big picture curriculum planning year 7 project title unit

Big Picture Curriculum Planning Year 7 Project Title / Unit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Big Picture Curriculum Planning Year 7 Project Title / Unit Iconic Designs and Surface Term graphics What are we trying to achieve? (curriculum aims) The Big This project will enable students to develop their National Curriculum Coverage

  1. Big Picture Curriculum Planning Year 7 Project Title / Unit Iconic Designs and Surface Term graphics What are we trying to achieve? (curriculum aims) The Big This project will enable students to develop their National Curriculum Coverage Picture skills and the knowledge using design and Knowledge Students will gain knowledge of drawing styles and development skills. techniques including sketching, perspective and rendering Skills Design and development skills including 3d drawing and rendering. Develop creativity Use of cutting tools and modelling materials to develop a prototype. Key Questions How do we get inspiration for designing Understanding Students should apply their knowledge of H&S when working to investigate products? during practical activities and focused practical tasks. They will need to understand the design process and where How do we communicate our design thinking to ideas come from. develop a product? The will look at the root of design and where designers get inspiration from. Why do we use prototypes?

  2. Continuity and These skills will be built upon in GCSE graphics Attitudes and Students at all times will be expected to work in a polite and Progression and will be used. The drawing and development Values considerate way. They will behave responsibly and be skills will be developed throughout the accountable for their actions. technology courses as will the Evaluation writing skills. In practical activities:-  Students will be expected to work without conflict and encourage others within the team.  Share equipment and materials well.  Be well mannered, courteous and praise other students work.  Work safely and responsibly by themselves and show due regard to others.  Consider the views, needs and opinions of other students.  Be prepared to lead a group or team and give honest feedback. Consider social, moral and cultural issues within Art. How well are we achieving our aims? (impact, assessment and accountability measures) What we will Single point perspective task APP Tasks assess (and Two point perspective task Drawing and rendering the design N/A how) Evaluation Assessment

  3. SKILLS, MP3 AND PACKAGING Year 7 SOW Every lesson students will complete a manufacturing log. This log explains the activities participated in during the lessons and what tools they have used. There is also an evaluative section, in this they explain what they could have improved on during the lesson . Less Learning Objectives Student/teacher activity Differentiation Resources Homework Assessment on 1 Task Analysis Using the mind map example Different examples Design brief reading Collect Expected : Some analysis of complete by adding your own to be given to to task pictures of related products or systems ideas and thoughts to it to GAT and SEN or Cloze Exercise for LA Existing undertaken. extend the branches. according to products for Good : Good understanding reading ability. use in next NA and analysis of the design lesson. context. Cloze exercise to Outstanding : Excellent complete understanding and analysis of description of the the design context brief. 2 Research Existing Products Carry out research on 4 digital Example work Spare examples if Levelled piece of Beginner : Showing ability to devices. It does not matter if given to LA students fail to bring work. analyse an existing MP3 player they are dedicated to just students HW Describe and design, giving it a rating out of playing Music. explain FL5 10 or personal opinion. You need to describe : Higher ability PP Developing : Can identify and Material used, Colour, Shape, encouraged to use Justify and explain why we look at Functions, Size, Buttons, the Lit mats and Examples of existing Discuss FL6 existing products and what Screen, Product Name, Rating Exam technique work to help students makes a good (or bad) design, out of 10 (10 being good) section. set out work. Evaluate and analysing different styles Evaluation of Analyse FL7

  4. Fluent : Be able to describe products with a using technical terms what comparison will makes a good CD case just achieve level 7 from looking at an image or existing product. 3 Crating and Sketching Crating is a way of using Challenge – Can PP Crating Beginner : Draws out 6/8 basic construction lines to help you you add any Homework freehand sketches of MP3 set out you work. The exercise shapes of your Crating and sketching players, all based on one on the PP (steps) shows the own to the sheet examples similar idea. One word method used to complete the annotations are around the drawing. Have a go at adding Levelled work outside. the perspective to the drawings examples Developing : Draws out 8 on the handout. freehand sketches, including some elements of basic 3D Once you have completed the NA drawings and some creative crating exercises you need to ideas. Each design has some add tone to the drawing. Use short annotations the guide on the handout to Fluent : Draws out 8 or more help you add tone to your freehand 3D and 2D ideas drawings. showing imagination and creativity with detailed annotations/analysis around each design. 4 Single Point Perspective Perspective drawings use a Students will find PP Assessed piece of number of points according to this difficult. There Underlay work Beginner All students will be the view you wish to represent. is a drawing which Examples able to recognise what single They are used to show your is part completed. Basic Cube with PP drawings look like. They client how your final product If they struggle assistance level 4 will be able to identify the VP will look in reality. they can use this Independent and draw basic 3d shapes. It has one vanishing as an underlay to development of

  5. Developing Most will be able point and is mostly get them started basic shapes FL5 to adapt these shapes and add used for interiors. Adaptaion of details to the cuboids. It can be used as a Add thick and thin more complex Fluet Some will be able to quick sketching lines to your shapes FL6 adapt Curves and circular method. drawing Curves and elipse development to their work. Add a light source using 3D crating and render your FL7 images taking into account light/medium/dar k tones. 5 Two Point Perspective Two point perspective, Students will need PP Perspective Assessed piece of although a little more to produce a range Underlay practice work Beginner All students will be complicated, produces the most of cuboid designs Examples able to recognise what single realistic views of an object or from different Basic Cubes with PP drawings look like. They product. perspectives. assistance level 4 will be able to identify the VP There are two vanishing points Independent and draw basic 3d shapes. sitting on either end of the 1P and 2P are the development of Developing Most will be able horizon line . fundamentals of basic shapes FL5 to adapt these shapes and add There are no horizontal lines 3D drawing and Adaptaion of details to the cuboids. and all non-vertical lines should design work. more complex Fluet Some will be able to go back to either of the shapes FL6 adapt Curves and circular vanishing points. Curves and elipse development to their work. Can show three view points using 3D crating depending on where the FL7 object is in relation to the horizon line.

  6. 6 Creating the 3D Shape for the Complete sketches in either The Fluent Any grid papers MPS player 2point or 3point perspective or needed 1 and 2pp. learners will be Beginner : Plan out and shape both Each student needs to able to set out your MP3 player using 1 point A4 laminate to go produce 4 good 3D drawings their own work perspective under the page in the of the MP3 player. and draw the Developing : Plan out and book. There are grids available. MP3 players in shape your MP3 player using 1 different shapes NA or 2 point perspective (2pp) Levelled work and from using the grid to help) examples different Fluent : Independently draw viewpoints above out and shape your MP3 and below the player design carefully and accurately. horizon line. 7 Design an MP3 Player in one Design MP3 Players some in the They will have help Writing frame to help Develop Assessed piece of and of 4 different design styles style of one of 4 different sheets to remind with analysis patterns for work . 8 design styles that we looked at them of what the the MP3 Beginner : make notes on each last week styles are. Description of what an colour For a level 7 the design movement and analysis means. scheme MP3 player must understand at least one. Students to apply the design of Writing assistance Drawing out 1 design idea one of the styles to their 3D sheets to help Levelled work linking to these. dimensional drawing. them structure examples Developing : Make detailed descriptions. notes of each design This work will need to take into movement and be able to account tone and shade ( cross Literacy mats can explain what each one curricular with art) be used represents and Draws out 1 freehand sketches, including some elements of basic 3D drawings and some creative ideas. Each design has some short annotations Fluent : Write structured


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