best practices for recovery houses

Best Practices for Recovery Houses Fred Way Pennsylvania Alliance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Best Practices for Recovery Houses Fred Way Pennsylvania Alliance of Recovery Residences National Alliance for Recovery Residences s HISTORY OF OAS RECOVERY HOUSE SYSTEM AND STANDARDS In Fisc scal al Year 1995 the Philad adelphia

  1. Best Practices for Recovery Houses Fred Way Pennsylvania Alliance of Recovery Residences National Alliance for Recovery Residences s

  2. HISTORY OF OAS RECOVERY HOUSE SYSTEM AND STANDARDS • In Fisc scal al Year 1995 the Philad adelphia lphia Coordinating inating Of Office ce for Drug and Alcohol l Abu Abuse Progra rams ms (COD ODAAP AP), ), now known wn as The Of Office ce of Addict ictio ion n Services ices (OAS) ) initiat itiated d a recovery house system m for persons s enrolled d in state license sed d out patien ient substance ance abuse progra rams. ms. • The goal of the initiativ itiative is to improve treatment ment outcomes s by stabiliz ilizing ing the living ing envir ironment onment of persons s in recovery who wou would d oth otherwi wise se reside de in housing ing situat uatio ions ns that are re not ot conduciv ucive to their recovery. .

  3. HISTORY OF OAS RECOVERY HOUSE SYSTEM AND STANDARDS • Recover ery house se stand andar ards ds outline line the minim imum um level l of physica ical l plant nt and nd programm grammati atic activit ivity y that t will ll govern ern Departm tment nt of Behavioral vioral Health lth/ / Intellect ellectual ual Disability ability Services ices (DBH DBH IDS) DS) Office e of Addiction ction Servic ices es Recover ery y Houses ses and their ir relati ationships onships with h licensed nsed treatm eatmen ent t provider viders, s, other er social al servic ices es programs grams and nd the immed mediat iate e commun munit ity. .

  4. His istory y of OAS Rec ecover ery y House se System em and d Standa dards ds These se stand andar ards ds were developed eloped in 1995 by Coor ordi dina nati ting ng Office ice of D&A • Abuse use Progra rams ms (COD ODAAP), P), now know as DBH H IDS Office ice of Addict ction on Services, ices, with direct t inp nput t from over a dozen en Philade adelphi phia a recovery y organi nizat ation/hou on/houses ses commi mmitt tted ed to imp mprovin ing g the care of people strivin ing g to maint ntain in a health thy y and producti ctive e life style. e.

  5. THE HE HI HISTOR ORY Y AND ND EFF FFORT RTS S OF T F THE HE NA NATIONA ONAL ALL LLIAN ANCE E FOR RECOVER VERY Y RESIDENC DENCES ES (N (NARR) R) In the general l communi nity ty, and even among treatm tmen ent t provi vide ders, , recover ery y resi side dence nces s are often n misund sunder erst stood d and reviewed d suspicious spiciously, , despi pite growing ng evide denc nces es of the effecti ctivenes eness of them. . Indeed, ed, unti til relati tively y recently ntly, , there re wa was neith ther r clear conse sensu nsus s on what consti stitut uted d a r recover ery y resi sidenc dence nor mini nimum um standar ndards ds for the qu quality of them, m, much less s suppo pport t for the thousa usand nds s of recover ery resi side dences nces currently rently operatin ating across ss the nati tion. n. Founde ded d in 2011, the Nationa nal Allianc nce for Recovery y Resi side dence nces s (NARR) was was created d to provide vide a f forum um for exchanging nging ideas, as, problem m solvi ving ng and advocacy, , and developin oping uniformi ormity ty among recover ery resi side dences nces across ss the nation. on. From m this effort t grew a w work rking ng defini niti tion n of recover ery y resi sidenc dences, es, a t typol olog ogy y disting stingui uishing hing different rent types, es, and standar ndards ds for them.. ..

  6. THE HE HI HISTOR ORY Y AND ND EFF FFORT RTS S OF T F THE HE NA NATIONA ONAL ALL LLIAN ANCE E FOR RECOVER VERY Y RESIDENC DENCES ES (N (NARR) R) Today, , even thoug ugh h they y are referred erred to by a var variet ety y of different erent names, s, such ch as Oxford d Houses, es, sober living house ses, s, and recovery y homes, s, it is under erst stood d that t recovery y resi side dences nces are sober, , safe and healthy y livi ving environme nment nts s that t prom omote recover ery from m alcohol and drug ug abuse and associ ciated ed prob oblems ems At a m mini nimum, mum, recover ery resi side dences nces offer er peer-to to-pe peer r recovery y suppo pport t with th some providi viding ng prof ofess ssiona nally-de delivere ered d clini nical servi vices es aimed d at promoti ting ng absti tine nence nce-base ased, d, long term m recovery. . In 2013 13 NARR merged d with th the America can n Halfway House se Alcoholism sm Progra rams ms (AHHAP) to promote e the joint nt miss ssion n of suppo pporting ng perso sons ns in recover ery from m addicti ction n by i impr mproving ving their access ss to qu quality ty recovery y resi side dence nces s through ugh standar ndards ds, , suppo pport t servi vice ces, s, placement nt, education, ation, resear arch h and advocacy.. ...

  7. THE HE HI HISTOR ORY Y AND ND EFF FFORT RTS S OF T F THE HE NA NATIONA ONAL ALL LLIAN ANCE E FOR RECOVER VERY Y RESIDENC DENCES ES (N (NARR) R) As As a 50 501-c3 no nonpr prof ofit and nd rec ecover ery community unity or organiz nizati tion on (RCO CO), ), NARR ARR curre currently ntly ser erves es reg egion onal al af affiliat ate org rgan aniza zati tion on in in 19 19 stat states es by by host osting ng a websit site an and monthly onthly conf confer erenc ence call with with af affiliat ates es to to pr provi vide de sup suppor ort an and technic echnical ass assistanc stance, e, dis distri tribut uting ng a month onthly ne newsl wslett tter er to to kee eep af affiliat ates es inf nform ormed ed of of eme mergi ging ng issues sues acr acros oss the the countr country, an and providi viding ng periodi odic webina nars to to affiliat ates es and key stakeho holder ders Th These ese affiliate organiz organization ons coll ollecti ctively ely suppo support over er 25 25,000 00 pe persons sons in in rec recover ery fr from om a substanc substance use use disor disorder der who who are are living ng in in 2,500 500 ce certifi fied ed rec recover ery resid residenc ences es th throug oughout out the the Uni nited ed Stat States es. This his present presentat ation pr provi vides des an an overvi view of of the the hist histor ory an and mis mission on of of NARR an and wor ork co compl pleted ed to to dat date deli eline neat ating ng levels els of of care are for or di differe erent nt type types of of re reco cover ery res esidenc dences es (e (e.g., peer er-run, run, monit onitored red, super supervised, vised, an and ful fully staf staffed) ed) an and de devel elopi oping ng standa ndards ds for them.

  8. NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF RECOVERY RESIDENCES In In May 2013, the he Nati ational nal Alli Allian ance ce for or Rec ecovery Reside esidences nces (N (NARR) ARR), for ormerl merly the the Nat atio iona nal Assoc Associa iatio tion of of Reco ecovery Reside esidences, nces, modif modifie ied it its na name me to to mor more cl close osely reflect eflect it its 50 501c3 no nonprof ofit it mi miss ssio ion. Moreo Moreover er, the the na name me cha change nge ma marks ks a hist istori oric even ent, t, the the me merge ger of of NARR ARR and and the the Assoc Associa iatio tion of of Hal alfw fway House ouse Alcoh cohol olic ic Pr Prog ogram ams. Incor ncorpo porat ated ed in in Min innesot nesota in in 196 966, AHHAP AP is is the the ol oldest dest reco ecovery residence esidence organization ganization in in the the US, US, and and as as a resul esult of of the the consolid consolidat ation ion, NARR ARR has has mo moved ed it its of offices ices to to 649 49 Grand and Ave#4, St St. Pau aul, Minneso innesota ta 55105. AHHAP’s lea eade dershi ship hel helped ped found und NARR ARR, and and their their wisd wisdom om aroun ound str structure ucture an and lan anguage guage continue continues to to pl play a huge huge rol ole in in NARR’s rap apid succes success. The he me merge ger is is a pa pass ssin ing of of the the torch, ch, and and NARR ARR is is hono honored to to ca carry the the AHHAP AP leg egacy acy for orwar ard as as ou our na nati tion on un undergoes goes hea healthca thcare ref efor orm and and mo moves es towar ards ds a re recover ery-orie orient nted ed system em of of care re.

  9. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARR AND OAS PARR is an OAS provi vider der in the communi nity ty Respo pons nsible e for visiti siting ng and eva valua uati ting ng local recover ery houses ses in Philade delphia phia and surr rroundin unding areas Offer ers techni hnical l assi sist stanc nce e and guidanc dance with th certific fication ation and standar ndardiz dizati tion n process ess Certi tifies fies PARR eligible sites es when they y meet et necess ssar ary standa ndards ds

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