1 Asia ia-Pacif ific Research and Training Network on Scie ience, Technology and In Innovation Polic licy Ms. Marta Pérez Cusó, Economic Affairs Officer, TIID, ESCAP Bangkok, 31 August 2018
3 Asia ia-Pacif ific Res esea earch and Train inin ing Netw twork on on What is ARTNET Scie cience, Tech chnology and In Innovation Polic olicy on STI Policy? A platform to: Share findings of academic research and their policy implications Reflect on current science, technology and innovation (STI) policy issues Support research to inform STI policies in the Asia-Pacific region
4 In Inclusiv ive Tec echnology & & Inn Innovation Ensuring STI policies are inclusive and support national development goals and the 2030 Agenda. Fr Frontie ier Tec echnologies Focus areas Ensuring technological breakthroughs work for the betterment of the economy, society and the environment. Soc Socia ial l En Enterprises s & & Imp Impact In Investment Harnessing social enterprises and impact investment to generate further economic and social outcomes and address environmental concerns. Tec echnology, Trade & & In Investment Leveraging global trade and foreign direct investment to accelerate the spread of innovation and technology. Tec echnology Transfer Enabling the sharing of knowledge and technology across organizations and borders
Unit ited ed Nations ions Econom nomic ic and Social ial Commis issio ion n for Asia a and the Pacific ific (ESCA CAP) Supports the network Founding Connects researchers and policy making communities – help disseminate research findings, members identify policy issues that require research National ional Scien ence e Technolog hnology and Innovat ation ion Po Polic licy Offic ice, e, Thailand iland Scien ence e and Technolo hnology gy Po Polic icy Instit itut ute e (STEP EPI) I) Formulates strategic policies and frameworks for STI Non-profit organization devoted to research and in Thailand development of S&T policy and policy alternatives. Facilitates academic, research and development STEPI strives to become a global think tank in the collaboration among government agencies, academic area of science and technology policy research. institutes, research organizations and industry within and outside Thailand
6 Cor Core part partners Intergovernmental & national institutions Provide significant and regular support (financial contributions, expertise and Membership substantive inputs) Ins Insti titutional l mem embers National‐level research and academic institutions involved in science, technology and innovation policy research and located in ESCAP member countries. Asso ssocia iate part partners International or regional institutions who collaborate with the Network and its Secretariat on an ad‐hoc basis. Adv sors dviso World-wide experts in specific knowledge areas. Provide guidance on their respective knowledge area, contribute to the discussions and peer review papers.
7 Publications
8 Events
9 Ex Expert t mee eetin ing - Str trategic ic fun fundin ing of of R& R&D in n fr fron ontie ier tec echnolo logie ies 21-22 November 2018 (tbc) - Bangkok, Thailand Hosted by the STI Policy Office of Thailand What Fir First t mee eetin ing of of ARTNETonSTI Polic olicy Stee eerin ing Com ommit ittee next? 22 November 2018 (tbc) - Bangkok, Thailand Hosted by the STI Policy Office of Thailand Train aining on on sc scie ience, tec echnolo logy & inn nnovatio ion pol polic icie ies Incheon, Republic of Korea (March 2019) Hosted by ESCAP’s East & North East Asia sub -regional office
10 Thank you Kee eep in in tou ouch Sign up to our newsletter Website: https://artnet.unescap.org/sti Facebook: @stiartnet Twitter: @ARTNETonSTI
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