Majority is not Enough: Bitcoin Mining is Vulnerable Ittay Eyal and Emin G ¨ un Sirer 2019.03.25 1
Ittay Eyal 2
Popular algorithm: PoW 4
Proof-of-Work Mining They use blockcha kchain to run without a trusted third party. Miners generate blocks by spending their comp mputatio utationa nal power er. If a miner generates a valid block, he earns re rewar ard d for t r the block. This process is competi etiti tive ve. 12.5 5 BTC (N (N-1) 1)-th th Block New Block ock N-th th Bloc ock k (N+1)-th th Block Block ockch chain ain Miner ner
Mining Difficulty Inc ncrease! rease! iculty ulty Diffic Di Ti Time From “”
Can we earn the extra reward through fork? The change of mining difficulty Validators consider the expected relative revenue per one round (10 mins) as their payoff. 7
Can we earn the extra reward through fork? The change of mining difficulty Validators consider the expected relative revenue per one round (10 mins) as their payoff. If a miner possesses 10% of the total computational power? 8
Can we earn the extra reward through fork? The change of mining difficulty Validators consider the expected relative revenue per one round (10 mins) as their payoff. If a miner possesses 10% of the total He earns ns 10% of of t the tota tal l reward. ard. computational power? 9
Poisson distribution The Poisson distribution expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space if these events occur with a known constant rate and indepen ependently dently of the time since the last event. Pr[𝑙 events in one interval]=𝑓 −𝜇 𝜇 𝑙 𝑙! 10
Poisson distribution The Poisson distribution expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space if these events occur with a known constant rate and indepen ependently dently of the time since the last event. Pr[𝑙 events in one interval]=𝑓 −𝜇 𝜇 𝑙 𝑙! In the he Bi Bitco coin in sy syst stem em, , one event nt means ns a ge generat ration ion of o one block ck. 11
The 51% Attack 12
51% Attack Majority of hashing power has voted for transactions on longest chain. – It is costly to increase voting power – Players are not motivated to cheat If any party controls majority of hashing power, they can: – Undo the past – Deny mining rewards – Undermine the currency
Goldfinger Attack In the James Bond movie…. The attacker’s goal is to destroy Bitcoin by executing the 51% attack. Is a realistic attack?
Selfish Mining 15
Selfish Mining Forks – Due to the nonzero block propagation delay, nodes can have different views. – When a fork occurs, only one block becomes valid. Which of two blocks should I choose as a main (N+1)-th th Bl Block chain? N-th th Bloc ock k (N-1) (N 1)-th th Block (N+1)-th th Block Fork
Selfish Mining Generate intentional forks adaptively. – An attacker finds a valid block and propagates the block when en anot other her bloc ock k is found d by an honest est node. Force the honest miners into wasting victims’ computations on the stale public branch.
Strategy 18
Strategy 19
Strategy 20
Strategy 21
Strategy 22
Analysis The states of the system represent the lead of the selfish pool; that is, the difference between the number of unpublished blocks in the pool’s private branch and the length of the public branch. 23
State Probabilities 24
Simulation 𝛿: An attacker’s network capability When an attacker possesses more than 33% computational power, the attacker can always earn extra rewards.
Observation 26
Observation The e selfi lfish sh poo ool l wou ould ld there refor fore e increa rease se in size, e, unop opposed posed by any y mechan chanism ism, , tow owards ards a majo ajori rity ty . 27
Countermeasure When a miner learns of competing branches of the same length, it should propagate all of them, and choose which one to mine on unif iform ormly ly at rand ndom. 1 1 𝛿 = 2 , Threshold= 4 28
Selfish Mining
Selfish Mining Im Impra practical! ctical!
Concurrent paper Theoretical Bitcoin Attacks with less than Half of the Computational Power 31
Impractical The value of γ cannot be 1 because when the intentional fork occurs, the honest miner who generated a block will select his block, not that of the selfish miner. Honest miners can easily detect that their pool manager is a selfish mining attacker. – If the manager does not propagate blocks immediately when honest miners generate blocks, the honest miners will know that their pool manager is an attacker. – The blockchain has an abnormal shape when a selfish miner exists.
Optimal selfish mining Optimal selfish mining strategies in bitcoin Stubborn mining: Generalizing selfish mining and combining with an eclipse attack ….. 33
Yu Yujin jin Kwon on dbwls872 wls8724@kaist .kr
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