carrier signal sinusoidal amplitude modulation

Carrier Signal (Sinusoidal) Amplitude Modulation Modulation is the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Carrier Signal (Sinusoidal) Amplitude Modulation Modulation is the process of merging two signals into a third signal with desirable properties of both. Amplitude modulation involves multiplication of the amplitudes of the two signals. A

  1. Carrier Signal (Sinusoidal)

  2. Amplitude Modulation Modulation is the process of merging two signals into a third signal with desirable properties of both. Amplitude modulation involves multiplication of the amplitudes of the two signals.

  3. A concrete example of AM Modulation results in radio waves that can propagate over long distances and can carry voice or other information.

  4. Amplitude Modulation

  5. Speech Signal

  6. Crystal Radio (A Schematic) diode antenna headphone coil ground

  7. A Foxhole Radio

  8. Making a Foxhole Radio

  9. Making a Foxhole Radio

  10. Making a Foxhole Radio

  11. Making a Foxhole Radio


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