automatic 3d monitoring and the use of network adjustment

Automatic 3D monitoring and the use of network adjustment on the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Automatic 3D monitoring and the use of network adjustment on the railway TSA Survey Conference 1 Contents Monitoring Automatic 3D Monitoring 3D Monitoring on the Railway Data Interpretation/Calculation 3D Monitoring

  1. Automatic 3D monitoring and the use of network adjustment on the railway TSA Survey Conference 1

  2. Contents • Monitoring • Automatic 3D Monitoring • 3D Monitoring on the Railway • Data Interpretation/Calculation • 3D Monitoring Evolution • Network Adjustment in Remote Systems • Case Study: RMS • Summary TSA Survey Conference 2

  3. Monitoring 1. Define the purpose: Inform, Maintain, Control 2. Select the monitoring method: Amount, speed and accuracy of data required etc… 3 . Define and agree the reporting and actions: What happens following the data. TSA Survey Conference 3

  4. Stage 1 ‐ Define the Purpose Inform  Obtain knowledge of asset behavior  Enable evaluation of severity  Data for design of remediation Maintain  Confirmation of status – notification of change  Contingency – Interim period to repairs Control  Measurement towards limit of movement/alarm  Observation during temporary works  Short term watch period due to sudden instability TSA Survey Conference 4

  5. Factors Influencing Decision to Monitor  New or Dormant Fault  Asset Criticality  Severity of Fault  Level of Consequence  Visibility  Reinforcing Knowledge  History  Culpability  Politics  Cost TSA Survey Conference 5

  6. Would you monitor this? TSA Survey Conference 6

  7. Stage 2 – Select Monitoring Method  Reliability (Repeatability & Accuracy)  Availability  Cost  Access  Minimal install time  Robustness/Climactic conditions  Simplicity of use  Operate alongside site activity  Security  Direct Measurement  Ergonomic contingent design  Low power consumption  Communications TSA Survey Conference 7

  8. Practical Considerations ‐ Safety TSA Survey Conference 8

  9. Stage 3 – Define and Agree Reporting and Actions  Record  Analyse  Transmit  Compare  Store  Alert & Alarm  Back up  Report  Confirm  Present  Convert  Repeat  Validate  Archive TSA Survey Conference 9

  10. Automatic 3D Monitoring  In terms of Purpose of monitoring (stage 1) can offer information to suit all types  Measurement of a single point in 3 planes of direction to +/‐ 1mm  Absolute and global movement  Monitor a wide range of infrastructures/furniture with relative ease  Mainly unobtrusive to install and can operate in hard to access area’s TSA Survey Conference 10

  11. Automatic Systems Historically remote system were borne out of areas that were difficult to manually monitor. E.g. Tunnels, culverts, cuttings Their potential to be more cost effective than manually monitoring areas was by product as well as all the other benefits of remove monitoring. Crossrail C701 was what really brought ATS monitoring to the fore and brought its use to a much wider audience. This and other Crossrail contracts propelled the logistical use and subsequent development of 1 second instruments. TSA Survey Conference 11

  12. Standard ATS Set Up Controls Monitoring Points ATS’s 12 TSA Survey Conference

  13. 3D Monitoring on the Railway  Slope Surface Monitoring  Retaining Walls  Bridge Structures  Buildings  Platforms  Tunnel Clearance  Track 13 TSA Survey Conference

  14. Track Monitoring • Cant & Twist • Lateral Slew • Gauging • Settlement & Heave 14 TSA Survey Conference

  15. Data Interpretations/Calculations  Rotation  Longitudinal profiles  Convergence Vectors  Relative Movement  Absolute Movement  Cant, Twist & Gauging  Daily Averaging TSA Survey Conference 15

  16. Alarm Management • Email • Texts • Alarm Logs • Event Logs Alarm management tools • Within a range or shot again • Mode • 3 Tap Rule • Daily Average Alarms TSA Survey Conference 16

  17. Evolution of Remote 3D Monitoring • Robustness: Higher IP ratings • Speed of Readings • Camera’s on Instruments • Power consumption to be run • Communication improvements TSA Survey Conference 17

  18. Introduction of Network Adjustment into remote systems Allows you to control and manage the position of your monitoring points by modelling through least squares adjustment. The adjustment allows you to create a network for your survey site and correct the data once the network is solved. It reviews your whole site as one and then creates a best fit based on this. Widely used in manual systems where there is poor control set ups. Started to be used in more remote systems and was a key component to many Crossrail sites due to the environment. TSA Survey Conference 18

  19. Network Adjustment Key items in a good network adjustment is good common points and known stable points. Network Adjustment packages can now process the data every 2 hours and can therefore replace the need to show resected data and as live data. Especially important in tunnel areas, bends, cuttings etc. Anywhere where line of sight out of the zone of influence is restricted. E.g. Cuttings, Tunnels TSA Survey Conference 19

  20. Case Study: Royal Mint Street  7No Automatic Total Stations  750 Mini Prisms  Track Monitoring  Retaining Walls  Tunnels  Crack Monitoring TSA Survey Conference 20

  21. Case Study: Royal Mint Street • Originally set up as standard resecting system where each instrument uses points outside of the ZoI in order to locate itself • Change in building design meant a change in monitoring method. • Common Points file run between all 7no instruments to find out which points can link the network • Allowed us to create a network, process and adjust the data on a 2 hourly data (Which was within the defined specification for the scheme) TSA Survey Conference 21

  22. Summary Understanding the system and its restrictions is key to getting the most out of it:  Optical System  Outside influences  Poor Mounting positions  Poor initial design due to outside constraints  Anomalies  Instrument Failure Automated 3D monitoring is improving is robustness, reliability and communications to create a more practical system as well as a technical one. Network Adjustment is now a viable option when certain environments are encountered and areas need to be monitored. TSA Survey Conference 22

  23. Where to next? • Remote Scanning solutions from a Total Station • Faster Database computations • Wider and improved use of adjustment packages TSA Survey Conference 23

  24. Questions? TSA Survey Conference 24


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