What do we do when disaster strikes? How can we get clean drinking water without power? Source: https://goo.gl/NX8sse Source: https://goo.gl/iE3dpg
B-Quenched filters and disinfects water and is powered by simply shaking the bottle.
Particle Filter UVC Source Coil Magnet
Cost $100 $8* $50 Weight 17oz 3oz 3.5oz Time 60s 30min ~60s Issues Expensive Slow Small Nozzle *Per 25L
Benchmark Cost $100 $8* $50 Weight 17oz 3oz 3.5oz Time 60s 30min ~60s Issues Expensive Slow Small Nozzle *Per 25L
Can we use UV-C LEDs as a low power sterilization method? Can we power a traditional UVC bulb using linear induction?
Water Bottle UVC Source Coil + Magnet Diode Rectifier
UVC LEDs are still extremely expensive à Between $275 and $1,200 each à Not scalable in our market segment Traditional UVC bulbs are complex to work with à High voltages à Current limiter via electric ballasts à Consistent and steady power input
à Create strong, steady voltage à Develop particle filter à Find required exposure
Source: https://goo.gl/qAa7vu Source: https://goo.gl/xpbjC8 3.5 million Hurricane Maria victims left without power this year Source: https://goo.gl/16jSBK
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