assessing the regional effects of climate and land use

Assessing the Regional Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The 12th AIM International Workshop 20-Feburary, 2007 Assessing the Regional Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on the Korean Watersheds Hui-cheul JUNG Kyoto university Contents 1. Objectives 2. Overview of research flow 3. Mapping and

  1. The 12th AIM International Workshop 20-Feburary, 2007 Assessing the Regional Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on the Korean Watersheds Hui-cheul JUNG Kyoto university

  2. Contents 1. Objectives 2. Overview of research flow 3. Mapping and Modeling Land Use and Land Cover Change 3.1 Detecting and projecting land cover change using RS dataset 3.2 Spatial allocation model 3.3 Projecting future land use change and conservation priority 4. Modeling the Effects of Climate and Land Use Change 4.1 River network system of Korean Peninsula 4.2 Hydrological modeling system 4.3 Projecting potential effects of climate change on the Korean watersheds 5. Conclusion

  3. 1. Objectives � Climate Change and Land Use/Cover Change (LUCC) caused by anthropogenic pressures and natural processes are increasingly recognized as the major drivers of global environmental change which may be a synthesis of results of these two changes. � Since they have a large effect on ecosystem processes, biogeochemical cycles, biodiversity and even more human activities, many scientists have gained great efforts to understanding the causes and effects of land use and climate changes. � In addition, Land use change of Korean Peninsula, especially urban sprawl and deforestation, also have been accelerated by the rapid increasing of urban population during the last 30 years. � To understand the effects on the future environment caused by climate and LULC changes. It is needed to develop diagnostic model of land use and ecosystem changes, and to analyze regionally comparable results of climate and land use change. The objective of this research is assessing potential effects of climate and land use change on the ecosystem and hydrologic processes in Korean watersheds by developing impact assessment model and regional dataset (land cover, river-network system etc) This presentation mainly focus on the development of impact assessment models- 1) land use allocation, 2) hydrologic model including their validation

  4. 2. Overview of research flow 1 3 2 4 Figure 1. Framework for research flow and Relationship of Climate and Land Use change on the Ecosystems and Hydrologic processes in the Korean watersheds

  5. 3. Mapping and Modeling LULC Change Remote Sensing Analysis Data: Landsat 5 TM and 7 ETM+ (Spatial resolution: 30m) � Classification classes: Built-up, Agriculture, Forest, Grass, Barren, Wetland, � Water (7 classes) Spatial domain and Target date: Korean Peninsula (ROK,DPK), End of 1980s � (1985-1989, rep. 1987) and 1990s (1995-1998, 1997) Classification method: Hybrid methods (unsupervised: competitive training + � supervised: maximum-likelihood with prior probability) Classification error criteria: Overall accuracy 80% � Validation: 1) Statistical method using Kappa and overall accuracy, 2) Area � comparison with statistical year book (forest, agriculture) Statistical Analysis for detecting the changing pattern Descriptive variables: distance to road, existing city, river and conservation � area, pop.density, topographic (slope, height etc), Soil (textures, pH, AWC etc), Climate variables (T, P, PET etc) Proximity analysis of urban expansion � Markov transition matrix by using multi-logit regression for future change � estimation

  6. 3.1 Land cover classification results and validation 100 100 (a) Forest - National areas (b) Agriculture - National areas Land cover 1987, ROK Land cover 1987, ROK 80 80 Land cover 1997, ROK Land cover 1997, ROK Classified area (1000 sq. km) Land cover 1997, DPRK Land cover 1997, DPRK Land use 2000, ROK Land use 2000, ROK 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.5 2.0 (f) Agriculture- County areas (e) Forest - County areas Land cover 1997, ROK 0.4 Land use 2000, ROK Classified area (1000 sq. km) 1.5 0.3 1.0 0.2 0.5 Land cover 1997, ROK 0.1 Land use 2000 - Rice paddy Land use 2000 - Dry field 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Reported land use area (10 3 km 2 ) Reported land use area (10 3 km 2 ) Figure 2 Current status of land cover distribution on the Korean Peninsula (left) and Comparison of the major land use classes in terms of remotely sensed land cover and census data set (Right)

  7. 3.1 Major change among the classes (c) Metropolitan area (1990s) (1980s) National highway Green-belt zone Figure III Net change and Relative conversion of land cover classes (Left) and Urban sprawl in the Metropolitan area surrounding Greenbelt zone

  8. 3-1. Relationship of Land Cover Fraction and Urban population density 70 100 (b) Urban forest (a) Built-up area Chungcheong 44 46 60 Gangwon 69 42 41 Gyeongsang 80 Urb%=0.0056 * Pden + 1.88 61 57 45 (r 2 = 0.6888), DPRK 43 36 65 59 50 Jeollajeju 40 83 52 2627 76 60 21 Metropolitan 79 14 82 50 75 29 66 33 55 67 63 64 23 38 DPRK 49 40 54 62 53 30 Fraction (%) 48 60 25 11 68 73 12 58 3 39 56 32 22 6 30 15 13 47 51 20 34 78 40 70 81 2 35 18 9 20 28 7 31 Urb%=0.0032 * Pden + 4.0628 16 8 37 17 71 (r 2 = 0.8706), ROK 19 1 77 5 24 10 20 DPRK 4 74 ROK 72 80 10 0 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Population density (persons/km 2 ) Population density (persons/km 2 ) Figure 4 Land cover distribution of major cities relating with urban population density: Built-up (Left) and Urban forest (Right)

  9. 3-1. Proximity analysis to urbanized area (a) Distance to existing built-up area (c) Distance to nearest sea 10 10 100 100 (a) ROK DPRK (c) ROK DPRK 100 100 8 80 8 80 Percent of total land by distance 80 80 % urban 1990s Cumulative percent 60 cumulative percent % urban 1980s 60 6 6 cumulative development 1990s 60 60 cumulative total land 40 40 % urban 1990s 4 4 40 40 % urban 1980s 20 cumulative development 1990s 20 cumulative total land 20 20 2 2 cumulative new development cumulative new development 0 0 cumulative total land cumulative total land 0 0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 20 40 60 80 100 km. to nearest ocean km. to nearest 1980s development km. to nearest ocean km. to nearest 1980s development 10 10 40 10 100 100 100 100 (d) ROK - Greenbelt zones (b) ROK DPRK ROK - National Parks 8 8 80 8 80 80 80 Percent of total land by distance Percent of total land by distance 30 cumulative percent cumulative percent 60 % urban 1990s 60 6 6 6 60 % urban 1980s 60 cumulative development 1990s % urban 1990s % urban 1990s 20 % urban 1990s cumulative total land 40 40 % urban 1980s % urban 1980s % urban 1980s cumulative development 1990s 4 4 cumulative development 1990s cumulative development 1990s 4 40 40 cumulative total land cumulative total land cumulative total land 20 20 10 2 2 2 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 km. to nearest national highway km. to nearest national highway km. to nearest greenbelt km. to nearest national parks (b) Distance to nearest highway (circa. ’80s road) (d) Distance to greenbelt and national park Figure 5 Relationship with urbanized area and proximity (km) to (a) existing urban (b) road (c) Ocean and (d-1) Greenbelt zone (d-2) National parks (Conservation area). (Left) ROK, (Right) DPK excepting (d)

  10. 3-1. Future land cover change estimation using Markov transition matrix Future population at provincial level: SRES A2 scenario Transition probability, (Pij ) is estimated by multi-logit regression: = ≠ ≠ ln( / ) ( , ,..., ), 1 p p f X X X i j 1 1 1 2 i j m Mlogit-Forest (1997) Mlogit-Builtup (1997) Mlogit-Agriculture (1997) 120 120 120 y = 0.9572x + 0.4341 y = 0.9723x + 3.9618 y = 0.914x + 0.6391 2 = 0.9011 2 = 0.939 R R 2 = 0.8922 R 100 100 100 Fraction of simulated land cover Fraction of simulated land cover Fraction of simulated land cover 80 80 80 60 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Fraction of 1997 land cover Fraction of 1997 land cover Fraction of 1997 land cover Figure 6 Comparison of observed and simulated land cover fraction of Forest (left), Built-up (middle) and Agri. (right) at 5 by 5 km grid

  11. 3-1. Estimated future land cover change Table 1. Land cover change simulation results by Markov transition matrix, start form 1987 and SRES A2 (provincial level) Nation Classes 1987 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Forest 91.733 89.530 88.025 86.925 86.042 85.277 84.574 Agriculture 21.328 22.567 22.977 22.920 22.584 22.077 21.462 DPK Developed 1.405 2.453 3.639 4.920 6.279 7.713 9.204 Other 6.022 5.939 5.848 5.724 5.583 5.423 5.249 Forest 66.411 68.340 68.871 68.784 68.387 67.829 67.183 Agriculture 23.533 20.548 18.748 17.468 16.450 15.572 14.774 ROK Developed 2.112 3.849 5.482 7.093 8.698 10.298 11.889 Other 5.007 4.326 3.963 3.718 3.528 3.364 3.216 ROK DPK 100% 100% 80% 80% 60% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% 0% 0% 1987 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1987 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Forest Developed Agriculture Other Forest Developed Agriculture Other


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