atmospheric signatures of changing global biogeochemistry

Atmospheric signatures of changing global biogeochemistry Ralph - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Atmospheric signatures of changing global biogeochemistry Ralph Keeling Scripps Institution of Oceanography Or How I learned to stop worrying and love the biosphere In collaboration with Lisa Welp, Heather Graven, Steve Piper, Andrew

  1. Atmospheric signatures of changing global biogeochemistry Ralph Keeling Scripps Institution of Oceanography

  2. Or “How I learned to stop worrying and love the biosphere” In collaboration with Lisa Welp, Heather Graven, Steve Piper, Andrew Manning

  3. Controls on atmospheric CO 2 increase Land Industry Oceans Plants 2- + H 2 O ↔ 2 HCO 3 - CO 2 + CO 3

  4. CO 2 budget 2000-2010 (Pg C/yr) Land Use “Residual Sink” Fossil fuel emissions 7.8 ± 0.6 Land use emissions 1.1 ± 0.8 Ocean Fossil-Fuel Burning Total Sources 8.9 ± 1.0 Atmosphere 4.0 ± 0.2 Atmosphere Ocean sink 2.3 ± 0.7 Residual land sink 2.6 ± 1.2 Total Sinks 8.9 ± 1.0 SOURCES SINKS IPCC AR5

  5. Historic Carbon Sources and Sinks IPCC Ar5, Figure 6.8

  6. Controls on atmospheric CO 2 and O 2 Land Industry Oceans Plants 2- + H 2 O ↔ 2 HCO 3 - CO 2 + CO 3

  7. Scripps CO 2 and O 2 Sampling Networks Measurements of CO 2 Concentration and isotopes: 13 C/ 12 C, 18 O/ 16 O, 14 C Measurements of O 2 /N 2 ratio and Ar/N 2 ratio Archive of pure CO 2 extracted from samples

  8. Scripps O 2 Program Scripps O 2 Program Elements Flask network, 10 stations Continuous measurements at La Jolla Measure CO 2 , O 2 /N 2 ratio and Ar/N 2 ratio Methods development Calibration facility Project Website:

  9. O 2 /N 2 and CO 2 trends − ( O / N ) ( O / N ) 2 2 sample 2 2 reference δ (O 2 /N 2 ) = 4.8 per meg ~ 1 ppm ( O / N ) 2 2 reference

  10. Vector diagram of O 2 and CO 2 changes Budget for 1991 to 2001 Ocean uptake = 2.45 ±0.58 Land uptake = 1.05 ± 0.80 Pg C yr -1

  11. CO 2 concentration at selected stations Cycle at Barrow driven mostly by boreal and temperate forests Amplitude increase over 50 years ~ 50% or 0.8% /yr

  12. Arctic landscapes Tundra (north slope) Boreal forest

  13. High Arctic in the Eocene Eberle, Geological Society of America Bulletin,2012

  14. What role does ocean biogeochemistry play in CO 2 uptake, beyond a passive response to rising CO 2 ? - > Conventional wisdom is a rather small role.

  15. Future projections show only small range in ocean responses IPCC AR5, Fig. 6.24

  16. “ Observations” support much smaller ocean than land variability in recent past Ocean interannual variability = ~±0.2 Pg C yr -1 Ocean models typically also yield ~± 0.2 Pg C yr -1* IPCC AR5, Figure 6.9 *Wanninkihof et al, 2013, Biogeosciences

  17. But… Ocean biogechemical response to climate changes may be underestimated. ( 1) Glacial-interglacial CO 2 “puzzle”. (2) Magnitude of interannual variability might be larger than estimated by models and “observation” Roedenbeck et al. (2013, BGD) ~ ±0.31 Pg C yr -1 (3) Ocean models underestimate variability in “atmospheric potential oxygen” (4) Largest perturbation to CO 2 growth rate in 1940s might have been (mostly) oceanic.

  18. Also… improved ocean fluxes needed for inverse calculations of land fluxes Repeat hydrography and surface ocean pCO2 measurements won’t fully address need on decadal time scale. Measurements of atmospheric O2 may help fill this gap.

  19. Atmospheric CO 2 & O 2 coupling Z Ocean CO 2 uptake: = H 2 O + CO 2 + CO 3 - ↔ 2HCO 3

  20. Atmospheric potential oxygen APO ~ O 2 + CO 2 Z APO Ocean CO 2 uptake: = H 2 O + CO 2 + CO 3 - ↔ 2HCO 3

  21. What about changes in functioning of ocean biota? − ( O / N ) ( O / N ) 2 2 sample 2 2 reference δ (O 2 /N 2 ) = 4.8 per meg ~ 1 ppm ( O / N ) 2 2 reference

  22. APO: a tracer of oceanic exchanges

  23. Long-term trend in APO Trend accounts for fossil-fuel and ocean response to rising CO 2

  24. Seasonal APO cycles as model test Palmer Station (65°S) Nevsion et al., in prep, 2013

  25. Seasonal cycles as metric of long-term changes Oxygen Concentration (per meg) APO (per meg) 100 Cape Grim (41°S) 0 -100 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

  26. Programmatic Needs: (1) Sustain O 2 observations as part of carbon observing system (2) Incorporate O 2 constraints into CarbonTracker and other assimilation systems. Ongoing Collaboration to take first steps by using APO to improve Carbon Tracker “priors” Laure Resplendy, Ralph Keeling SIO Andy Jacobsen, NOAA-GMD Samar Khatiwala, Oxford Christian Roedenbeck, Martin Heimann (MPI, Jena)

  27. APO gradient with latitude* APO (per meg) See poster by Laure Resplandy

  28. Thank You

  29. Future CO 2 fluxes 25 p Fossil-fuel emissions 20 Net land biosphere Carbon dioxide flux (Pg C yr -1 ) Business as Usual 15 Stabilization 10 at 450 ppm 5 0 -5 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

  30. Major World Carbon Pools Plants 650 Atmosphere 800 OthersSoils Peat Permafrost 2000 450 Oceans 1400 ~40000 Fossil-fuel resource base 4300 Units: billions of tons of C

  31. Linking air-sea O 2 and CO 2 fluxes 1. Mechanistic Framework Atmospheric Circulation F CO2 =K([CO 2 ] – [CO 2 ] eq ) Air F O2 =K([O 2 ] – [O 2 ] eq ) Land Ocean Photosynthesis: CO 2 —> C org + 1.3*O 2 Processes driving air-sea fluxes (1) Changes in atmosphere Ocean Circulation (2) Changes within the ocean a) Warming/cooling b) Photosynth/Resp. Respiration: 1.3*O 2 + C org —> CO 2 c) CaCO 3 precip/diss


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