
Behat BDD, FUNCTIONAL TESTS & SELENIUM (IN DRUPAL!) s Hallo! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Behat BDD, FUNCTIONAL TESTS & SELENIUM (IN DRUPAL!) s Hallo! > Lead of the Symfony documentation team > KnpLabs US - Symfony consulting, training & kumbaya > Writer for PHP & Symfony

  1. /** * @When I run :command */ public function iRun($command) { exec($command, $output); $this->output = trim(implode("\n", $output)); } /** * @Then I should see :string in the output */ public function iShouldSeeInTheOutput($string) { if (strpos($this->output, $string) === false) { throw new \Exception(‘Did not see’.$string); ); }

  2. See the full FeatureContext class:

  3. What Behat *does* Scenario Step Given I have a fi le named “foo” pattern @Given I have a fi le named : fi le public function iHaveAFileNamed($ fi le) { De fi nition do work touch($ fi le); Pass/Fail: Each step is a “test”, which passes *unless* an exception is thrown

  4. Creating fi les and directories in FeatureContext is nice...

  5. but wouldn’t it be really cool to command a browser, fi ll out forms and check the output?

  6. Mink

  7. Mink! ‣ A standalone library to use PHP to 
 command a “browser” 
 ‣ One easy API that can be used to 
 command Selenium, Goutte, 
 PhantomJS, etc @weaverryan

  8. A sample of Mink

  9. use Behat\Mink\Driver\GoutteDriver; use Behat\Mink\Session; // change *only* this line to run // in Selenium, etc $driver = new GoutteDriver(); $session = new Session($driver);

  10. // visit a page $session->visit(''); echo 'Status: '.$session->getStatusCode(); echo 'URL : '.$session->getCurrentUrl();

  11. $page = $session->getPage(); // drill down into the page $ele = $page->find(' css ', ' li:nth-child(4) a '); echo 'Link text is: '.$ele->getText(); echo 'href is: '.$ele->getAttribute(' href '); // click the link // (you can also fill out forms) $ele->click();

  12. Mink inside FeatureContext => Dangerous Combo for Functional Testing

  13. Integration Behat Mink MinkExtension ‣ An “Extension” is like a Behat plugin 
 ‣ The MinkExtension makes using Mink 
 inside Behat a matter of con fi guration @weaverryan

 Install Mink & MinkExtension ‣ Update composer.json to include: > Mink > MinkExtension > Goutte and Selenium2 Drivers for Mink @weaverryan

  15. composer require --dev \ behat/mink-extension \ behat/mink-goutte-driver \ behat/mink-selenium2-driver

  16. { “require-dev": { "behat/behat": "^3.1", "behat/mink-extension": "^2.2", "behat/mink-goutte-driver": "^1.2", "behat/mink-selenium2-driver": "^1.3" } }

  17. Goal: To easily use Mink inside FeatureContext

  18. Bootstrap MinkExtension # behat.yml 
 goutte: ~ 
 selenium2: ~ 
 # The base URL you're testing 
 base_url: @weaverryan

 Extend MinkContext use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\RawMinkContext; 
 * Behat context class. 
 class FeatureContext extends RawMinkContext @weaverryan

  20. Access to a Mink Session class FeatureContext extends RawMinkContext { public function doSomething() { $session = $this->getSession(); $session->visit(''); } // ... } Our custom de fi nitions can now command a browser!

  21. More! Add MinkContext # behat.yml 
 extensions: # ... suites: 
 - FeatureContext 
 - Behat\MinkExtension\Context \MinkContext 
 Behat now parses de fi nitions from *our* class *and* this MinkContext class

  22. We inherit a pile of great de fi nitions Before adding MinkContext: the -dl option prints all current de fi nitions

  23. After adding MinkContext:

  24. In other words: We can write some tests for our app without writing any PHP code @weaverryan

  25. Suppose we’re testing

  26. # features/wikipedia.feature Feature: Search In order to see a word definition As a website user I need to be able to search for a word Scenario: Searching for a page that does exist Given I am on "/wiki/Main_Page" When I fill in " search " with " Behavior Driven Development " And I press "searchButton" Then I should see "agile software development" These 4 de fi nitions all come packaged with MinkContext

  27. Celebration!

  28. Behat in your application

  29. Behat in your App

  30. Getting “under the hood” ‣ Black-box testing: the site lives out on the web ‣ Because of this, we can’t: a) access/clear/prepare the database b) use any code in our application @weaverryan

  31. When testing: you should guarantee the starting condition of your environment

  32. How can we add nodes, add users, and con fi gure permissions from inside Behat?

  33. Behat & Drupal ‣ Install Behat & Mink 
 ‣ ??? Gain access to Drupal functionality from inside FeatureContext ‣ PROFIT! ‣ Create nodes, users, etc so that you’re testing against a predictable dataset @weaverryan

  34. Fortunately... ... there’s a library made by the Drupal community ...

  35. ... which I did not help with ...

  36. DrupalExtension! jhedstrom A plugin (extension) for Behat and Drupal

  37. DrupalExtension 1) Even more built-in sentences/de fi nitions 2) Build nodes, add users, manage permissions inside Behat 3) Operating within Regions 4) Hooks to load more sentences/ de fi nitions from contrib modules @weaverryan


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