beyondcorp beyond fortress security

BeyondCorp: Beyond fortress security Private Cloud Office - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BeyondCorp: Beyond fortress security Private Cloud Office Open Source Software Freedom, flexibility, low cost, no vendor lock-in, no jumping through monopoly license hoops, byod, local software, hybrid cloud, retire old firewalls, new

  1. BeyondCorp: Beyond fortress security Private Cloud Office

  2. Open Source Software Freedom, flexibility, low cost, no vendor lock-in, no jumping through monopoly license hoops, byod, local software, hybrid cloud, retire old firewalls, new security model zero trust, corporate access proxy.

  3. New hybrid cloud model: risks and threats

  4. How some enterprises think of security But there are issues with this approach...

  5. Four issues that are wrecking the castle approach Cloud services Mobile workforce Plethora of Breaches devices 5

  6. Access yesterday: On-premises walled gardens ERP Employee SERVER VPN Identity CRM SERVER On Prem » What about contractors? 6

  7. Evolution: Not just employees with corporate devices Unintended CRM access for contractor ERP Employee SERVER VPN Identity CRM Contractor SERVER On-prem » What about the cloud? 7

  8. Evolution: ERP Infrastructure goes VM hybrid-cloud CRM VM Employee Identity VPN Contractor On-prem » What about single sign on? 8

  9. Evolution: ERP Identity goes VM hybrid-cloud CRM Identity VM Employee Now everything is either local software or cloud replicated Contractor » What threats are there in this new cloud world? 9

  10. XSS/SQL injection? Problems ERP Man in the Middle? VM Phishing? Malware? CRM Identity VM Employee No chokepoint to enforce access control? Contractor » What should I do? 10

  11. BeyondCorp’s realization WORK WALLS DON’T

  12. App security Solutions scans ERP TLS VM Access proxy Security Device keys management CRM Identity VM Proxy for access Employee control, TLS termination, based on BeyondCorp vision Contractor » So what’s the ideal? 12

  13. I want my Office application service to be: ● Accessed only by employees ● From well-managed client devices ● In home country ● Using strong user authentication ● And proper transport encryption and ● Hardened against application attacks 13

  14. Implementing BeyondCorp

  15. Core principles of BeyondCorp: v 1 2 3 Any network Context-based Authenticated access Authorized Encrypted 15

  16. High level User inventory Access proxy Access Device inventory control engine Security policy Single sign on Trust repository 16

  17. Know your people Job function changes User inventory 17

  18. Know your devices Asset tracking Certificates Device inventory End of Procurement life Provisioning 18

  19. Dynamic trust repository Trust repository Device Policies inventory People Certificates Level of trust 19

  20. Access policy User inventory Access Device inventory control engine Service request Security policy Trust repository 20

  21. Access from anywhere Access proxy Access control engine Single sign on 21

  22. Migrating to BeyondCorp

  23. New unprivileged network + + New VLAN Add devices Deploy 23

  24. Traffic analysis 24

  25. Safely migrate devices 25

  26. Better loaners

  27. BeyondCorp Papers ● An overview: A New Approach to Enterprise Security ● Front-end infrastructure: The Access Proxy ● Migrating to BeyondCorp: Maintaining Productivity While Improving Security ● The Human Element: The User Experience 27

  28. Lessons learned: What 7 years taught us about migrating services to the cloud

  29. Lessons learned migrating to hybrid cloud Get, and retain, executive support Enable painless migration Run highly reliable systems 29

  30. Lessons learned migrating to hybrid cloud Get, and retain, executive support Enable painless migration Run highly reliable systems 30

  31. Remember: v 1 2 3 Have zero trust Base all access Migrate carefully in your network decisions on what you so as not to break know about the user existing users and their device 31

  32. Thank you


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