superfluidity and superconductivity in nucleonic neutron

Superfluidity and Superconductivity in nucleonic Neutron Stars - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Superfluidity and Superconductivity in nucleonic Neutron Stars matter 1. Outline of neutron star structure 2. Origin of Superfluidity and basic properties 3. Elementary excitations : phonon and vortices 3. More microscopic approach

  1. Superfluidity and Superconductivity in nucleonic Neutron Stars matter 1. Outline of neutron star structure 2. Origin of Superfluidity and basic properties 3. Elementary excitations : phonon and vortices 3. More microscopic approach 4. Superfluidity in Fermi systems : basic principes 5. Nuclear matter 6. Superconductivity . The proton component 7. Magnetic field and flux tubes 8. Microscopic theory 9. Basic open questions

  2. Schematic view

  3. A section (schematic) of a neutron star

  4. Natural vortex ring Vortex ring from the vulcan Etna

  5. Calculations in Neutron Matter ( Matsuo 2006 )

  6. The structure of a single vortex line Nygaard et al., PRL 90 (2003) Bogoliubov-De Gennes equations (BCS) Yu & Bulgac, PRL 90 (2003) Energy functional Bulgac and Yu, PRL 91 (2003) En. funct. inspired by Monte-Carlo calculations. Very low density, maybe not relevant for NS (rather for trapped atomic gas)


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