bernalillo county


BERNALILLO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAMS - DSAP BUDGET DSAP currently operates on a budget of $9.6 million dollars that is fully subsidized by outside funding sources Most of the funding comes from DWI and Detox grant


  2. BUDGET  DSAP currently operates on a budget of $9.6 million dollars that is fully subsidized by outside funding sources  Most of the funding comes from DWI and Detox grant funds  Other Funding Sources: Optum Health, UNM Hospital, HUD

  3. SERVICES PROVIDED OUT PATIENT:  Assessment Center- Serves the Community Custody Program and Courts  Addiction Treatment Out Patient Program (non IOP) IN-PATIENT PROGRAMS:  Renee’s Project  Addiction Treatment Jail Based Program  Drug and Alcohol Detoxification Services  Supportive After Care  Medical Observation and Treatment Unit  Public Inebriate Intervention Program (PIIP)

  4. OTHER FUNDED SERVICES ENFORCEMENT:  DWI Check Points  Party Patrol ALTERNATIVE SENTENCING:  Community Custody Program (for DWI offenders)  Juvenile Alcohol Program

  5. Prevention  Schools from Elementary to the University of New Mexico (UNM)  Working with UNM on a Social Media Campaign for Youth  Tavern Taxi/ Safe Ride Program

  6. MATS Metropolitan Assessment and Treatment Services (MATS) – Campus  24 hr. Social Model Detox services  MOTU/Outpatient Clinic  12 hr. Public Inebriate Intervention Program (PIIP)  Supportive After Care (SAC)  Milagro Residential  Turquoise Lodge Hospital Adult/Adolescent Medical Detox and Intense Rehabilitation

  7. PIIP Public Inebriate Intervention Program (PIIP)  30 bed capacity, can be expanded based on detox census  2 - 12 hr. observation and stabilization  Diverts clients to treatment services rather than MDC or area hospitals  Reduces down and out calls for APD and AFD

  8. SAC Supportive After Care (SAC)  Eighty bed unit located on the MAT’s Campus  Transitional living facility that provides extended aftercare recovery for up to 180 days  Clients must have completed alcohol and drug detoxification to qualify for this program  Clients receive intensive case management services in order to receive a warm hand off back to the community

  9. Milagro  10 bed unit located on the MAT’s Campus  Clients must be pregnant or postpartum  Provides Substance abuse aftercare recovery support  Clients receive intensive case management services  Bernalillo county partners with UNM FOCUS program.

  10. PROVIDER PERSPECTIVE Bernalillo County Needs:  Centralized Assessment Center to appropriately evaluate treatment needs  Consistent Funding for a variety of In-Patient Services ranging from Medically Managed Detox to Transitional Living Beds  Wrap-around services for both individuals and families  Build capacity for a provider continuum so clients can access the right services to meet their needs  Build a continuum of services from abstinence to harm reduction

  11. ASAM (Adult) Levels of Care (American Society of Addiction Medicine) DETOXIFICATION SERVICES  ASAM Level IV-D Medically Managed Intensive Hospital Inpatient Detox  ASAM Level III.7-D Medically Monitored Inpatient Detox  ASAM Level III.2-D Clinically Managed Residential Detox (Social Detox)  ASAM Level II-D or I-D Ambulatory Outpatient Detox with or without extended on-site  monitoring TREATMENT SERVICES  ASAM Level IV Medically Managed Intensive Hospital Inpatient Treatment  ASAM Level III.7 Medically Monitored Intensive Inpatient Treatment  ASAM Level III.5 Clinically Managed High-Intensity Residential Treatment  ASAM Level III.3 Clinically Managed Medium-Intensity Residential Treatment  ASAM Level III.1 Clinically Managed Low-Intensity Residential Treatment  ASAM Level II.5 Partial Hospitalization/Day Treatment  ASAM Level II.1 Intensive Outpatient Treatment  ASAM Level I Outpatient Services  ASAM OMT - ORT Opioid Maintenance Outpatient – Opioid Replacement Therapy  ASAM Level 0.5 Early Intervention Only – e.g. DWI offender education only  programs ***Clients should always be brought in for whichever service (Detox or Treatment) at the lowest level of care required that meets their current needs***

  12. EXAMPLES OF SERVICES NEEDS AND FUNDING Behavioral Health (Limited or no Behavioral Health funding) (Funded) Emergency Room Diversion  ◦ PIIP $18 per admission ◦ MOTU $55 per incidence (Funded by ER Visit Average cost  Bernalillo County) ◦ $250 – $300 per Incidence Social Model Detox-DSAP  Medical detox  ◦ $58 per client daily rate (not funded through Optum) ◦ $425 per day Transitional Living (Adult)  Adolescent Residential Treatment  ◦ SAC Program $120/day (Optum Value ◦ Residential Treatment Center Added Service limited funding) Transitional Living (Adolescent )  ◦ $320 per day (Funded through ◦ Needs to be developed throughout the Optum) state (Optum value added service IOP limited funding $120 per day capped  amount) ◦ $90-$250 per day (Funded Through ◦ Bernalillo County Currently Optum) developing the service Assessment Center (Not funded)  Out Patient Non-IOP Substance  Abuse Programming (Not funded)


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