are neutron stars turbulent

Are neutron stars turbulent? Anthony van Eysden & Bennett Link - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Are neutron stars turbulent? Anthony van Eysden & Bennett Link Outline Neutron star observations Convective turbulence Rotation-powered instabilities General picture and conclusions Neutron stars Ultra-compact stellar corpses

  1. Are neutron stars turbulent? Anthony van Eysden & Bennett Link

  2. Outline ™ Neutron star observations ™ Convective turbulence ™ Rotation-powered instabilities ™ General picture and conclusions

  3. Neutron stars ™ Ultra-compact stellar corpses ™ Stable rotators ™ Radio emission Crab Nebula

  4. Neutron star interiors ™ Outer crust for densities below nuclear saturation ™ Outer core is nuclear fluid (5% protons and electrons) ? ™ Inner core unknown ™ Is this turbulent?

  5. Magnetic field structure ™ Pure dipole field is unstable (Flowers and Ruderman ‘77) Braithwaite and Spruit (2004) ™ Only known stable configuration is the twisted torus ™ Toroidal field at least equal to dipole field for stability

  6. Why is turbulence interesting? ™ Explain irregularities in radio timing data - Timing noise (e.g., Link 2012, Melatos & Link 2014) - Pulsar glitches (e.g., Melatos & Peralta 2007, Glampedakis & Andersson 2009, Andersson et al 2013) ™ Gravitational wave emission - e.g., Melatos & Peralta 2010 - stochastic background (Lasky et al 2015)

  7. Are neutron stars turbulent? ™ Convective instability?

  8. Convective turbulence ™ Both the Sun and the Earth are convectively unstable

  9. Neutron star cooling ™ Neutron stars cool via neutrino emission (modified Urca process) ! + ! → ! + $ + % & + ̅ ( ) ! + $ + % & → ! + ! + ( ) n e ™ Neutrinos free stream from interior ™ Neutron star convectively stable (e.g., Gusakov and Kantor 2013, Passamonti et al. 2016)

  10. Are neutron stars turbulent? ™ Convective instability – neutrino cooled ™ Kelvin-Helmholtz?

  11. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability ™ Two-stream interfacial instability v 1 v 2 ™ Where? e.g, crust-core interface

  12. Kelvin Helmholtz instability ™ Add transverse field v 1 B v 2 ™ No Effect!

  13. Kelvin Helmholtz instability ™ What about parallel field? v 1 B v 2 ™ Stabilized my magnetic tension for Alfven speed, v A > v 1 -v 2

  14. Are neutron stars turbulent? ™ Convective instability – neutrino cooled ™ Kelvin-Helmholtz – magnetic field stabilizes charged fluids ™ Bulk two stream instabilities?

  15. Neutron stars are cold ™ Neutrons and protons form superfluid and superconducting condensates ™ Neutron superfluid forms quantized vortex array to rotate ™ Type II superconducting protons form quantized flux tube array to support magnetic field

  16. Pinning interactions ™ Vortex and flux tube arrays pin due to magnetic forces Proton-electron fluid (MHD fluid) Mutual friction (pinning) Neutron condensate (Inviscid fluid)

  17. Spin-down equilibrium Superfluid neutrons W H t L DW Proton-electron plasma t ™ Rotational lag develops between neutrons and protons ™ Is this stable?

  18. Bulk two-stream instability ™ Perfectly pinned flux tubes and vortices v p v n ™ Growth time ~ 1/( W n - W p ) (Glampedakis and Andersson 2009)

  19. What about magnetic fields? ™ Add poloidal (dipole field), what happens? B v p v n ™ No effect!

  20. What about magnetic fields? ™ What about toroidal field? B v p v n ™ Stabilized by magnetic stresses for Alfven speed, v A > v n -v p ™ Corresponds to B=10 10 G --> stable!

  21. Imperfect pinning ™ Vortices excited by thermal fluctuations overcome pinning barriers – vortex slippage (Link 2014) ™ Additional class of instabilities arise ™ Slower growth rates (days) - timing noise? (Link 2012, Andersson et al 2013) ™ Also stabilized by the magnetic field

  22. Other two-stream instabilites? ™ Unstable sound waves (chemical coupling)? - Relative flow for instability unrealistically high (e.g., Andersson et al. 2004) ™ Entrainment (Fermi-liquid coupling)? - No instabilities in expected range of entrainment parameter (e.g., Andersson et al. 2004)

  23. Are neutron stars turbulent? ™ Convective instability – neutrino cooled ™ Kelvin-Helmholtz – magnetic field stabilizes charged fluids ™ Bulk two stream instabilities – stabilized by magnetic field ™ Shear turbulence?

  24. Shear turbulence ™ Relative rotation between crust and core (e.g., Peralta & Melatos 2006,2007) ™ Core composition unknown ™ Decoupled from birth? (magnetic field) (Melatos 2012)

  25. Are neutron stars turbulent? ™ Convective instability – neutrino cooled ™ Kelvin-Helmholtz – magnetic field stabilizes charged fluids ™ Bulk two stream instabilities – stabilized by magnetic field ™ Shear turbulence – if core magnetically decoupled ™ Free precession?

  26. Free precession ™ Angular momentum vectors of protons and neutron misaligned ™ Relative flow along the rotation axis ™ Is this stable?

  27. Stability of free precession ™ Two stream instability B v p ™ Stabilized by poloidal field for v n wobble angles < 1 degree (van Hoven and Levin 2008)

  28. Stability of free precession ™ Donnelly-Glaberson instability B v p v n ™ Growth time of days to years

  29. Are neutron stars turbulent? ™ Convective instability – neutrino cooled ™ Kelvin-Helmholtz – magnetic field stabilizes charged fluids ™ Bulk two stream instabilities – stabilized by magnetic field ™ Shear turbulence – if core magnetically decoupled ™ Free precession – DGI growth time of days ™ Anything else?

  30. What’s driving turbulence? ™ Magnetic braking is very weak

  31. Conclusions ™ Most candidate instabilities don’t appear to be relevant in neutron stars ™ What can drive global, quasi-steady turbulence in a neutron star? ™ Something we haven’t thought of?

  32. Thanks!

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