asia ia pacif ific research and training network on scie

Asia ia-Pacif ific Research and Training Network on Scie ience, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Asia ia-Pacif ific Research and Training Network on Scie ience, Technology and In Innovation Polic licy Ms. Marta Prez Cus, Economic Affairs Officer, TIID, ESCAP Bangkok, 31 August 2018 2 3 Asia ia-Pacif ific Res esea earch

  1. 1 Asia ia-Pacif ific Research and Training Network on Scie ience, Technology and In Innovation Polic licy Ms. Marta Pérez Cusó, Economic Affairs Officer, TIID, ESCAP Bangkok, 31 August 2018

  2. 2

  3. 3 Asia ia-Pacif ific Res esea earch and Train inin ing Netw twork on on What is ARTNET Scie cience, Tech chnology and In Innovation Polic olicy on STI Policy? A platform to:  Share findings of academic research and their policy implications  Reflect on current science, technology and innovation (STI) policy issues  Support research to inform STI policies in the Asia-Pacific region

  4. 4 In Inclusiv ive Tec echnology & & Inn Innovation  Ensuring STI policies are inclusive and support national development goals and the 2030 Agenda. Fr Frontie ier Tec echnologies Focus areas  Ensuring technological breakthroughs work for the betterment of the economy, society and the environment. Soc Socia ial l En Enterprises s & & Imp Impact In Investment  Harnessing social enterprises and impact investment to generate further economic and social outcomes and address environmental concerns. Tec echnology, Trade & & In Investment  Leveraging global trade and foreign direct investment to accelerate the spread of innovation and technology. Tec echnology Transfer  Enabling the sharing of knowledge and technology across organizations and borders

  5. Unit ited ed Nations ions Econom nomic ic and Social ial Commis issio ion n for Asia a and the Pacific ific (ESCA CAP)  Supports the network Founding  Connects researchers and policy making communities – help disseminate research findings, members identify policy issues that require research National ional Scien ence e Technolog hnology and Innovat ation ion Po Polic licy Offic ice, e, Thailand iland Scien ence e and Technolo hnology gy Po Polic icy Instit itut ute e (STEP EPI) I)  Formulates strategic policies and frameworks for STI  Non-profit organization devoted to research and in Thailand development of S&T policy and policy alternatives.  Facilitates academic, research and development  STEPI strives to become a global think tank in the collaboration among government agencies, academic area of science and technology policy research. institutes, research organizations and industry within and outside Thailand

  6. 6  Cor Core part partners Intergovernmental & national institutions Provide significant and regular support (financial contributions, expertise and Membership substantive inputs)  Ins Insti titutional l mem embers National‐level research and academic institutions involved in science, technology and innovation policy research and located in ESCAP member countries.  Asso ssocia iate part partners International or regional institutions who collaborate with the Network and its Secretariat on an ad‐hoc basis.  Adv sors dviso World-wide experts in specific knowledge areas. Provide guidance on their respective knowledge area, contribute to the discussions and peer review papers.

  7. 7 Publications

  8. 8 Events

  9. 9  Ex Expert t mee eetin ing - Str trategic ic fun fundin ing of of R& R&D in n fr fron ontie ier tec echnolo logie ies 21-22 November 2018 (tbc) - Bangkok, Thailand Hosted by the STI Policy Office of Thailand What  Fir First t mee eetin ing of of ARTNETonSTI Polic olicy Stee eerin ing Com ommit ittee next? 22 November 2018 (tbc) - Bangkok, Thailand Hosted by the STI Policy Office of Thailand  Train aining on on sc scie ience, tec echnolo logy & inn nnovatio ion pol polic icie ies Incheon, Republic of Korea (March 2019) Hosted by ESCAP’s East & North East Asia sub -regional office

  10. 10 Thank you Kee eep in in tou ouch  Sign up to our newsletter  Website:  Facebook: @stiartnet  Twitter: @ARTNETonSTI


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