asm your your partner partner in in the the asm socio

ASM your your partner partner in in the the ASM socio- - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ASM your your partner partner in in the the ASM socio- -economic economic and market and market research research socio ASM Market Research and Analysis Center 99-301 Kutno, ul. Grunwaldzka 5 Tel: +48 (24) 355 77 00 Fax:

  1. ASM – – your your partner partner in in the the ASM socio- -economic economic and market and market research research socio ASM – Market Research and Analysis Center 99-301 Kutno, ul. Grunwaldzka 5 Tel: +48 (24) 355 77 00 Fax: +48 (24) 355 77 03

  2. EXPERTISE AREA Research areas: Sectors: � � Market research and analysis for Construction market individual clients � Business-to-business research � Syndicated projects for a specific � Social issues products, segments and target groups of � clients Labour market � � Social research projects within Energy market European Social Fund � ICT market � European research projects within EU � Transport Framework Programmes, IEE, Leonardo � Da Vinci, Central Europe, etc. Tourist services market � Banking & financial services market � E-sector

  3. ASM CLIENTS � Private companies � Local authorities � Ministries � European Commission

  4. ASM RESOURCES � Professional network of interviewers (600) managed by 33 experienced professional regional coordinators covering the whole country � Own telephone polling centre (CATI) � Modern equipment at the data analysis centre (computers, specialised software SPSS, complementary tools) � Focus Group Interview lab � Conference and training room with multimedia facilities

  5. RESEARCH METHODS AND TECHNIQUES � Quantitative research: CATI, Mystery Shopping, CAWI � Qualitative research: FGI, IDI, ITI, Expert panels, Delphi panels, Face- to-Face, Case studies, Semi-structured Interviews (SSI) � Desk research: in-depth analysis of statistical data, study of press and Internet, financial data analysis, analysis of data obtained from government units, scientific institutes, trade organisations, etc. The quality of our research is ensured by: � PKJPA 2011 certificate in a field of: PAPI, CATI, CAWI, Mystery Shopping � ISO 9001:2000 certificate

  6. COMPANY AWARDS � The most active Polish company participating in EU Framework Programmes between 1999-2009 (2009) � Cristal Brussels Sprouts Award (2010, 2006-nomination, 2005) � Winner of the Innovation of the Year (award for the innovative activities carried out within the framework of the Polish Construction Technology Platform (2008) � The most innovative SME of 2007

  7. MEMBERSHIP IN ORGANISATIONS � ASM is a coordinator and founder of the Polish Construction Technology Platform ASM is a coordinator of 7 th Framework Programme � Contact Point for Polish construction sector � Member of the European Construction Technology Platform (High Level Group, Operational Group, Advisory Group for SMEs) � Member of Energy Efficient Buildings Association � Co-founder and member of the Construction Cluster of Central Poland � Member of Cluster 'Bioenergy for the Region'

  8. AREAS FOR COLLABORATION � Socio-economic analysis of new technologies including impact analysis � Policy and legislation analysis � Decision making process including: customers, local authorities, decision makers, managers and other targeted groups of public � Market analysis , segmentation, demand, potential, shares, brand awareness (size, capacity, absorptive power, forecasts) � Analysis of customers ’: needs, motivations, behavioral patterns, attitudes etc. � Customers’ satisfaction research (CSI), including groups of end users, key managers, citizens � Testing new or existing products/packaging (Focus Groups Interview) � Dissemination and exploitation of project results including analysis of the factors that influence exploitation of project results (e.g. standardisation, safety, ethical issues, gender issues, regulatory aspects, etc.) � Project management , website management � Workshops and conferences organisation and management


  10. EU PROJECTS PARTNERS (selection)

  11. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION Aleksandra Oleksik ASM – Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. Ul. Grunwaldzka 5, 99-301 Kutno Tel. +48 24 355 77 56


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