basic research innovation collaboration center bricc 900

Basic Research Innovation Collaboration Center (BRICC) 900 Glebe - PDF document

Basic Research Innovation Collaboration Center (BRICC) 900 Glebe Road, 2 nd floor | Ballston Room Arlington, VA 22203 Agenda Day 1 Tuesday, January 9, 2018 Time Title Speaker 0730-0755 Registration Arje Nachman 0755-0800 Welcome, etc

  1. Basic Research Innovation Collaboration Center (BRICC) 900 Glebe Road, 2 nd floor | Ballston Room Arlington, VA 22203 Agenda Day 1 Tuesday, January 9, 2018 Time Title Speaker 0730-0755 Registration Arje Nachman 0755-0800 Welcome, etc AFOSR/RTB Elizabeth Bleszynski Imaging with Enhanced Early-time Diffusion Signal 0800-0830 Monopole Research David Colton 0830-0900 Eigenvalue Problems in Inverse Scattering Theory University of Delaware Russel Caflisch 0900-0930 Signal Fragmentation for Low Frequency Radio Transmission NYU Long Range EM Propagation through Inhomogeneous Turbulence and Efficient FDTD Schemes for Maxwell PDEs: Alex Mahalov 0930-1000 Mirages, Lensing, Stochastic Effects, and Data Assimilation Arizona State University for EM Fields and Electron Layers in the Ionosphere 1000-1030 BREAK Power Flow, Energy Density, and Group/Energy-Transport Arthur Yaghjian 1030-1100 Velocities in Spatially Dispersive Media S4, Inc Alessandro Salandrino 1100-1130 Parametric Resonances in Time-varying Media University of Kansas 1130-1300 LUNCH Inverse Source Problem for Determining a Surface Thorkild Hansen 1300-1330 Impedance: Generating the Field of a Complex Point Source S4, Inc Analysis of Metasurface Absorption Efficiency for Photon Bae-Ian Wu 1330-1400 Detection AFRL/RY 1400-1430 BREAK Light Propagation in Photonic Structures with Phase-changing Ilya Vitebskiy 1430-1500 Components AFRL/RY New Group Invariant S olutions of Maxwell’s Equations for Richard James 1500-1530 Radar and Photonics University of Minnesota 1530 ADJOURN FOR THE DAY Page 1 of 3

  2. Agenda Day 2 Wednesday, January 10, 2018 Time Title Speaker 0730-0755 Registration Arje Nachman 0755-0800 Welcome, etc AFOSR/RTB Owen Miller 0800-0830 Fundamental Limits to Light--matter Interactions Yale University Daniel Sievenpiper 0830-0900 Line Waves and Nonreciprocal Modes UCSD Pulse Propagation in Waveguides with Turning Points and Liliana Borcea 0900-0930 Application to Imaging University of Michigan George Papanicolaou 0930-1000 Interferometric Radar for Space Surveillance Stanford University 1000-1030 BREAK Semyon Tsynkov 1030-1100 Differential Faraday Rotation and Polarimetric SAR NCSU Birsen Yazici 1100-1130 Doppler-SAR Interferometry RPI 1130-1300 LUNCH Improving Robustness, Efficiency, and Accuracy of SAR Anne Gelb 1300-1330 Imaging Techniques using Multi-measurement Vectors Dartmouth College Knut Solna 1330-1400 Speckle Memory Effect and Imaging UC/Irvine 1400-1430 BREAK Dustin Mixon 1430-1500 Packings in Projective Spaces Ohio State University Anthony Grbic 1500-1530 Generating X Waves at Microwave Frequencies University of Michigan 1530 ADJOURN FOR THE DAY Page 2 of 3

  3. Agenda Day 3 Thursday, January 11, 2018 Time Title Speaker 0730-0755 Registration Arje Nachman 0755-0800 Welcome, etc AFOSR/RTB Nathan Kutz 0800-0830 Data-Driven Sparse Optimal Sensor Placement University of Washington Laurent Demanet 0830-0900 Extrapolation Via Sparsity MIT Analysis of Signals Spanned by Exponentials Concentrated in Vladimir Rokhlin 0900-0930 Regions in the Complex Plane Yale Vishal Monga 0930-1000 Optimization Based Approaches for Transmit Adaptive Radar Penn State University 1000-1030 BREAK Polarization & Coherence Effects in the Hanbury Brown-Twiss Taco Visser 1030-1100 Effect University of Rochester Jerome Gilles 1100-1130 Atmospheric Fried Deconvolution San Diego State University 1130-1300 LUNCH Ram Raghavan Target Scattering Characteristics Considerations in Coherent 1300-1330 MIMO Detection AFRL/RY Passive Radar Detection-From Theory to Controlled Sandeep Gogineni 1330-1400 Laboratory Experiments Wright State University 1400-1430 BREAK Transport Techniques for Vector-Valued Distributions in Signal Allen Tannenbaum 1430-1500 Analysis and Image Processing SUNY/Stony Brook Chrysoula Tsogka 1500-1530 Imaging Extended Scatterers in Terminating Waveguides UCal/Merced 1530 MEETING ADJOURNED Page 3 of 3

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