biological and water quality

Biological and Water Quality Assessment of the Upper Des Plaines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Biological and Water Quality Assessment of the Upper Des Plaines Watershed Des Plaines River Watershed Workgroup August 17, 2017 Chris O. Yoder Midwest Biodiversity Institute Columbus, OH MBI is a 501[c][3] Applied Research Organization

  1. Biological and Water Quality Assessment of the Upper Des Plaines Watershed Des Plaines River Watershed Workgroup August 17, 2017 Chris O. Yoder Midwest Biodiversity Institute Columbus, OH

  2. MBI is a 501[c][3] Applied Research Organization Specializing in Aquatic Bioassessments, Research, Education, & Training Major Projects: 1. National Aquatic Resources Assessment 2. Regional Bioassessments – New England, Upper Ohio & Upper Mississippi basins 3. Intensive Watershed Assessments – DRSCWG, MSDGC, DRWW, LDPWG, Black R. AOC

  3. IAWA sponsored an effort to add tiered aquatic life uses and biocriteria to the Illinois WQS (2010-present)

  4. The Development of a Biological Assessment Plan for the DuPage and Salt Creek Watersheds A similar approach was followed for the Upper Desplaines & for the Lower DuPage-Salt Creek Work Group March 7, 2006 Des Plaines in 2018 Chris O. Yoder Center for Applied Bioassessment and Biocriteria Midwest Biodiversity Institute Columbus, OH

  5. What is a Bioassessment? ▪ Bioassessment – a systematic assessment of the aquatic resource using biological indicators AND chemical/physical Bioassessment is the essential indicators in a supporting role. implementation tool for a TALU based ▪ Biocriteria – numerical benchmarks for determining attainment of a goal expressed in the definition of an aquatic approach life designated use in the state WQS. ▪ Reasonably available tools and criteria exist to assess and evaluate this for all waterbody types.

  6. Aquatic Life Uses ALUs inherently “drive” the determination Definition: of status & management responses, thus A designation (classification) assigned to a they are a critical determinant of overall waterbody based on the aquatic potential program effectiveness. assemblage that can realistically be sustained given the regional reference This underscores the critical importance and condition and the level of protection afforded “reach” of aquatic life uses – they influence by the applicable criteria. every aspect of water quality management.

  7. Chemical – excess nutrients from urban runoff and CSOs Physical – extensively modified stream habitat Biological – nuisance algal growth Energy cycling – short nutrient spirals Treating these independently will not solve the problem. Mill Creek – Cincinnati, OH METROPOLITAN SEWER DISTRICT OF GREATER CINCINNATI

  8. CORE INDICATORS Core indicators are measured • Fish Assemblage • Macroinvertebrates • Periphyton routinely – independent of (Use Community Level Data From At Least Two) assessment & management Physical Habitat Indicators Chemical Quality Indicators • pH • Temperature • Channel morphology • Flow questions • Conductivity • Dissolved O 2 • Substrate Quality • Riparian For Specific Designated Uses Add the Following: AQUATIC LIFE RECREATIONAL WATER SUPPLY Base List: Base List: Base List: • Ionic strength • Fecal bacteria • Fecal bacteria Supplemental indicators are added • Nutrients, sediment • Ionic strength • Ionic strength • Nutrients, sediment depending on designated uses, study Supplemental List: Supplemental List: • Metals (water/sediment) • Other pathogens Supplemental List: • Organics (water/sediment) • Organics (water/sed.) • Metals (water/sediment) area setting, and monitoring • Chlorophyll a • Chlorophyll a • Organics (water/sed.) objectives and questions • Other pathogens • Chlorophyll a HUMAN/WILDLIFE CONSUMPTION Base List: • Metals (in tissues) • Organics (in tissues)

  9. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Active Sampling Methods Examples Scrubbing Picking substrates Dome Sampler Net-based methods (including kicks, dips, jabs, sweeps, Grab & picks) samplers

  10. IEPA methods for field collections & lab processing

  11. Fish are a widely identifiable component of aquatic systems and are valued for their recreational uses. Most species, however, are more obscure, and comprise the second most endangered group .

  12. Illinois DNR “electric seine” MBI pulsed D.C. electrofishing methods

  13. The Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) QHEI Includes Six Major Categories of Macrohabitat ▪ Substrate - types, origin, quality, embeddedness ▪ Instream Cover – types and quantity ▪ Channel Quality – sinuosity, development, stability ▪ Riparian – width, quality, bank stability & quality ▪ Pool/Run/Riffle – depth, current types, embedded- ness, morphology ▪ Gradient – local gradient (fall per unit distance) Source: The Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (Rankin 1989)

  14. Chemical/Physical Field Procedures Chemical/Physical Field Procedures Water column grab sampling Depth integrated sampler Water column grab sampling Depth integrated sampler Time-of-travel dye injection Automatic composite samplers Time-of-travel dye injection Automatic composite samplers

  15. Ohio EPA Chemical Effluent & Exposure Sampling Ohio EPA Chemical Effluent & Exposure Sampling Procedures Procedures Permitted Discharges are Sampled for Permitted Discharges are Sampled for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing a Variety of Chemicals - This Provides Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing a Variety of Chemicals - This Provides is Performed Primarily on Effluents Data to Determine Pollutant Loads is Performed Primarily on Effluents Data to Determine Pollutant Loads Fish Tissue Analysis Reveals Fish Tissue Analysis Reveals Bioaccumulative Pollutants and Risks Bioaccumulative Pollutants and Risks to Human and Wildlife Health to Human and Wildlife Health Biochemical Markers (Biomarkers) are Biochemical Markers (Biomarkers) are Useful for Discerning Problem Useful for Discerning Problem Pollutants Pollutants

  16. Upper Des Plaines Watershed Bioassessment ▪ Pollution survey design – geometric allocation of sampling sites with additional sites positioned in proximity to suspected sources of stress & contamination. Spatial sampling design is critical for ▪ Each site assigned a consistent site accurately detecting impairments and code (e.g., 13-6). ▪ 70 sites sampled in mainstem & providing data at the same scale at which tributary subwatersheds in 2016. ▪ Each sampled for biological, habitat, restoration is applied. & water quality parameters. ▪ Employed 3 crews over a July- October seasonal index period. ▪ Followed IEPA methods to ensure data consistency & relevance of results. ▪ Three year rotation will initiate in 2017.

  17. Completing the Cycle of WQ Management: Managing for Environmental Results Indicator Levels 1: Management actions Administrative Indicators [permits, plans, grants, 2: Response to management enforcement] Stressor Indicators [pollutant 3: Stressor abatement loads, land practices] 4: Ambient conditions Exposure Indicators [pollutant conc., habitat, ecosystem process, 5: Assimilation and uptake fate & transport] Response Indicators [biological 6: Biological response assemblage indices, other attributes] “Ecological Health” The Endpoint of Concern


  19. Average Design Receiving River Flow Average Treatment Nutrient Facility Latitude Longitude Water Body Mile 2016 Flow Type 1 Removal 2 (MGD) (MGD) Lake Co. DPW Mill Mill Creek Creek/Des 1.0/102.0 42°25’00”N 87°55’40”W 2.1 7.8 AWT M WWTP Plaines R. North Shore SD Des Plaines Waukegan 98.1 42°22’15”N 87°54’53”W 22.0 44.0 AWT P R. WWTP North Shore SD Des Plaines 95.5 42°21’25”N 87°55’36”W 23.6 47.2 AWT N Gurnee WWTP R. Libertyville Des Plaines WWTP 84.8 42°15’15”N 88°56’10”W 4.0 8.0 AWT M R. (IL0029530) Mundelein Des Plaines 84.6 42°15’11”N 87°50’34”W 5.0 15.0 Secondary M WWTP R. (IL0022501) Lake Co. DPW New Town Des Plaines 82.3 42°13’30”N 87°56’15”W 6.0 18.0 AWT M Century WWTP R. (IL0071366) Lake Co. DPW Aptaksic Cr./ Des Plaines 0.8/76.4 42°09’47”N 87°55’40”W 16.0 51.8 AWT M Des Plaines WWTP R. (IL0022055) Lindenhurst SD WWTP Hastings Cr. 2.8 42°26’01”N 88°01’56”W 2.0 5.7 AWT M (IL0020796)

  20. Upper Des Plaines Major WWTP Average Flows 2016 (MGD) 2.0 2.1 4.0 5.0 NSSD Gurnee NSSD Waukegan 23.6 6.0 Lake Co. Des Plaines Lake Co. New Town Century Mundelein Libertyville Lake Co. Mill Creek Lindenhurst 16.0 22.0 Total (MGD) = 78.7 (55% of 75th %ile flow; 89% of Q 7,10 flow)

  21. Des Plaines River nr. Gurnee, IL 1000 Mean Daily Discharge (cfs) Flow (cfs) 100 75th Percentile Flow Q 7,10 flow (15 cfs) Span of Biological Data Collection MH Fish/QHEI 10 May/4 Jun/10 Jul/16 Aug/22 Sep/28 Date


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