asymmetric modulation for cognitive radio and intelligent

Asymmetric Modulation for Cognitive Radio and Intelligent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) Asymmetric Modulation for Cognitive Radio and Intelligent Environments 2004 Software Defined Radio Technical Conference and

  1. Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) Asymmetric Modulation for Cognitive Radio and Intelligent Environments 2004 Software Defined Radio Technical Conference and Product Exposition Eric Kreb Robert Morelos-Zaragoza Scientific Applications San Jose State University International Corporation

  2. Outline Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) • Introduction • Asymmetric Modulation – Design – Mathematical Analysis – Graphical Analysis • Asymmetric Coherence • Opportunities for Intelligent Environments • Conclusion 11/18/2004 2

  3. Complex Baseband System Model Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) 11/18/2004 3

  4. Orthogonal Basis Functions Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) s I ( t ) s I ( t ) φ = π φ = π COS ( 2 f t ) COS ( 2 f t ) 1 c 1 c s ( t ) s ( t ) φ φ 2 2 s ( t ) s ( t ) Q Q s T dt i 1 s ∫ 0 i 1 φ 1 φ 1 s T dt i 2 s ∫ i 2 0 s φ 2 s i φ 2 i s T dt s ∫ iN 0 iN φ N φ N 11/18/2004 4

  5. Common Modulation Schemes Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) Constant Envelope Modulated Envelope 11/18/2004 5

  6. Asymmetric Modulation Design Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) AsPSK Asymmetric Phase-Shift Keying AsQAM Asymmetric Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 11/18/2004 6

  7. Asymmetric Phase-Shift Keying Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) Mapping Functions = − α + πα y ( 1 ) x 2 α − α = π ( 1 ) y ( 2 ) x 1 1 2 2 11/18/2004 7

  8. AsPSK: Constellations Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) 11/18/2004 8

  9. AsPSK: Expected BER in AWGN Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) AsPSK- � 1 & AsPSK- � 2 ( )   π ⋅ − − α   E M 1 ( )   ≈ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ P Q 2 lg M B sin     b 1 N  M    0 ( )     −α 1 −     E M 1 ( )   ≈ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ π P Q 2 lg M B sin       b 2 N   M       0 11/18/2004 9

  10. AsPSK: Dynamic Control Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) 11/18/2004 10

  11. AsQAM: Lattice Structure Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) QAM vs AsQAM 11/18/2004 11

  12. AsQAM: Lattice Structures Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) Direct Comparison of Square Lattice & Simplex Lattice 11/18/2004 12

  13. AsQAM: Constellations Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) 11/18/2004 13

  14. AsQAM: BER in AWGN Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) QAM & AsQAM   3 2 E   ≈ P Q B   b _ QAM 4 N 5   0   2 2 E   ≈ P Q B   b _ AsQAM 3 N   0 11/18/2004 14

  15. AsQAM vs. Standard QAM Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) Nearest-Neighbor Distances � 16-AsQAM- � 1 1 0.6761 2 0.6688 3 0.6690 4 0.6659 16-QAM 0.6325 11/18/2004 15

  16. Clock Synchronization Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) 11/18/2004 16

  17. Coherent & Noncoherent Receivers Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) 11/18/2004 17

  18. Detector Simulations Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) AsPSK- � 1 AsPSK- � 2 11/18/2004 18

  19. Opportunities for Intelligent Environments Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) • Dynamic Design • Synchronization and Data Transfer Modes • Low Priority Data Transfer at Low Cost • Continuous and Discrete Constellation Monitoring 11/18/2004 19

  20. Conclusion Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) • Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Designs • Optimal Lattice Structure • Asymmetric Coherence • Environmental Intelligence Capability 11/18/2004 20

  21. References Advanced R Research and E Engineering S Solutions (ARES) A Advanced Research and Engineering Solutions (ARES) [1] S. Haykin, Communication Systems, 4th ed., New York: Wiley, 2001 [2] M. Isaka, M. Fossorier, R. Morelos-Zaragoza, S. Lin, H. Imai, “Multilevel Coded Modulation for Unequal Error Protection and Multistage Decoding – Part II: Asymmetric Constellations,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, no. 5, pp. 774-786, May 2000 [3] L. Venkata Subramaniam, S. Rajan, R. Bahl, “Performance of 4- and 8-State TCM Schemes with Asymmetric 8-PSK in Fading Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 49, No. 1, pg 211-219, January 2000 [4] F. Sanzi, M. C. Necker, “Totally Blind APP Channel Estimation with Higher Order Modulation Schemes,” Proceedings of the Vehicular Technology Conference, Orlando, October 2003 [5] G. Colavope, R. Raheli, “On Noncoherent Sequence Detection of Coded QAM,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 2, No. 8, August 1998 11/18/2004 21


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