are you the best leader you can be

Are You the Best Leader You Can Be? Presented by: - PDF document

T7 Leadership Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 11:15 AM Are You the Best Leader You Can Be? Presented by: Amy Jo Esser

  1. ¡ ¡ T7 ¡ Leadership ¡ Thursday, ¡October ¡3rd, ¡2019 ¡11:15 ¡AM ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Are ¡You ¡the ¡Best ¡Leader ¡You ¡Can ¡Be? ¡ ¡ Presented ¡by: ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Amy ¡Jo ¡Esser ¡ ¡ ProAssurance ¡ ¡ Brought ¡to ¡you ¡by: ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 888 -­‑-­‑-­‑ 268 -­‑-­‑-­‑ 8770 ¡ ·√·√ ¡904 -­‑-­‑-­‑ 278 -­‑-­‑-­‑ 0524 ¡-­‑ ¡ ¡-­‑ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

  2. Amy ¡Jo ¡Esser ¡ ¡ Amy ¡Jo ¡Esser ¡is ¡an ¡enthusiastic ¡self-­‑confessed ¡conference ¡and ¡learning ¡addict. ¡She ¡ feels ¡like ¡a ¡kid ¡in ¡a ¡candy ¡store ¡at ¡conferences. ¡She ¡has ¡enjoyed ¡learning ¡at ¡ conferences ¡from ¡the ¡beginning ¡of ¡her ¡career ¡through ¡today, ¡and ¡she ¡considers ¡ herself ¡a ¡learning ¡leader. ¡Amy ¡Jo ¡believes ¡the ¡time ¡is ¡now ¡to ¡start ¡giving ¡back ¡at ¡ conferences ¡for ¡all ¡the ¡lessons ¡she ¡has ¡learned ¡along ¡her ¡career ¡journey, ¡which ¡ began ¡over ¡thirty ¡years ¡ago ¡as ¡a ¡programmer. ¡Since ¡then ¡she ¡has ¡moved ¡through ¡ various ¡roles, ¡including ¡systems ¡analyst, ¡project ¡manager, ¡automation ¡tester, ¡and ¡ solo ¡tester ¡to ¡her ¡current ¡company, ¡ProAssurance, ¡and ¡her ¡current ¡role ¡as ¡director ¡ of ¡quality. ¡Amy ¡Jo ¡loves ¡her ¡€œwork€  ¡growing ¡as ¡a ¡leader ¡and ¡has ¡a ¡passion ¡for ¡ serving ¡her ¡team ¡of ¡managers ¡and ¡testers ¡so ¡that ¡they ¡can ¡serve ¡their ¡customers ¡by ¡ providing ¡them ¡with ¡the ¡best ¡information ¡to ¡do ¡their ¡jobs ¡successfully. ¡ ¡

  3. 9/25/19 ¡ Are You the Best Leader You Can Be? 8-9-19 Cheerleading Anticipation Cheerleading Jumps Splits 1 ¡

  4. 9/25/19 ¡ Practicing Daily Stretching Chinese Splits 2 ¡

  5. 9/25/19 ¡ How I Landed in a Testing Career SEE YOU AT THE TOP ´ Developer ´ Motivational/Growth Minded Speakers ´ “Opportunity” to become an Automated Tester ´ Joined WI QA Group ´ My first STAR (Testing) Conference Are You the Best Leader You Can Be? 1. Win the Morning, Win the Day 2. Honor, Embrace and Face Your Fears a. "Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear." George Addair 3. Continuous Learning and Growing we all MUST do 4. Be the Best 3 ¡

  6. 9/25/19 ¡ Win the Morning, Win the Day High Performance Leaders Personal Development Current Years (Last 1-3 years) ´ Brendon Burchard ´ Michael Hyatt ´ Rachel Hollis ´ John C. Maxwell ´ Mel Robbins ´ Bo Eason Previous Years ´ Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Wayne Dyer… 4 ¡

  7. 9/25/19 ¡ How many of you begin your morning with scrolling through your phone? No Phone First 60 Minutes of your Day 5 ¡

  8. 9/25/19 ¡ Number 1 Game Changer Get Up Early ´ Professional Chronic Snooze Button User ´ Mel Robbin’s 5 Second Rule Morning Routine Suggestions * Drink Water * Work Out / Walk * Journal * Meditation/Prayer * Read * Gratitude MICRO START * 15 Minutes 6 ¡

  9. 9/25/19 ¡ Suggestions for Finding 15 Minutes in the Morning ´ Phone Usage ´ A.M. and/or P.M. ´ TV Usage ´ Can you cut out one program or DVR it (and go to bed earlier)? “ A Healthy Person has 1,000 wishes and a Sick Person has 1 Wish. ” 7 ¡

  10. 9/25/19 ¡ Developed My “Morning Musts” ´ Completing my “Morning Musts” are a Game Changer ´ “ Need” and “Crave” these mornings ´ Winning my morning definitely leads to winning my day! ´ Set up for Success ´ Ready to Conquer the Rest of Day Class Exercise “Win Your Morning, Win Your Day” ´ Write down one or two new “musts” for your morning routine ´ Decide why you want to start with these activities ´ Share with one person your chosen activities and why it’s important to you 8 ¡

  11. 9/25/19 ¡ It can be Hard, It will be Hard! ´ Getting up early was hard (can still be hard). ´ Exercising was hard. ´ It’s worth the HARD. ´ You just have to want it bad enough ´ Your why – be the best leader you can be! ´ If I can do it, you can too! ´ Don’t Wait, Commit to Start Tomorrow Honor, Embrace and Face Your Fears Embrace the Suck What would I do if I weren’t afraid? And then go do it.” -Sheryl Sandberg 9 ¡

  12. 9/25/19 ¡ Firewalk Metaphor FEAR OF FAILURE - Recall a fear you have overcome - Use this as a metaphor to push past current fears - What’s a current fear that is holding you back from advancing your career? Cold Shower Metaphor FEAR OF DISCOMFORT - Inch by inch - Cold Shower Metaphor - Face and embrace discomforts of the day - “Jump in” and take action 10 ¡

  13. 9/25/19 ¡ Change your Mindset on Failure ´ “Failure” is as an learning opportunity. ´ “Fear of failure is often the toughest hurdle to jump in leadership. We need to flip the idea of failure on its head. Rather than allowing failure to slow down progress or even prevent us from starting in the first place, leaders can use the power of failure to “fail forward.” Failure is the first step in starting most things. The people you lead are counting on your ability to turn failure into resilience, and it’s a requirement for your growth as a leader.” (Taken from an introduction to a John C. Maxwell podcast of failure) One Approach to Conquering a Fear ´ Lewis Howes ( The School of Greatness ) ´ Put yourself in the situations or roles that you are most afraid of ´ Example: Talking to girls 11 ¡

  14. 9/25/19 ¡ DO IT AFRAID (Make it your mantra) Get comfortable with the uncomfortable as that’s where you’ll grow… Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash Servant Leader Approach ´ Make the outcome of your “fear” more than about you ´ Focus on facing your fear so you can serve others 12 ¡

  15. 9/25/19 ¡ Class Exercise – What Fear is Keeping You from Improving Your Leadership? ´ Write down: ´ What’s one fear that’s holding you back from being the best leader you can be? ´ Why it’s important to overcome this fear? ´ Homework (my example next slide): ´ Write down what happens when your fear comes true – how will you handle it? Remember a baby learning to walk falls down many times before she/he gets it Public Speaking Fear/Failure Example Thinking through my Fear on Paper Homework Assignment ´ I may fail. It’s a learning opportunity. ´ I might be ridiculed. I can handle the embarrassment – it’s happened before ´ I might receive more negative feedback than constructive or positive feedback. I will approach these comments as a gift to me. 13 ¡

  16. 9/25/19 ¡ Share your Fear Exercise ´ Share your fear and why you must overcome it ´ Sharing your fear may be a fear ´ Do it afraid Continuous Learning and Growing-We all MUST Do “The moment you stop learning, you stop leading.” --Rick Warren 14 ¡

  17. 9/25/19 ¡ Curiosity, Learning, and Growing Traits of a Great Tester and Leader ´ Curiosity is one of the top skills a great tester possesses ´ This skill must be carried over into leadership ´ Recipe to success: ´ Continuously learning ´ Studying and applying the knowledge ´ Practicing consistently to be the best leader you can be Jerry Weinberg – Problem Solving Leadership - Choose a topic to learn more about, study it, write and share what you learn. “We teach best what we most need to learn.” -Richard Bach I want to continue growing to be the best leader that I can be so I am teaching. Amy Jo Esser 15 ¡

  18. 9/25/19 ¡ Growth and Leadership Books ´ Carol S. Dweck - Mindset : The New Psychology of Success ´ Fixed mindset can turn into a growth mindset with practice ´ John C. Maxwell (82 Books on Leadership) – Leadership Expert ´ Leadershift – Chapter 3 – “Goals to Growth – The Personal Development Shift” ´ 15 Refutable Laws of Growth Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar: How Self- Education and the Pursuit of Passion Can Lead to a Lifetime of Success – James Bach - How to Pursue Deep Learning and Growing - Self-education - Create your own curriculum - Chapter 11 – “Treasure Map – The Power of a Personal Syllabus” - Overcoming Fears - Discovered his passion and why (bigger than fear) - Rapid Software Testing Course (James Bach and Michael Bolton) – Promotes concept of continuous learning 16 ¡

  19. 9/25/19 ¡ “Leaders are always students first, just as experts are always students first. We don’t stop learning.“ Brendon Burchard Always Growing Mindset 17 ¡

  20. 9/25/19 ¡ Start your Growth Learning Map/Plan ´ Write down first steps of an area you want to grow in ´ You must grow daily 18 ¡


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