported ed since t since the 1980s he 1980s and st and still ev ill evident) ident) Black ack / Ethn hnic Mino noritie ties s mor ore of often: n: Diagn gnosed osed as schizop zophren renic ic Compuls lsorily rily detained ined under M. H. Act Admitted as ‘Offender Patients’ Held d by police ce under S. 136 of M. H. Act Transf sferr erred ed to locked ed wards Not referred for ‘talking therapies’ (and find these therapies do not ‘make sense’) Ref: f: (after) r) table le in Ferna nando ndo and Keatin ing, g, (2009) Mental l Healt lth h in a nd edn. Multi lti-ethn hnic Socie iety. 2 nd . Routle ledge, dge, London on (similar r lists in vario ious us report orts over the years)

  2. INSTITUTIO INSTITUTIONAL NAL RACISM RACISM ‘ The e collectiv lective e failur ure e of an organis anisation ation to provi vide de an appro propriate priate and professional fessional service ice to people le because ause of their r colour our, , cultur ture e or ethnic nic origin. in. It can be seen n or detec tected ted in processes cesses, , attitudes itudes and behaviour aviour which ch amoun ount t to discrimination rimination through ough unwitting itting prejudice, judice, ignor orance ance, , thoughtless ughtlessness ness and racist st st stereot reotyp yping ing which disadvantages minority ethnic people’. The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry iry by Sir Willia iam Macpherso rson (Home Depart rtment, , 1999:28)

  3. Instit Institutional utional racism racism in in tr training aining of of professio professionals: nals: the whitenes the whiteness s of of knowledge knowledge Suman Fernando Visiting Professor in Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities London Metropolitan University (Former consultant psychiatrist, Enfield)

  4. Whiteness of knowledge in clinical psychology In psy disciplines What is taught as „knowledge‟ is largely derived from ideas about madness and mental health problems that are derived from western (European) cultural sources, based on western ideas about human nature, the „mind‟, the purpose of life, etc. Black academics seem to be side-lined and cannot get their views heard and do not get promotion if they are critical of main stream practice. Or they „disappear‟— e.g. emigrate to North America Policies and training reflect the above. e.g. BPS- DCP policy “Understanding schizophrenia and psychosis” Why Is my curriculum white? Kalathil and Faulkner (2015): „Racialisation and knowledge production: A critique of the report Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia‟ Mental Health Today , Jan-Feb 2015, 22-3

  5. DIVERSITY OF TRADITIONS (concerning „mind‟, health/illness, „mental health‟ [Western] ‘scientific’ psychology (obj bjec ectifi tifies es the subject bjective) ive) .. at a crossr sroad oads ... between en the subje ject ct and the object, ct, between en withi hin n and without, between lived experience and knowledge’ (Foucault, 2006: pp. . 529-30) 30) ‘Other psychologies’ are often buried in religion, healing aling and philosophy osophy - e.g. . Maori, ri, Buddhist, hist, Hindu, du, Su Sufi, i, va various ous African ican sy syst stems, ems, etc. . ‘ Psychiatri ychiatries es ’ (??) i.e. systems dealing with complex human problems in terms of (primarily) ‘illness’ is seen in several ral cultur tural l tradition itions

  6. Mãristãns (mental ental hospit hospital) al) Alepp Aleppo, o, Syr Syria ia Photo by Questier:

  7. Therapy in the mãristãns ... . mixture ure of Galenic nic Greek ek medicine icine with h pre-Islamic Islamic folk lk medicine cine and over-ar arching hing principle ciple of divine ne causation usation (Dols, s, 1992). 2). ... .. blissfu ful l union n of science nce and religion gion (Graha aham, m, 1967) 7) ... ‘sort of spiritual therapy .. Involving music, dance and theatrical atrical spectacl tacles es and readings dings of marvell vellous ous stories’ (Foucault, 2006) Dols (1992): Majnün: The Madman in Medieval Islamic Society D. E. Immisch (ed) (Oxford: Clarendon Press). Foucault, M. (1967) Madness and Civilization. A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (London: Tavistock). Graham (1967): Medieval Minds. Mental health in the Middle Ages ( London: Allen & Unwin)

  8. Muhammad uhammad Zakariyā Rāzī al al-RAZ RAZI, , Abu Abu Bakr M Bakr Muhammad uhammad Zakariy akariyya ( Latinized name: Latinized name: Rhazes Rhazes or or Rasis Rasis) Born: 854 CE Rey (near Teheran) Died: 932 or 925 CE Rey, Iran Persian polymath, physician, chemist, philosopher, court physician and chief physician of Baghdad and Rey hospitals Prolific author Wrote texts on melancholia and other mental illnesses Ref: Dols, 1992

  9. Moses Maimonides (1135-1204) (Statue at Cordoba)

  10. „Psychiatry‟ (?) in Tibetan Medicine around 12-13 Century ‘...complex interweaving of religion, mysticism, [Mahayana Buddhist] dhist] psycho hology logy and rational onal [Ayur urved vedic ic ] medicine.’ (Cliffo ifford, d, 1984: p. 7) Psychology involved with insanity [‘psychosis’?] is the same as that required for pursuing enlightenment: ‘ all depends on whether it is accepted or not ...’ (Clifford, 1984: p. 7) Ref: Cliffor ford, d, Terry y (1984) Tibetan tan Buddhi dhist st Medicine cine and Psychiatry: iatry: The Diamo mond d Healin ing. g. York Beach, Main: : Samuel el Weiser er

  11. Snippe Snippets ts from research from research 1. WHO’s International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia (IPSS) 1960s 60s and 1970s; 0s; 3-5 yr yr and 13-15 15 yr yr follow ow-ups ups Bette tter outcome ome in non-western western location ations 2. Tamil l Nadu (2002): 02): healing ing centre tre in Hindu u Temple le – 31 31 ‘patients’ no specific ceremonies Outcomes comes as good as with h bio-me medical dical psychia iatr try 3. Kerala study (2004) of 100 ‘patients’ attending (a) Hindu / Muslim lim / Christian stian location ations s for healing; ing; (b) Ayurv rvedic edic Hospital; and (c) Allopathic Hospital for ‘mental illness’ By shopping ping round, nd, one third rd benefit efited ed from m each h

  12. Some recent books on non-western psychologies & healing Watts, , Allan W. ( (1981) Psych choth ther erapy East and West London: Jonathan Cape Kakar, , Sudhir. (1984) Shamans, , Mystic ics and Doctors. . A P Psycho holo logica cal l Inquiry into India and its its Healing ng Tradit itio ion. . London: Unwin Paperbac acks ks. Cliffo ford, , T. (1984) Tibetan an Buddhis ist Medicine ne and Psychia iatry: ry: The Diamond nd Healing York Beach, , Main, USA: Samuel Weiser. Hammer er, , L ( (1990) dragon rises red bird flies. . Psycho holo logy & Chinese e Medicine. . New York: Station n Hill Press. Kapferer, , Bruce (1991) A Celebrati tion of the Demons. . Exorcism ism and the Aestheti tics cs of Healing in Sri Lanka. Oxford and Washingto in ton: : Berg Publis ishers rs and Smithso hsonia ian Institut ute e Press. Dols, M. W. (1992) Majnün: The Madman in Medieval al Islamic ic Society. ty. D. E. Immisc isch (ed.). Oxford rd: : Clarendon on Press. Hobart, , Angela (2003) Healing Performanc nces es of Bali. Between Darkness and Light. New York & & Oxford rd: : Berghah ahn Books. . Sax, W. ( (2009) God of Justice. . Ritual Healing and Social Justice ce in the Central Himalayas ayas. . Oxford: : Oxford rd Universit ity Press. Hallibu iburto ton, n, Murphy (2009) Mudpacks ks & Prozac. Experie ienc ncin ing Ayurved edic ic, , Biomedica cal l & Religio ious us Healing ng. . Walnut Creek, Californi nia: : West Coast Press. Naidoo oo, , Ravindra Lohirajh Lohirajh and Sehoto, , Shadrack Mpho (2012) (2012) AbaNguni Traditio ional l Healing. . Indigen enous Mental Health Practices es in KwaZulu-Na Nata tal, l, South Africa. Toronto: : Univer ersity ty of Toronto Ontario Institu tute te for Studies es in Educatio ion n and Centre for Diver ersit ity in Counsell llin ing and Psych chot other erap apy Sutherla land nd, Patsy, Moodley, , Roy and Chevannes es, , Barry (2014) Caribbea ean Healing Tradit itio ions ns. . Impli licat atio ions ns for health and mental health. New York and London: Routledge. e. De Silva, , Padmasi asiri ri (2014) (2014) Buddhist ist Psych cholo logy and Counselli ling. ng. Fifth edition. . Basingstok oke e and New York: Palgrave ave Macmilla lan n

  13. Thank You!


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