beamline facility

Beamline Facility Dean Chapman Science Director, Canadian Light - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Canadian Light Source and the Biomedical Beamline Facility Dean Chapman Science Director, Canadian Light Source University of Saskatchewan Plan Brief Overview of the Canadian Light Source Design of the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy

  1. The Canadian Light Source and the Biomedical Beamline Facility Dean Chapman Science Director, Canadian Light Source University of Saskatchewan

  2. Plan Brief Overview of the Canadian Light Source Design of the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy Beamlines

  3. CLS Timeline September 27, 1999 – Groundbreaking ceremony February 26, 2001 – Building dedication ceremony September 18, 2002 – Booster ring commissioning complete December 9, 2003 – First synchrotron light detected October 22, 2004 – Official opening May 27, 2005 – First CLS user June 30, 2005 – Official completion of the CFI project 3

  4. Capital Investment to Date Original Construction (7 beamlines) $141M Phase II (7 beamlines) $ 52M Phase III (7 beamlines & upgrade) $ 68M Isotopes Project $12M 4

  5. CLS Features Canada ’ s national synchrotron facility One of the world ’ s first ~3 GeV synchrotrons Superconducting RF cavity Canted insertion devices Hard X-rays from superconducting wigglers Full spectrum of photon energies for spectroscopy (THz to hard X-rays) Other highlights: STXM, medical imaging, soft X-ray REIXS, soil science and mining applications 5

  6. CLS Layout 6

  7. Energy Range 7

  8. Users and User Visits Users Users Groups User Visits New Users User Visits Target Users Target 1800 1700 1600 1431 1500 1400 1295 1236 1300 1200 1100 1000 911 850 757 755 800 750 619 577 566 650 600 550 447 393 386 364 400 282 282 300 209 195 205 238 165 219 208 200 97 78 78 156 139 125 95 46 24 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 8 Prepared by Lavina Carter

  9. Peer Review Access 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of 1768 2675 3456 4410 shifts requested Number of 1252 1816 2203 3168 shifts allocated Oversubscript 41% 47% 57% 39% ion 1 shift = 8 hours of beamtime 9

  10. User Base Based on # of users (2012) Canada – SK: 44% Canada – Other: 35% International: 21% Based on shifts: Geographic 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Distribution 560 590 1106 1184 Canada - SK 716 (30%) (46%) (35%) (38%) (36%) 554 828 1232 1304 1370 Canada - Other (45%) (49%) (52%) (44%) (42%) 275 International 114 (9%) 406 (17%) 532 (18%) 728 (22%) (16%) 10

  11. Broad Range of Disciplines Environmental and Earth Sciences Life Sciences Macromolecular Crystallography Material and Chemical Sciences unclassified 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 11

  12. Students and Postdocs 800 700 600 Other 500 Student Post Doctoral Fellow 400 Research Associate Scientist 300 Faculty 200 100 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 12

  13. Opened for peer- Some CLS Stats 2006 reviewed users Beamlines producing 13 publications in 2013 Beam energy 2.9 GeV Funded beamlines 22 Circumference 171 m Publications in 2013 242* Number of straight 12 sections Shifts requested / 4788 / 3077 allocated in 2013 Average current ~200 mA Oversubscription factor 1.56 2013 Top-up No Users/User visits 2013 883 / 1630 Horizontal emittance 18.2 nm rad Publications/Beamline 19 215 Facility employees Publications/100 shifts 5.5 $173M Phase I cost (7 Phase I beamlines) Publications/User 0.28 Operating costs (2013) $28M Publications/User Visit 0.15 Publications/$1M 8.9 Operating Cost

  14. Biomedical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) Beamlines Some design considerations based on proposed user programs

  15. Technology – Synchrotron Biomedical Imaging Methods Projection and CT Absorption Imaging Uses tunability • K-edge Subtraction Uses tunability • in vivo In-Line Phase Contrast Imaging Uses high source brightness (small source size) • Analyzer Based Imaging / Diffraction Enhanced Imaging / Multiple Image Radiography Uses high source brightness (high intensity) • • Grating (Talbot) Interferometry Imaging (in progress) tissues Uses brightness • High Resolution Imaging / Microtomography Uses high source brightness (intensity & source size) • Can apply most of above imaging methods •

  16. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION VIDO / City Hospital / CLS InterVac Breast Health Centre Western College of Veterinary Saskatoon Medicine Cancer Centre College of Engineering Medicine / Royal Univ Kinesiology Hospital

  17. Insertion Device / Location Bend Magnet CLSI Life Science Lab 100 m 2 Computer Lab Elect. Equip. / Controls Human Mech. Prep Assembly SOE Control Room Dark- room Storage Large Animal Prep Lab Small Animal Preparation User Change Lab Room Shower Area

  18. 05B1-1 Beamline Overview Source: Bending Magnet: White/Mono Beam Monochromator: Double Crystal Mono (Bragg) 8 – 40 keV (temp limit 15-40 keV) Spectral range: Resolving power 1x10 -4 (Mono): Beam size: 240 mm (H) x 7 mm (V) @ 25 m White Beam Power: ~350 W (250 mA, 2.9 GeV) ~2.3 W/mm 2 (250 mA, 2.9 GeV) Max. Power Density: Max. dose rate ~4 Gy/min @ 250 mA @ 50 keV using pink beam:

  19. BMIT Superconducting Wiggler 4.3T max field 4.8cm period 25 full field poles 2 half field poles • 15kW @ 250mA ring current • 30kW @ 500mA • Highest field to period ratio in world

  20. BMIT Beamlines – one bend & one wiggler 10 16 (photons/sec/mrad 2 /0.1%bw) 10 15 Brilliance 10 14 ESRF MRT CLS Bend Magnet 10 13 CLS 4T 10 12 CLS 3T ESRF Img 10 11 1 10 100 1000 Photon Energy (keV) CLS Bend BMIT Superconducting Wiggler (Bukder, Novosibirsk, Russia) B 0 = 1.0 to 4.3T l u =4.8 26 effective poles (25 full, 2 half) B 0 = 1.354T Ec = 7.57keV K = 4.5 to 19.3 Ec = 5.6 to 24.0

  21. Wiggler Beamline Filter Assembly Filter assembly had shipping plate and bolts on bottom Missed in final assembly Beam hit plate and bolt –

  22. Choice of Wiggler Characteristics Imaging 20 to 100keV High flux Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT) High dose rate @ 100keV Wiggler Need for high x-ray energies => high B Need for high flux => large number of poles Efficiency => small period Front end power limitation of ~30kW @ 500mA

  23. Insertion Device Optimization for Imaging and MRT 150 Continuous Period Values Spectral Surface Dose Rate Discrete Period Values (Gy/s/keV) @100keV 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Wiggler Field (T)

  24. BMIT Instrumentation Unique Large Positioning Systems Large Animal Positioning System (LAPS) Microbeam Radiation Therapy Lift (MRT Lift) Detector Positioning Systems (POE2 and SOE)

  25. Insertion Device SOE Hutch

  26. Unique in the world: the large animal positioning system on the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) Beamline Denise Miller, BMIT Systems Analyst George Belev, BMIT Beamline Scientist 26

  27. POE-3 POE SOE-1 SOE 4.8 m (V) 0.7 m (V) Up Up 13 13º Down Down KES 7.5º 7.5 2.7 m Camera (V) LAPS Posit. 2.7 m (V)

  28. Large Animal Positioning System

  29. Large Animal Positioning System

  30. Large Animal Positioning System

  31. MRT Down

  32. MRT Up

  33. MRT Lift in operation …

  34. SOE Detector Holder • Positions detector for all imaging modes KES • DEI/MIR • In-Line Phase • … • • Granite stand it front holds DEI Analyzer

  35. Bend Magnet POE 2 Hutch

  36. Analyzer Based Imaging / Diffraction Enhanced Imaging System double crystal analyzer monochromator object ~12.5m Side View ~13m imaging beam imaging ion chamber beam Top View detector Bend Magnet System POE1 & 2

  37. Mouse @ 41keV ~2mGy exposure 17 Dec 2008 Radiograph BMIT Lives!! DEI Analyzer Top

  38. POE 2 BM Analyzer and Detector Holder Position detector for same modalities as in SOE DEI Analyzer in front of holder with analyzer in place

  39. Analyzer Based Imaging System @ BMIT BM

  40. Analyzer Control System double crystal analyzer mono refractor ~12.5m ~13m imaging beam imaging ion chamber beam control control beam beam detector detector

  41. Si(4,4,0) @ 40keV Location on Imaging Beam Rocking Curve ( m r) -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Beam Rel. Imaging Intensity 1.87 m r 0 ° 20 ° Refractor Angle (deg) Control on Control on 40 ° Low Angle High Angle 60 ° Side @ ½ Side @ ½ Peak Peak 80 ° 100 ° 120 ° 140 ° 160 ° 180 °

  42. Earliest Signs of Osteoarthritis … DEI CT of Piglet Joints DEI CT Refraction Image 40keV BMIT 05B1-1 Glendon Rhoades, Alan Rosenberg, Sheldon Wiebe, Chapman, et al

  43. Conclusion • Unique opportunity and environment for biomedical research • Very flexible facility – “ wind tunnel ” • Training a new generation of scientists in interdisciplinary research • Insertion Device beamline recently on-line • New concepts to expand utility of beamline • We have just started …

  44. Adam Denise David Webb Miller Cooper George Belev Tomasz Wysokinski Ning Zhu


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