aspects of d3 d7 plasmas at finite baryon density

Aspects of D3/D7 plasmas at finite baryon density Javier Tarro - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Aspects of D3/D7 plasmas at finite baryon density Javier Tarro Universitat de Barcelona Munich, 30 th July 2013 based on Bigazzi, Cotrone, JT arXiv:1304.4802 Motivation QCD has a rich phase T diagram at finite T and QGP

  1. Aspects of D3/D7 plasmas at finite baryon density Javier Tarrío Universitat de Barcelona Munich, 30 th July 2013 based on Bigazzi, Cotrone, JT arXiv:1304.4802

  2. Motivation • QCD has a rich phase T diagram at finite T and µ QGP • Details only known in certain regimes hadronic nm • Strong coupling physics dominates an important region µ • Use holography to study systems at finite Cartoon of QCD µ and possibly low T phase diagram 2

  3. Motivation • QCD has a rich phase T diagram at finite T and µ QGP • Details only known in certain regimes hadronic nm • Strong coupling cfl physics dominates an important region µ • Use holography to study systems at finite Cartoon of QCD µ and possibly low T phase diagram 2

  4. Motivation • QCD has a rich phase T diagram at finite T and µ QGP • Details only known in certain regimes hadronic nm • Strong coupling cfl csc physics dominates an important region µ • Use holography to study systems at finite Cartoon of QCD µ and possibly low T phase diagram 2

  5. Motivation • QCD has a rich phase T diagram at finite T and µ QGP • Details only known in certain regimes ? hadronic nm • Strong coupling cfl csc physics dominates an important region µ • Use holography to study systems at finite Cartoon of QCD µ and possibly low T phase diagram 2

  6. • Introduction • Finite baryon density and the probe • Going beyond the probe limit • Physical aspects and limitations • Conclusions 3

  7. AdS/CFT • Most reliable tool in generic regions of the phase diagram (finite ) µ • As a weak/strong duality allows us to learn strong coupling effects from classical gravity • Provides geometric interpretation of field theory features or vice versa • Fields in gravity provide sources and vevs of the field theory operators • No known dual for QCD 4

  8. Finite charge on the probe • Take N c D3-branes, this is SU(N c ) SYM N c → ∞ • Strings represent fields in the adjoint • Add Nf D7-branes • New strings give fields in the fundamental Karch, Katz hep-th/0205236 5

  9. Basic dictionary • RG flow = radial dependence • Finite temperature = black D3-branes • Non dynamic flavor = probe D7-branes on black D3-branes background - Background AdS 5 xS 5 , D7’s wrap S 3 in S 5 - No running dilaton • Massive flavor = D7’s separated a finite distance from D3’s • Finite baryon chemical potential = U(1) gauge field on the D7’s worldvolume 6

  10. Probe brane at T=0 • We focus in the low T, finite baryon charge setup • Probe approximation can be studied analytically Karch, O’Bannon arXiv:0709.0570 q L = − N r 3 1 + y 0 2 − (2 πα 0 ) A 0 2 t • Charged system expected to be unstable - Charged scalars in the field theory: BE cond. - Charged fermions (chiral density wave) - CS-like couplings trigger instabilities Ammon, Erdmenger, Lin, Müller, O’Bannon, Shock arXiv:1108.1798 7

  11. Fluctuations • All bosonic worldvolume fields studied in the probe approximation: no instabilities found 8

  12. Fluctuations • All bosonic worldvolume fields studied in the probe approximation: no instabilities found 8

  13. Considering backreaction of the flavor branes

  14. Beyond the probe limit • Bottom-up vs. top-down models Nc>>1 c>>1 ‘t Hooft vs ft vs V Veneziano unknown field theory field theory explicit tunable parameters fixed phenomenology N=4 SYM with multiplets in the fundamental 10

  15. Beyond the probe limit • Bottom-up vs. top-down models Nc>>1 c>>1 ‘t Hooft vs ft vs V Veneziano unknown field theory field theory explicit tunable parameters fixed phenomenology N=4 SYM with multiplets in the fundamental 10

  16. Beyond the probe limit Bigazzi, Casero, Cotrone, Kiritsis, Paredes hep-th/0505140 see review arXiv:1002.1088 for references � ✓Z ◆ Z L IIB − # λ N f 1 S = L D 7 2 κ 2 N c 10 I will consider the Veneziano limit p p − P [ G ] δ 2 ( D 7) − P [ G ] Ω 2 L D 7 ∼ L D 7 ∼ + WZ + WZ 11

  17. Beyond the probe limit • Finite baryon chemical potential = DBI action for the flavor branes p p − P [ G ] Ω 2 → − P [ G ] + F Ω 2 L D 7 ∼ • Analytic solutions at finite T and available µ perturbatively in the backreaction parameter ✏ ∼ � N f N c Bigazzi, Cotrone, Mas, Paredes, Ramallo, JT arXiv:0909.2865 Bigazzi, Cotrone, Mas, Mayerson, JT arXiv:1101.3560 Bigazzi, Cotrone, JT arXiv:1304.4802 12

  18. Beyond the probe limit • Not so complicate effective action describing the system Z " 1 ( R − V ) ? 1 − 40 f − 20 dw ∧ ? dw − 1 S = 3 d f ∧ ? d 2 d Φ ∧ ? d Φ 2  2 5 √ √ − 1 2 e Φ +4 f +4 w ⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘ dC 0 − 2 2 C 1 dC 0 − 2 2 C 1 ∧ ? − 1 3 f − 8 w ( dC 1 − Q 7 F 2 ) ∧ ? ( dC 1 − Q 7 F 2 ) − 1 2 e Φ − 4 2 e Φ − 20 3 f dC 2 ∧ ? dC 2 # r � � − 4 Q 7 e Φ + 16 � g + e − Φ 2 − 10 3 f +2 w 3 F 2 , − � � � 13

  19. Beyond the probe limit arXiv:1110.1744 • The solution is analytic but too large to write it down • Possesses a horizon and depends on the value of the charge density from the U(1) B • It is perturbative in the backreaction parameter (explicitly built up to second order) • The solution breaks down at a given UV scale due to the presence of a Landau pole 14

  20. Physical aspects and limitations

  21. Landau pole • Perturbative beta function is positive 16 π 2 β ∝ λ 2 N f g 2 Y M ( Q 2 ) = ⇒ N f log Λ 2 N c L Q 2 • The running of the coupling dual to a running dilaton Φ = Φ ∗ + ✏ log r + O ( ✏ 2 ) r ∗ 16

  22. Landau pole • Consider two scales associated to r 1 and r 2 and using N f = 4 ⇤ g S N f e Φ ( r 1 ) � 1 ∝ ⇥ 1 N c • Then under a change of scale, from the solution, we have 2 log r 1 � 1 = � 2 e Φ 2 − Φ 1 = � 2 + � 2 + · · · r 2 and in particular 4 ⇡ g s g 2 Y M = ⇣ ⌘ log r 1 − ✏ r ∗ + · · · 17

  23. E fg ective IR dynamics • Available description order by order in � ⇥ ⌅ 1 + F 2 ⇤ 1 d 5 x S eff = R + 12 − 4 � h 2 ⇥ 2 2 5 Pal arXiv:1209.3559 s 4 G 5 Π 3 T 3 50 � ⇥ ⇤ s = ⇥ 3 r 6 40 1 − � h T 3 d 2 + � h 1 + 30 ⇥ 3 T 3 4 G 5 20 10 Bigazzi, Cotrone, JT arXiv:1304.4802 r d Π 3 T 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 • Thermodynamics determined analytically and stable 18

  24. more physical consequences • Corrections to transport coefficients or energy loss effects are available - increased loss of energy of probes through the plasma due to additional scattering centers ✓ ◆ 1 + 2 + ⇡ ✏ + 0 . 5565 ✏ 2 + · · · q = ˆ ˆ q 0 8 - Positive bulk viscosity ⇣ ⌘ = 1 9 ✏ 2 + · · · - Unusual optical properties - etc 19

  25. Fluctuations (again) • Charged system expected to be unstable, but no instability found in the probe limit. However there is a mode with m BF 2 mass Ammon, Erdmenger, Lin, Müller, O’Bannon, Shock arXiv:1108.1798 • In this setup we include supergravity couplings and might see corrections driving the mode unstable • However we can NOT go to zero temperature and everything remains stable • The system is stable under fluctuations for finite temperature (not all fluctuations studied, though) Bigazzi, Cotrone, JT arXiv:1304.4802 20

  26. Extremality • Problem: it is a perturbation on top of a neutral black hole solution - Inner horizon at radius O ( � ) - Increasing baryon density requires the whole resummation of the solution and/or instanton effects • Physically: energy density of D7-branes always dominates in the IR Hartnoll, Polchinski, Silverstein, Tong arXiv:0912.1061 - This is true also in the ‘t Hooft limit and in particular this problem persists for massless probe calculations 21

  27. Summary & conclusions • We studied SYM theory with fundamental matter with symmetry U(1) Nf • Reasonable analytic control to include phenomenological features • Possibility to study plasma observables perturbatively in N f /N c • IR physics obtained from simpler system • A different approach to study extremality in the charged black hole must be taken 22

  28. Thank you


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