CerCle Carré residenCe 36, Queen street, Montreal (QC) H3C 2n5 www.CerCleCarre.Coop/residenCe residenCe@CerCleCarre.Coop CERCLE CARRÉ Artist Residence
thE ARtist REsidEnCE Open to our neighbourhood and the city that surrounds At CERCLE CARRÉ us, we strive to be at the centre of an artistic, human lifestyle – one that is dynamic, vibrant, inclusive and sustainable. Furthermore, in striving to extend our welcome to national and international expertise, we have reserved a 49th apartment specifjcally for an artist- in-residence, in hope of subsequently increasing our exchanges with artists from Québec, Canada and abroad. We want and encourage productive encounters between artists from here and abroad, thereby contributing to their respective professional development as well as the cultural infmuence of both their country and in Québec. HousinG CooperatiVe For artists and Cultural worKers , Cercle Carré combines, in one building, a living space (48 apartments on six fmoors) and a multidisciplinary artist space for performing arts and emerging practices. Located at 36 Queen Street, our cooperative has, since the very beginning, aligned itself in As youR oRgAnizAtion RECEivEs a perspective of cultural networking and sharing. intERnAtionAL ARtists EACh yEAR, wE bELiEvE The fjfty-something artists and cultural workers who live it wouLd bE vERy intEREsting foR ouR in the cooperative hail from all artistic expressions and two oRgAnizAtions to JointLy dEvELoP A cultural backgrounds. MuLti-yEAR PARtnERshiP, offERing you thE PossibiLity of A shoRt-tERM REsidEnCE (onE The multidisciplinary artist space, known as Espace Cercle to fouR Months) foR thE invitEd ARtists. Carré, aims to present to the public an artistic vision of quality – one where research and creativity are at the heart of its concerns and with a particular attention to emerging artists.
dEsCRiPtion of thE ARtist REsidEnCE • Bright apartment, 3 ½ bedrooms, located on the ground fmoor. • Size: 56 square metres – 602 square feet. • Ceiling: 8 feet high, industrial fjnish with visible piping. • Floors: brushed and varnished concrete. • Apartment is furnished by the cooperative (no specialized equipment). • Closed bedroom, open living room, equipped kitchen, bathroom. • Washing machine and dryer included. • Availability: to be determined. • Monthly rent: $950 • Weekly rent: $400
of An EffERvEsCEnt ARtistiC CoMMunity whAt CERCLE CARRÉ offERs Cercle Carré has formed a committee whose purpose is to welcome its artists-in-residence and provide guidance and support, depending on their artistic discipline, with the goal of creating an ARtists in REsidEnCE in thE hEARt environment conducive to creation and networking. Visiting artists will be treated to professional support, with a human touch. guidAnCE foR visiting ARtists Artists-in-residence will fjnd themselves right in the heart of a vibrant artistic community. Indeed, Cercle Carré is made up of more than fjfty artists that express themselves through theatre, literature, music, dance, visual arts, media arts, multidisciplinary arts, new technologies, photography, crafts, as well as cultural- sector work. We offer a beautiful diversity of disciplines, not to mention a wonderful cultural diversity!
foR ALL inQuiRiEs residence@cerclecarre.coop MEEting with thE ARtist-in-REsidEnCE EvEnts Cercle Carré can organize welcome meetings and If desired, during their stay in the residence, the artist shall networking receptions with its artists-in-residence at have the possibility of presenting his or her work in the the cooperative. These meetings are organized at the ESPACE CERCLE CARRÉ – whether in the form of public beginning of the residency in order to allow the visiting reading, a recital or any other type of performance. artist to quickly feel at home – and, of course, meet other members who will in turn direct them toward areas of research and dynamic creation, resource people and the need-to-know locations for their artistic discipline.
residence@cerclecarre.coop foR ALL inQuiRiEs CerCle Carré residenCe 36, Queen street, Montreal (QC) H3C 2n5 www.CerCleCarre.Coop/residenCe residenCe@CerCleCarre.Coop
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